26 Weeks / 14 to go!

HOW FAR ALONG?:  26 Weeks - 14 to go! 

TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?:  Psh...Whatever. 

MATERNITY CLOTHES:  Snug as ever, but I'm trying to make an effort to look as cute as possible.  Baha!

STRETCH MARKS?:  Not on my belly yet.  Still haven't purchased cream either.  Praying I continue to be lucky-well, lucky with regards to stretch marks. :) 

SLEEP?:  Waking up more often.  I can still fall asleep very easily, but exhaustion is coming back because I wake up so often during the night. 

BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK?:  This may sound silly, but Friday night when Eric and I got off of work, we picked up Moe's, went home, took care of our pugs, and got straight into bed.  I had my feet propped up, he worked a little, we ate in bed, watched Revenge and relaxed together.  We were in bed at 7:00 PM, were up until like 12:30 AM, and it was totally awesome.  
WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?:  It was weird.  I worked out on Friday, and felt like maybe I had overdone it, but was fine.  So I took it VERY easy this weekend.  Monday morning on the way to work, I had to have Eric pull over at the nearest gas station - I couldn't breathe, I was burning up (like on fire hot), I was sweating through every single pore, and I....puked.  I called the doctor's office and spoke to the triage nurse, who said that if I could keep water down, I'd be fine.  If I still threw up, I should go to an Urgent Care.  I felt dizzy and weak all day, but managed to stay at work and didn't have any other incidents.  To me, it seemed like food poisoning, but Eric pretty much eats what I eat - and he's fine.  All I know is, it was immediate, out of nowhere, and pretty violent.  I'm glad it's over. 

MISS ANYTHING?:  Hmm...Sushi, a little.  Wine, a lot.  Being thin...ner, a lot. :) 

MOVEMENT?:  Coop has been quite the active little guy lately.  You can see my belly move here and there, and he's definitely getting stronger.  

FOOD CRAVINGS?:  Frosting.  Seriously...What is that?  (Have indulged.)  Bad-For-Me-Pizza and Sunset Grill Nachos (which I haven't indulged in).  The healthy cravings are blueberries and quinoa.  Not together.  That's weird.     

ANYTHING MAKING ME QUEASY / SICK?:  Not really.  I stay away from guac, but don't know if I would get sick anymore.  Still not interested in Chinese food. 

LABOR SIGNS?:  Had a hard belly a lot this past weekend, hence the taking it easy.  Otherwise, no.  

SYMPTOMS / MOODS?:  Mostly happy.  Back has been better this week.  Moving around is getting more difficult.  Things aren't clean enough, and I can't get organized enough, and I want to fix everything in my life - like RIGHT NOW.  I'm impatient.  I think it's all part of preggo, but man - I thought I made lists before?!?  I should be a professional now. 

BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?:  Umm, it's stretching and flattening, but still in, kinda.  

WEDDING RINGS OFF or ON?:  On.  Though I fear not for much longer.

LOOKING FORWARD TO...?:  Eric's folks come tonight - their week long visit will be fun!  Shower in a month - hoping my friends and family will come.  I miss everyone so much.  And then, of course, Baby Boy's arrival.  I am SO excited.  


Jenny Whitaker said…
Hey Kaitlyn! I really look forward to your blog posts each week (I always know I can count on a pregnancy update at some point on Tuesday - so I am constantly pulling up my "Reader" to see if it's up yet)! You're looking great - I meant to comment last week and tell you that I thought your hairdo & accessory were so cute! I hope you are feeling okay and getting rest! I have a confession: I stole your question format for my blog today - I don't update nearly as often as I should about my pregnancy, so I thought the questions would be a great way to catch people up on where we are - hope that's okay! Anyway - last question - did you ever get your glucose results back? Did I miss reading that or maybe I read it and have already forgotten (lovely pregnancy side effect, isn't it? forgetting everything!?) Anyway - just wanted to check in and say hey! Hugs!
Hey girl! Thank you!!! Steal anything you want - lol!!! Your blog is so cute - and I can't wait for the gender reveal. :) I haven't heard about the glucose results yet...stay tuned. HI BACK and hope you're well!! XXOO

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