23 Weeks & Eric's Surprise Party
I love Eric's little drawings of the fruits each week. |
HOW FAR ALONG?: 23 Weeks. 17 to go! (121 Days until Due Date!)
TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?: About 10+ pounds. Probably more bc I had a ton of sweets this weekend. (See Best Moment for details.)
STRETCH MARKS?: Just a few light ones on the booty...Not on my belly yet.
SLEEP?: Sleeping okay - not thru the night, but well enough. When I wake up, I have to be sure not to sit up too quickly. If I do, I get this sharp, shooting pain in my stomach that literally hurts so badly, it takes my breath away. Also...Mom's...I always start the night on my side...but end up on my back. Should I be worried?
BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK - Eric's 29th Birthday Surprise Party!: It was Eric's 29th Birthday - and I love spoiling that man...so I threw him a Surprise Party - theme: Whiskey Tasting! Note: It is really difficult to throw a "surprise" party when you live with the person. It was, however, a success.
He started the day bright and early golfing with a guy he knows through the Nashville Amateur Tour. Then, I took him to lunch at Saffire - yum. We came home, relaxed and watched a movie of his choice, since "we had a busy night ahead - I was going to cook him dinner, then we were going to see The Avengers at night." Ha! He picked the Foo Fighters rock-umentary, "Back and Forth." It ended perfectly, timing-wise. His friends came by and took him out for a few beers while I "began cooking" - aka, set up.
I had snacks (hummus and carrots, cheese and crackers, candy, buncha crunch, cookies and creme chex mix, trail mix, chicken wings, etc...), decor, lots of adult beverages, etc...and all of our friends came on time. It was awesome. Then, Eric and the boys came back, and he said, "Aww, I kinda' knew it." Or something like that. He said that he had a feeling on the way back from the bar that something was up. BUT - he didn't know beforehand, didn't know it was a Whiskey Tasting, or who'd be there. I still count that as a success!
Guess The Whiskey...The Tasting Party Game. |
The Whiskey Tasting was awesome. We had over 15 to taste, but I limited it to 11 - some were duplicates, and some arrived too late. :) The winner of the guessing game was Josh - and the winner of the impromptu "Who Knows Eric Best" game was John. Dinner at Toyama was...cool in theory, but failed in reality. Ha! There were about 15 of us around this huge teppanyaki table...so seating was cool. The sushi took forever, and sadly, our buddies Jon and Marion didn't even get theirs by the time the entire table was done. They were troopers though. Eric really had fun, had some beer, saki, and great sushi (I had filet and chicken - chicken was NOT good!). Then we headed back home for more whiskey and hanging out...and CAKE! Oh the cake. It was AWESOME! Thank you to the FABULOUS Trish of Frilly Milly Events / Sweets for making my design look and taste so frigging good!!!
The fabulous cake by Frilly Milly Sweets. |
Happy Birthday, Eric! |
The Post-Dinner Group. |
People left between 10:30 PM - 12:30AM. It was such a fun party, and I am so grateful to all of our friends for coming and contributing to Eric's birthday. We are so lucky to be surrounded by such awesome, awesome friends.
I also have to say, my first "Almost" Mother's Day was fun, too. We laid around ALL day, and then he cooked me homemade Mac and Cheese (and a salad) for dinner. :) We also exchanged foot rubs, played with our puppies, and watched movies all day. It was perfection.
WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: Something not involving me, and certainly not anything I want to publicly mention on this blog. I'll just say, some choices people make in life really make me sad and disappointed. That said, I'm sincerely grateful for my life, my morals, and the choices that I make. I just feel for people...crazy.
MISS ANYTHING?: Let me just say that Eric's party was a Whiskey Tasting...so, sipping Diet Coke and Water wasn't like...ideal...but I still had a freaking blast, and was happy to be the DD.
MOVEMENT?: Oh I just love feeling baby Coop move. Eric has still only felt him kick once, but this little booger is getting stronger - so it won't be long before he gets to feel all that I feel.
FOOD CRAVINGS?: Pop Tarts. Organic Multi Grain Squares by Cascadian Farms. Chocolate. Umm... Everything. Even salads. I just wish I craved more of them. ;)
ANYTHING MAKING ME QUEASY / SICK?: Just shrimp and guac. I am getting a little better around them though.
LABOR SIGNS?: Not yet - but I am going to start leaving this question in for 2 reasons:
1. Braxton Hicks could kick in at any moment. 2. Eric was 2 months pre-mature.
1. Braxton Hicks could kick in at any moment. 2. Eric was 2 months pre-mature.
SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: Exhausted, but oh so happy!!! I love my little life. I do have back pain on my lower right side, and nasal congestion...but I am managing just fine. I imagine the back pain will get worse...so I am thinking about making a lil' trip to a chiropractor. We'll see.
BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?: In & large.
WEDDING RINGS OFF or ON?: On. I do have a fake one for when the time comes.
HAPPY or MOODY MOST OF THE TIME?: Happy camper. Don't even think I had a crazy-preggo chick moment this week...? Right babe?
LOOKING FORWARD TO...?: My next doc appointment on the 23rd where they'll test me for gestational diabetes and how well my body is processing sugar (Glucose test)...Really hoping that goes well. My parents get in that night, too! They'll be in NashVegas for almost a week - it'll be nice to have them here. Then in June, Eric's folks will visit... Then in July - A shower for Baby Coop in California with family and friends. I am so thrilled. :)
New Question Addition...lol...Not looking forward to: August in Nashville... Lol. It's going to be hot, humid and I will be huge. Maybe that will be the new title of my blog: Hot, Humid and Huge. ;)