21 Weeks

HOW FAR ALONG?:  21 Weeks.  Officially over the 1/2 way mark!  Baby Coop is the size of a banana (ew!!!) carrot and is almost 1 whole pound.  

TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?:  As of my last doctor's visit, I've gained 9 huge stinkin' pounds.  

MATERNITY CLOTHES:  Yeah - I can still pull off a few pre-preggo tops though, and my yoga pants.  

STRETCH MARKS?:  Not on the belly yet.  My behind is getting there.  :(  

SLEEP?:  While the body pillow is helping, I am back to not sleeping through the night.  Bummer.  

BEST MOMENT/S THIS WEEK?:  We found out Baby is a BABY BOY!!!  See our post about finding out Baby is Baby Boy Cooper HERE.  We sent our parents gender reveal cookies, with colored filled centers to reveal the gender of Baby K, and I think the cookies turned out excellent.  The office got the leftovers...and Eric and I may have had one or two.  ;)    

Our parents reactions were adorable - and everyone in our families and our buddies are so happy and excited about our little bundle of baby boy joy!!!  Eric and I even went out last night on an impromptu date - we bought Cooper a few onesies, and had a nice dinner out together.  Better take advantage of that while we can, right?  

Also, Eric completed his 1st 1/2 Marathon!  I am SO proud of him and his awesome accomplishment!  It was so high energy and he was so happy when he finished.  He says he really enjoyed it and he'd totally do it again, which if you know Eric, is a big deal.  I am absolutely doing it with him next year - Anyone wanna babysit Cooper? ;)  

WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?:  Waking up at 5:00 AM to take him to the starting line, and realizing that soon, 5:00 AM will be "sleeping in."  Lol - JK.  Probably...still just the budget thing.  Sometimes being a grown up sucks.  ;)

MISS ANYTHING?:  My answer hasn't changed. 

MOVEMENT?:  Yep!  Even though my placenta is in the front of my belly (tmi?), I can feel him move a ton.  Cooper is an active little guy.  Hopefully he'll calm down a bit when he arrives.  Fat chance, huh?  

FOOD CRAVINGS?:  Anything I can get my chubby fingers on.  ;)  I'm working hard on not indulging on every single little craving, and trying to get my focus of eating very healthy back!  Going on vacation really messed me up.  That and baking those crazy cookies for my family and co-workers.  ;)  Yum! 

ANYTHING MAKING ME QUEASY / SICK?:  Well I was able keep some shrimp down recently...and avocado on a sandwich...but, I'm still grossed out by guac.  And a few other things...it varies day by day.  


SYMPTOMS / MOODS?:  Happy girl.  

BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?: In.  Belly ring is officially out.  Had to remove it for the ultrasound, and just left it out.


LOOKING FORWARD TO...?:  Eric's birthday which is sneaking up on us, registering for Baby Boy, my folks and Eric's folks visiting, and my Baby Shower in JULY!!!  I think we're going to get a few days in AZ before the shower in CA!!  Fun trip ahead!  Eeeee!!! I love being so happy!!!    


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