Gym Mishap --> ER Visit
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Thank you hubby, WMC, Dr. Eia and Nurse Nancy. Everyone...For your thoughts, prayers and well-wishes, thank you, too. Coop and I are doing great. |
After work on Tuesday night, my husband and I headed to the gym. The gym is crazy crowded before and after work, and during lunch - so pretty much any time Eric and I can go during the work week. I've been trying to get to the gym every Tuesday and Thursday after work, and then at least once on the weekends - sometimes both days. I hate "going" to the gym, but once I'm there I feel awesome. Accomplished, happy, healthy. The start of the workout on Tuesday was no different: 30 minutes on the elliptical and feeling great. I stepped off the elliptical and headed towards the stationary bike but was trying to be careful because there were so many people and machines in use. There was a guy on the butterfly arm machine, and I thought I waited until he was done with his set, but apparently I was wrong. As he kept going, the machine slammed into my stomach. While there was significant pain, there was also an instant fear that my unborn son might be injured. I fell over onto my knees from being hit and began balling from both the pain and the fear.
My friend Jonathan was at the machine next to me, and came to help. The guy who hit me stood around for a moment. People came rushing over to help the poor pregnant lady who was crying on the floor. The YMCA crew did not waste a second, and called 911 before even coming to talk to me. (Eric thinks that they have to, liability wise.) I panicked even more. Through tears, I told everyone I was fine and that I wanted to get up. Pride and embarrassment got in the way. Jonathan and the guy helped me to my feet, and then Eric came and took care of me. From that moment on, butterfly machine guy was nowhere to be found - he just went on with his workout. I was taken to the lobby, where the YMCA floor supervisor and the ambulance / paramedic crew greeted me. I tried to tell them I was fine, but they said they had to check my vitals. Eric took care of talking to the YMCA supervisor who had to file a report. I felt so silly - I hated the attention. My abdomen hurt, but Cooper was active so I wasn't overly concerned. The paramedics made me sign something saying that I declined a ride to the hospital - and Eric and I were on our way home.
We thought it would be a good idea to call our doc's office to get their I called Women's Group of Franklin just to tell them what happened, and to ask what they thought. Dr. Eia was the on-call doctor and she didn't like the sound of what happened, so she told me to head to the ER to be monitored for at least 4 hours. There was something to do with placenta, and also potential blood - I can't remember all of the medical terms. So, after Eric fed the pugs and took them out, we headed to Williamson County Hospital to be checked out.
To top of my worry and stress sundae with a cherry - so to speak - on the way to the hospital, I had a foot cramp in my right foot. I don't even want to call it a "cramp" because I feel like there should be a better word to describe the immense pain I was in. The word cramp to me means something you can walk off, and lasts about 2-5 minutes. This lasted the whole ride to the hospital. I was screaming, punching the door of the car, flexing my foot, etc...and nothing helped. Poor Eric. Finally, about 15 minutes later, it stopped. I was able to walk into the ER... barely.
I don't know what I was expecting, but I certainly wasn't expecting the night to go the way it did. I had no idea I'd be admitted into the hospital. I thought they'd run a few tests, we'd check on Cooper, and Eric and I would be on our way. Not so...I was taken up to the OB floor in a wheelchair, which I thought was a little overkill, but the nurse (and my husband) insisted. I was told to change into a gown, and then I was hooked up to monitors - measuring for potential contractions (I think) and baby Cooper's heart rate - which we could hear the whole time. I loved hearing his heart beating.
The nurse, Nancy, was awesome. She explained what was happening, gave me water, and took good care of us. The doc sent a Phlebotomist to take blood to make sure that baby was okay and to make sure I didn't need another Rogam shot. (Rogam protects baby if Baby and Mom have different blood types.) The Phlebotomist tried to take blood from my right arm...Now, I'm not one that "loves" needles and the pain they inflict, but this was FREAKING INTENSE. I asked her to remove it after about 10 seconds of ridiculous pain and no blood. Turns out, she hit a nerve. She tried successfully on my left arm, and it wasn't bad at all. Much better.
After a while, Doctor Eia (also awesome) came to visit and to review what we had been monitoring. She said I was having mild contractions and that she was going to give me a Terbutaline shot to hopefully stop them. She was also going to send the nurse in to do a test (which I won't describe) and to measure my cervix to make sure I was not in preterm labor, most likely onset by the stress. Dr. Eia had to go to a C-section, but left us in good hands. The shot hurt a lot, followed by a burning sensation, followed by a racing heart. Not pleasant, but manageable. The test was easy and over quickly, and my cervix was not very dilated at all so she wasn't concerned. At 12:30 AM, we saw Dr. Eia and she told us she was comfortable discharging me. She said she could tell our little man was an active little guy, and she was very happy with how he looked in there. She told me to take the next day off of work, and to take it easy - basically bed rest for the day...she and the nurse gave a few other instructions, and sent me back to the car in a wheelchair. Crazy night, but it seemed all was okay. Thank God.
I felt, and still feel, a little silly that alllllll of that happened. I kept apologizing to Eric - first for not noticing that man was using the machine and letting it hit me. Second, for having to go to the hospital to be monitored when I thought I would probably be okay. His responses were perfect...along the lines of, "Stop apologizing, it's better to go and make sure that you're both okay...etc." Then he capped it all off with an, "I love you" and a kiss on the hand that he was holding the whole ride to the ER...even when I was screaming in pain from the foot cramp. I am a really lucky lady to have him. He's the best and I love his love.
First, I would like to thank my husband. He was there for me, by my side the entire time. He wouldn't let me lift a finger. He wanted to take care of me, and our son. He was awesome, comforting and wonderful in my time of worry and need. He was also amazing all day yesterday - taking care of me.
Second, thanks to our buddy JJ for helping me at the gym. You're awesome.
Third, thanks to Nurse Nancy and Dr. Eia for taking care of me and our baby boy. It's such a relief knowing that he's all right - and you ladies were as sweet as sweet can be.
Lastly, thank you to our family and friends for checking in, worrying about us, and keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.
This morning we saw Dr. Redden, my doctor in the WGF practice. She was a doll. We listened to Cooper's heart beat, which was awesome, and she even brought in the portable ultrasound to let us see him. I think she could tell I was a little freaked, which she understood. Anyway, the little stinker covered his face, but man - he sure has a full head of hair. Like 1/2 an inch long already! I did end up having to get another rogam shot to be safe since the test they ran at the ER indicated I might need another dose to protect baby. The rest of the appointment went great, and we go back in two weeks for more tests, check ups and fun stuff like that! (PS - only a 1 lb gain at this visit!!!)
Now, I just have to take it easy for the rest of the pregnancy, and wait to meet this baby boy. Man, I really cannot wait. I can already tell, he's a special, amazing little man - and I am already so smitten. So is Eric.