24 Weeks

Will not be in this weeks photo.
Feeling extremely self-conscious.
Plus, I am not loving my new hair...

HOW FAR ALONG?:  24 Weeks-16 to go.  Still a month-ish before entering the 3rd Trimester.  When does the 3rd Trim start....Some places say 27 weeks, some say 28???  Time appears to be standing still, yet somehow I am growing more huge by the second.  

TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?:  I'll find out at the doctor tomorrow.  I'd guess 15 pounds total...maybe more.  Never felt more hideous in my life.  I am really not looking forward to the answer of this question.  Let's just say I know it will be more than the last visit...and it makes me sad.   

MATERNITY CLOTHES:  Yeah, and they're getting more and more snug...like maybe too snug.  I should have purchased a size up...not smart of me to assume I'd be a cute, skinny, preggo.  I should know better...I know my body.    

STRETCH MARKS?:  On the bum.  I also have lovely cellulite to welcome to the "party." 

SLEEP?:  Pretty well.

BEST MOMENT THIS PAST WEEK?:  Eric and I had an awesome week...just in general.  Nothing really out of the ordinary, but we got to spend a lot of time together - Go on dates, and hang out.  We went to Yolo's, to the movies (saw The Avengers), shopped a little (got Coop some really cute clothes), and went to CPK!  We saw some friends, Eric played in a golf tournament and in a softball game, I talked to an old friend from CA, got a new 'do (darker and about 5-6" shorter), went to the gym 4 times this week...it was just a good week.  Not to mention, the weather was lovely and fireflies are starting to come out.  

My new hair looks a little purple
because of the wall.  
Coop's wardrobe thus far.
Most were gifts, some were purchased by us.

WORST MOMENT THIS PAST WEEK?:  Weight.  Gain.  Central.  I'm so nervous for tomorrow...and for the rest of this pregnancy.  

Also, Miss Banjo is still having issues.  She's had multiple little things wrong with her lately - rash, bladder infection, red bump on anus (tmi?), a potty accident on our *new* bed late last night...and of course, her knee issues.  She is a mess, poor lil' thing.  Hopefully Cooper will be less high maintenance than Banjo. 

Our cuddle-bug fur-babies, Lele & Banjo.

Finally, I have been cleaning our house and it looks like I've done nothing.  I don't know if I am nesting, but I don't think that's what it is...yet.  I am just annoyed that our house has so much junk in it...too much stuff.  Plus pug hair and dust...are EVERYWHERE.  Okay.  That's all.      


MOVEMENT?:  He hasn't been as active this past week.  I hope my lil' nugget is okay.  

FOOD CRAVINGS?:  CPK BBQ Salad, Pop Tarts, Cheese, Sweets (gotta get this under control).

ANYTHING MAKING ME QUEASY / SICK?:  Not really.  I haven't tried guac in a while, and prob won't - but I did have a shrimp taco this weekend, and it was tasty! 

LABOR SIGNS?:  Nothing.

SYMPTOMS / MOODS (I'm combining moods & symptoms now)?:  Generally very happy.  No major mood swings this week.  ;)  I am a little overly self conscious about the weight gain, so that has probably made me a little moody, if I am being honest...  But no incidents or funny stories to share, lol.  Also, there is still a little back pain in the lower right area, but it's manageable for now.  Still contemplating a chiro visit.  Pumped to report that I did not have a migraine this past week!  Woo!

BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?:  In.  Large.  Stretched.  Yikes.

WEDDING RINGS OFF or ON?:  On and snug.

LOOKING FORWARD TO...?:  I'd say the doctor's appointment, but I am actually seriously filled with major anxiety.  Not only because of the dreaded scale, but also it's the appointment where they do  my glucose testing.  I really hope my body is processing sugar okay.  After that HCG diet, I am truthfully not sure how my body is handling ANY of this.  I AM looking forward to seeing or at least hearing Cooper at this appointment though.  My little babe.        

I also am for reals looking forward to my folks arriving Wednesday night, and staying through Tuesday (early morning).  It'll be a fun-filled week of hanging out, good meals, the Bluebird Cafe, a movie (What To Expect When You're Expecting), hiking and working out, shopping and finishing up the registry, golf, etc.  We'll be busy, and it'll be awesome.  

Sidenote:  I kind of don't want to see WTEWYE because I saw the movie posters when I was at the theater this weekend...and, I'm sorry, but those girls ARE NOT pregnant (Cameron Diaz, Brooklyn Decker and Elizabeth Banks...umm hello, gorgeous!).  They are not swollen, and fat and growing in places they never even knew they could grow.  I feel like it might make me angry.  Anyone else?  Haha.    


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