27 Weeks
Does anyone know what a Rutabaga is? |
HOW FAR ALONG?: 27 Weeks. Next week will be the beginning of the 3rd Trimester...Almost in the home stretch.
TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?: One million pounds.
STRETCH MARKS?: Still none on the belly. Thank ya.
SLEEP?: Waking up more, but have no problem falling asleep (too early). It's the staying asleep that needs work. Eric has even noticed me tossing and turning.
BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: Eric's folks visited, which was lovely. We ate out, played dominoes, watched movies, saw his folks' best friends who recently moved to Nashville, relaxed, Eric and his Dad golfed...it was fun!
Now, Eric and I are ready for some R&R, just the two of us. Really pumped about that.
Also pumped about the phone call I JUST got - I passed ALL of my glucose tests!!! WOOHOO!!!
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The Kambestad's at The Local Taco. |
Now, Eric and I are ready for some R&R, just the two of us. Really pumped about that.
Also pumped about the phone call I JUST got - I passed ALL of my glucose tests!!! WOOHOO!!!
WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: Umm, I would be lying if I said that this past week didn't come with some crap-tastic news. Not only did I "fail" my 1st glucose test and have to face the 3-4 hour one, I also got some job news which I will share later.
In addition, we finally took Banjo (our mess of a fur-child) to the vet for x-rays on her knees. (She also has a random infection on her foot. Seriously, mess...) $250 later, we learned that while Banjo's knees don't have as much arthritis as she could have, she should still have surgery. It is the vets opinion that she should do both at the same time, too. It will be hard on Eric and me for 4-6 weeks, and especially hard for the first 10 days - we'd have to hold her and not let her walk, jump, play. So, we COULD wait, but she'll be in pain, and it will only get worse - and they will be more difficult to operate on as she gets older and the arthritis gets worse. Oh boy. So when do we do this? I'm getting bigger, so the sooner the better so I can help out. However, we're leaving in 3 weeks for a trip home...so we should probably wait. Decisions, decisions.
In addition, we finally took Banjo (our mess of a fur-child) to the vet for x-rays on her knees. (She also has a random infection on her foot. Seriously, mess...) $250 later, we learned that while Banjo's knees don't have as much arthritis as she could have, she should still have surgery. It is the vets opinion that she should do both at the same time, too. It will be hard on Eric and me for 4-6 weeks, and especially hard for the first 10 days - we'd have to hold her and not let her walk, jump, play. So, we COULD wait, but she'll be in pain, and it will only get worse - and they will be more difficult to operate on as she gets older and the arthritis gets worse. Oh boy. So when do we do this? I'm getting bigger, so the sooner the better so I can help out. However, we're leaving in 3 weeks for a trip home...so we should probably wait. Decisions, decisions.
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I love that you can see her curly tail. See how her bones are crooked...? Supposed to be straight. Etc... |
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Look at this face. |
MISS ANYTHING?: Alcohol. All of it. I am not saying that I normally use alcohol to cope with bad news...but if I did, this week woulda' been a dooooozy! ;)
MOVEMENT?: Coop picks and chooses weird times to move, and doesn't move too much at one time. Only 2 places on my tummy hurt when he moves, but otherwise it feels wonderfully weird. Parts of him have started to pop out here and there, making me feel like I am growing an alien.
FOOD CRAVINGS?: SWEETS - Dear Lord, help me. Blueberries in Special K and Cascadian Farms organic multi grain squares. Coke Zero. Water, water, water. Still loving cheese. Feeling like a health kick is about to begin though...thank God. Gotta get back on track after all these visitors!
ANYTHING MAKING ME QUEASY / SICK?: Still just guac...but sometimes certain foods just don't "sound good." So weird.
LABOR SIGNS?: Kinda sorta. I think Braxton Hicks have begun. Every time I walk too much, work out or get a little too stressed, I get a ridiculously hard tummy and a little bit of cramping. I stop when this happens obviously, but I hope it doesn't mean I have to stop working out soon. I sure know I need less stress...
SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: A little stressed. I am happy and all that, but last week got the best of me - for sure. Also, I am starting to waddle a little bit, but randomly my back only hurt when I was walking in the mall with Eric's mom for too long.
BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?: In-ish. Almost flat.
LOOKING FORWARD TO...?: Honestly, a week with nothing to do. I mean - I have stuff to do. A lot actually. I will just get to do it when I want to without worrying about schedules, entertaining and such. I will obviously go to work and try to sneak in a work out or two - but being able to do things on my own time is nice. I am thinking that a lot of sleep is in my future - as I type this in bed at 7:30 PM.
I'm also excited about the trip "home." It's going to be chaos and a lot of driving for minimal time...but it'll be good.
Finally, I am looking forward to meeting our little man, Cooper. While he's due 9.13.12...if he's healthy and ready, I pray for a late August delivery.