Glucose Tolerance Test #2
Yes friends, that sadly means I "did not pass" Glucose screening #1. I found out yesterday. The nurse called, and said that I "failed." First of all, can we discuss what a horrible word that is? FAIL. She must have said it 15 times (or twice...but it was all I heard) and I felt about 2 inches tall. To me, the word FAIL means I am a failure, and I could be doing something better. To me it means I am a fat fatty who doesn't take care of herself.
Apparently, I'm wrong.
What it actually means in this case is, after drinking the drink and giving my blood an hour later, my blood sugar levels should have been between 74-140 to "pass" this screening. I was a high 163. I am really not sure why. I eat right (with the occasional cheat), I work out 2-4 times a week, I walk my dogs daily, I don't drink juice, I limit my soda intake to an occasional Coke Zero (for headaches)... I feel like I am doing all the right things, so I am really baffled as to why I had such a high number.
What I didn't know was weight doesn't really have to have a whole lot to do with it. It CAN be an issue, but it isn't my issue - says the nurse. You can even be underweight and still have a chance of getting gestational diabetes. Blew my mind. It just means that your body isn't handling / processing sugar or refined carbs very well. You also have the chance of having a larger baby (so c-sec's are normal) and baby has a better chance of being born with low blood sugar. Yikes.
Anyway, after feeling deflated, very sad, a little more than slightly embarrassed (why??) and after reading up on (googling - always a good idea...not...) what my "163" meant...I decided that I wanted to just get the 2nd screening done ASAP - so I went in this morning. Last night, I stopped drinking (even water) and eating before 10:00 PM. This morning I had terrible cotton mouth and all I wanted was water, but I couldn't - you have to fast completely. Blech.
I arrived at the doctor's office / lab at 8:30, and the Phlebotomist drew my blood for the 1st time. Then she gave me my Glucose drink options: 10 oz of either Fruit Punch (which I had the first time, so I wanted to try something else), Orange or Lemon Lime. She told me she's heard Lemon Lime is like a flat Sprite, so I took her word for it. AWFUL. Mistake. It was like Sprite mixed with pure sugary syrup, it coated my mouth and was so nasty. I had to down it to get it over with, even though I was allotted 5 minutes.
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Yuck. Fruit Punch was WAY better. |
I was excused for an hour, but couldn't leave the waiting room. I brought my computer, as I intended to work remotely, but there was no wi-fi. Awesome. So I sat there.
An hour later, I did blood draw #2. I felt okay, but a little "off" and slightly nauseous. (Which are normal can even get headaches, etc.) I met a girl in the lobby who was taking her 3 hour GTT too. She's had 2 babies, is on her 3rd, and this is the first time she's had to do this. (PS - she was teeny and so cute.) That helped passed the time a little more quickly.
I went back for blood draw #3 and felt a little out of it. The Phlebotomist asked if I was okay because my skin was really cold, to which I responded that I was dizzy and cold. She got me a wheelchair, and she and a nurse made me lay down for the rest of the appointment. Then...I passed out. They fanned me, which was really nice. I had one more blood draw to go, so I wasn't about to give up. I laid down, felt slightly better and she came and did blood draw #4 while I was resting. After she was finished, she brought me some water and I swear to you, I could have kissed her. I rested for a little longer, but not too long, and hit the road. I knew I would be all right driving at this point - the water really helped me.
I got a little lunch, and headed to the office - even though all I wanted to do was go home and crawl into bed with my puppies. Now comes the really hard part...the waiting game. For some reason I am not super optimistic about the results. I hope and pray that I am wrong, but I feel like I will have the same "failing" results as screening #1. We'll see.
I recently learned that my sister failed her 1st screening too, but passed the 3 hour test. I also learned that one of her teeny friends failed both, and had gestational diabetes. Apparently, it is quite common.
So...who here "passed" theirs? "Failed"? What were your numbers? I am so curious. And who here agrees with me that the word FAIL, in this particular context, majorly sucks?
The Girl Who Might Just Fall Asleep At Her Desk...And Who Can't Bend Her Arm Because It's Bruised From Giving Blood...Good Night!