Should Problems Be Resolved, Or Let Go?

Hi - this will be a short post today...I've just been thinking about this a lot...and have edited this tremendously.

I feel like it's easy for people (myself included) to sometimes get wrong information, make quick judgements, take things the wrong way, do stupid things that just happen in life - and so on. And that's okay. It's all part of life - you live, you make mistakes, you have triumphs, and you still go on living & hopefully learning.

There may only be a few people that know what I am talking I right? ;o)

I know there are people out there who have some issues with me, OR certain things (not dealing with me at all, just something I know about), etc...and...whatever, it's okay. :o) However - I personally have always felt that a conflict or a misunderstanding should be resolved so that even if it's not totally worked out, at least you have all the information and know everything the other person is thinking or feeling. Usually there is some kind of common ground, yes? No? But do you ever feel like there are certain things or circumstances that should just be let go?

I'd love some thoughts on this...Thanks. You can email them, or comment here.

(PS - Leaving for Nashville, aka, NashVegas apparently, on Wednesday...Expect a fun blog when I get back!!! :o))


Anonymous said…
I think the most important thing you can do... is "keep your side of the street clean." In other words, as long as you can be proud of the woman that you are (which you should be) than the problems that others might have with you - are none of your business. At least that's the way I try to look at it. xo - Jasmine

p.s. Your blog is super cutie!
Kaitlyn said…
Thanks gorgeous Jasmine. You're always so thoughtful about things like this... :o)
okorosi said…
I agree 100% with Jas. I think that there are always going to be conflicts, issues, disagreeements, (some of which may be unfounded or blown out of proportion). Especially if you are a super cute and talented artist with a super hot boyfriend, jealousy can arise. However, the best thing that any mature adult can do is handle whatever part of the situation they can diplomatically and maturely. If the other party is rude, talking trash, or behaving a bit immaturely, it doesn't help to behave in like manner b/c at the end of the day after investing a bunch of energy to go off on rants, they've accomplished nothing and are no better than where they were before (except maybe giving themselves a middle school ego boost b/c they were talking trash). And if the other party behaves in such a manner, honestly, you're better off without that person. Just my thoughts - Stephanie O

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