Can You Believe It's October?

Wow is all I can say. It's October...really? I have many problems with this. 1) In 24 days, I will be - ugh,sigh,groan - 25. Okay - so that's my only "problem." But how weird is it that it's almost Halloween, which is followed closely by Thanksgiving - with Christmas around the corner...and then BAM! 2009 begins. Where did 2008 go? I guess it's true what they say, time flies when you're having fun.

Last night my bro and I had a really fun dinner, and then went back to his house to hang out. We watched TV (don't even ask what) with his room mate Mike, and had an awesome bottle of Wild Horse Cab...yumm...I heart my brother. He's rad!

So excited! Eric is coming home tonight, AND Guillermo is back from his tour for 3 months in Spain and Iraq!!! It will be nice to have him back in the band, and have him meet Rosh (the other guitar player). I can't wait to see him. We'll do a double date with Nichols and him soon, which will be fun. YAY B*ST*RDS! (inside joke.)

Eric, my parents, my brother and his friends, some of my friends (i heart all of them) and I are all headed to the USC game this Saturday...Kim (the sister), her hubby Brian, and the 2 cutest munchkins of all time will be at Pebble Beach for their good friends rehearsal dinner. SO - Pray for two things, if you would: 1) NO RAIN and 2) a VICTORY against the Ducks. The tailgate, pending rain, will be super fun. We're grilling tacos, and drinking cervezas...I love USC tailgates, and of course games (that we win).

Next week will be REALLY exciting! Mon and Tues I'll be working - super exciting. Then my parents, Eric and I are flying to Nashville! We'll be there from Wednesday to Sunday (my Dad is coming back early because USC is playing...of course - we'll watch in a sports bar or something in Nashville). We have a few meetings set up, and then we'll tour the city by ourselves to see if we get a good vibe - and if we do, we'll start SERIOUSLY considering and saving for a move in January. I know that we'll love the trip..."trips" are always fun! It's will be very hard to uproot my life (same for Eric), so I just want to make sure that wherever we end up is a place we love. Wish us all (parents and families included) luck!

By the time we get back from Nashville, October will be almost 1/2 over...
I don't have anything planned for my birthday, since my fam will be in Arizona for the USC / UofA game. You can see where their priorities lie ;o) Just kidding! Haha! I hope to do something fun with Eric, and we'll do the family celebration the next weekend... :o)
Then, it's Halloween, which I am mildly excited about. Last year Eric and I went as Chandler and Monica from the F*R*I*E*N*D*S Halloween episode; The Pink Bunny and Catwoman. It was awesome. This year we're thinking Hermoine and Harry from Harry Potter...but we'll see what else we can come up with...there's plenty of time. Haha!
Throw in a couple of shows (and find out about a potential tour opportunity) - and October will fly by and be GREAT! And then...November...Wow...

Okay - - - More later...Back to work!


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