33 Weeks

Wasn't happy with any picture this week.
Almost didn't post but figured, what the heck.
7 Weeks to go...I can do this.
HOW FAR ALONG?:  33 Weeks!  (What in the world is a durian?  Seriously google it - and look at what it looks like inside.  Weird.)  Can't believe this journey could be over any moment now.  Come on baby boy - as long as you're healthy, I'm ready for you!

TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?:  Well, I had a bad food week.  ;)  Probably around 22-25 pounds.  

STRETCH MARKS?:  No stretch marks, just getting larger and jiggly.  

SLEEP?:  I don't sleep often, but when I do, it's because of the body pillow.  

BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK?:  Hanging out with my Foo on Friday night, sleeping in and buying some things for Cooper on Saturday!  Last night, Eric and I went on a little date, too.  Love sneaking those in.  I have also been proactively lining things up for when Cooper comes, so that when I get my body back, I can more easily and quickly get back into acting / a creative life.  I'm sure I'll have more to report soon - I am really very excited about ALL of the changes coming in my life - most importantly, my son.  :)  

WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?:  Beyond the emotional stuff, here's a crappy, albeit slightly humorous moment:  Late Friday / Early Saturday about 2:30 AM, I awoke from sleep to go to the bathroom - for the third time.  I sat down to pee (tmi?  sorry!) and got a charlie horse in my calf and a cramp in the same foot simultaneously.  I screamed, stood up, and realized I was still going to the bathroom, but there was nothing I could do - I had to stand to make the pain go away.  It was awful and lasted about 15 minutes.  Eric was asleep but woke up as soon as he heard me scream.  He was afraid I was hurt or in labor - poor guy.  He came and helped me, brought me milk, and was adorable as ever - but it was complete misery.  Now every time I go to the bathroom, I am terrified to sit down.  

MISS ANYTHING?:  Being fun.  Eric has been enjoying life lately - golfing, playing softball, going to a late night showing of a movie with friends, drinkin' whiskey and beer, yadah yadah...and I must admit, I am a little jealous.  I feel lame, tired, heavy and uncomfortable 25/8.  (Yes, more than 24/7.)  Friends have asked us out, and while I occasionally feel up to it, the majority of the time I am just too tired.  I feel like I should be taking advantage of going out while I can, but I literally can't rally if it's past a certain time in the evening, and I certainly can't rally if it's going to a club / bar.  

MOVEMENT?:  Cooper is kicking, moving, and trying to get comfortable in there.  The weirdest feeling is when he pokes out for a couple minutes at a time, then goes back into hiding.  Lol...can't wait to meet this weird-o.   

FOOD CRAVINGS?:  Not craving anything in particular.  Just trying to behave, and it's not TOTALLY working.  I gotta start easing my way back into eating healthy (healthier) again...not as many cheats.  ;)  

ANYTHING MAKING ME QUEASY / SICK?:  When I work out, sometimes I get a little nauseated and dizzy - but that's about it.  I can handle the smell of chinese food again, but I still don't want to eat it.  I still hate guac.  The end.  

LABOR SIGNS?:  Tight tummy, no "labor signs" necessarily.  

SYMPTOMS / MOODS?:  Other than the anxiety and stress that comes along with being pregnant, I'm hanging in there.  Could be better, could be worse.  I've been talking to a lot of really lovely friends about everything, and I seem to be dealing with "life" better.  I am still having pain in my lower back, especially on the right side, and my feet hurt a lot...I guess that's what happens when you're a million pounds.  I also have pains in my pelvis.  I imagine that's the relaxin?    

BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?:  More out than in, but not an outie by any means.  

WEDDING RINGS OFF or ON?: On...pretty snug.

LOOKING FORWARD TO...?:  Eric and I are having an "US" day on Saturday.  That means no computers, no cell phones (except to check us in places if we want, and to answer important calls), etc.  We'll work out, go see a movie, enjoy walking around, eating good meals and we got a hotel room (in Nashville) for just us.  I am so excited to spend some technology-free time with him.  He's been working SO hard, and so many hours from home, that I bet he needs this just as much as I do.

Meeting Cooper Kambestad.  (BTW - we're thinking of changing his middle name.  Stay tuned for that.)  :)

I am so thrilled and completely honored that 2 of my friends in Nashville have offered to throw me a baby shower in August.  It's so beyond thoughtful, I can't even begin to tell you how much it means to me.  Sometimes it's difficult living here, so far away from family, and being so pregnant (clearly I'm a wreck) - but having friends like these ladies makes life in Nashville so much easier - and way more fun!  THANK YOU GIRLS!!! 


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