Boy or Girl - Cast Your Final Vote
So who's on TEAM PINK and who's on TEAM BLUE?
Is Baby's heartbeat under or over 140 bpm? Last appointment, I believe it was right at that mark. So, sorry. Not much help there.
Do you crave sweet or salty? Yes please. Both.
Did / do you have morning sickness? Oh heck yes.
Are you mostly moody or happy? MOSTLY happy.
Is your skin soft or dry? Both. Weird.
Do you sleep on your right or left side? Mostly on my left - but I switch it up occasionally. And always end up on my back somehow...which I know needs to stop soon.
Do you have more headaches? HECK YES! I was always prone to headaches / migraines, but not like these, and certainly not this frequently.
Here are our families votes...

On TEAM PINK we have:
Eric, the proud Daddy to be!
G.G. is Grandma Gwynne, my Mom.
Yai Yai is my brother Ryan.
Brian is my brother in law, who cheated and also wrote their pug Potus.
Papa is Eric's Dad.
I believe Grandma Jane and Eloise think it's a girl as well.
Many friends think it's a girl, too. Chayna, co-workers, Lisa, etc.
On TEAM BLUE we have:
Me. :) I've even had dreams I am carrying a baby boy.
Savannah, my adorable 6 year old niece.
Owen, my awesome 4 year old nephew.
Pop Pop, my Dad.
Kim, my sister.
And Nana is Eric's Mom, Alberta.
I believe my Grandma Jeanne said she also thinks it's a boy, but I can't remember.
My buddy Erin is already calling Baby by the boy name we picked out, and is convinced I am right. Lol.
We didn't get a chance to see Eric's sister and her family, which was a bummer, so no votes from them - but hopefully we'll see them soon! :)
All righty...Cast your vote!! Less than a week to go!
Is Baby's heartbeat under or over 140 bpm? Last appointment, I believe it was right at that mark. So, sorry. Not much help there.
Do you crave sweet or salty? Yes please. Both.
Did / do you have morning sickness? Oh heck yes.
Are you mostly moody or happy? MOSTLY happy.
Is your skin soft or dry? Both. Weird.
Do you sleep on your right or left side? Mostly on my left - but I switch it up occasionally. And always end up on my back somehow...which I know needs to stop soon.
Do you have more headaches? HECK YES! I was always prone to headaches / migraines, but not like these, and certainly not this frequently.
Here are our families votes...
On TEAM PINK we have:
Eric, the proud Daddy to be!
G.G. is Grandma Gwynne, my Mom.
Yai Yai is my brother Ryan.
Brian is my brother in law, who cheated and also wrote their pug Potus.
Papa is Eric's Dad.
I believe Grandma Jane and Eloise think it's a girl as well.
Many friends think it's a girl, too. Chayna, co-workers, Lisa, etc.
On TEAM BLUE we have:
Me. :) I've even had dreams I am carrying a baby boy.
Savannah, my adorable 6 year old niece.
Owen, my awesome 4 year old nephew.
Pop Pop, my Dad.
Kim, my sister.
And Nana is Eric's Mom, Alberta.
I believe my Grandma Jeanne said she also thinks it's a boy, but I can't remember.
My buddy Erin is already calling Baby by the boy name we picked out, and is convinced I am right. Lol.
We didn't get a chance to see Eric's sister and her family, which was a bummer, so no votes from them - but hopefully we'll see them soon! :)
All righty...Cast your vote!! Less than a week to go!
hmm... for the heck of it, i'm thinking girl...