19 Weeks
HOW FAR ALONG?: 19 Weeks. Can't believe (well, yes I actually CAN believe) I am almost 1/2 way.
TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?: I will find out the answer to this dreaded question 1 week from today. Yikes. I'd say 10 lbs. I really have no idea though. CA just had too much good food. I blame CA. Lol.
MATERNITY CLOTHES: Indeed. I can still squeeze into some shirts and yoga pants, but that's...about...it. Definitely getting bigger.
STRETCH MARKS?: Not on my belly yet.
SLEEP?: Okay so. In CA the answer to this question was ZERO sleep. Not only did the dogs make a ridic amount of noise which kept me up, but in Paso we slept on a Full that was a wee bit hard and in Orange County we slept on a Queen that was a little softer, but still. We're used to the massive King in our room which is plush and wonderful. Now that I am home...get this...Sleeping. Thru. The. Night! What??!??! Loving that. I need a body pillow, and occasionally I have to get up to use the restroom...but overall, SO much happier!
BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: Being in CA with family. Same answer as my last post. We had a blast. When we returned to Nashy though, I'd say the best thing so far is...Having Sunday to relax before heading back to work. Eric is obviously the perfect person for me in the whole world. He's happy just hanging out, making me dinner (yes ladies...he cooks!) - or going out, and making a night of it. Lately there's been a whole lot of staying in, cooking and PJ's. He's the best. ;)
WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: Monday night. Migraine from hell. Last doctor appointment, she prescribed my Fioricet for my migraines, but I have been trying not to take anything if I don't absolutely need it. So up until then, I had been able to resist. Truthfully, taking a caffeine, tylenol, muscle relaxer kinda freaked me out. Monday. I needed it. I was balling. Nothing helped. Not moving, not laying down, not a bath, not darkness, not a sip of a soda...nothing. So I took 1 (you're allowed 2) and toughed it out. I was miserable. About 2 minutes away from going to Urgent Care. Luckily, I was able to eat dinner and fell asleep a few hours later. Again, Eric was great, and did everything he could to help me... I really hope not to have one of those again. I've been drinking SO much water and resting whenever possible - so, here's hoping!
MISS ANYTHING?: Caffeine. Wine. Beer. Sushi. Unpasteurized Cheese. Yes. Everything.
MOVEMENT?: I feel little butterflies and bubbles in there. Eric still has yet to feel anything though... That will be fun. Baby K is a dancer / drummer for sure. Ahhh, can't wait to hold this peanut.
FOOD CRAVINGS?: Anything. Everything. It's bad. Lol. When we landed in Nashy, I "needed" Quizno's...but they were all closed.
ANYTHING MAKING ME QUEASY / SICK?: Same. Still can't get near guac, shrimp, or smell chinese - which is killing Eric because he LOVES Panda Express. Haha!
GENDER?: AHHH WE FIND OUT ONE WEEK FROM TODAY!!!! I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait! I still say it's a BOY - Eric is still Team Pink. I gotta post that photo of everyone's bets....stay tuned. :)
SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: Symptom wise...my sciatica is a nightmare...already. Will probably go see a chiropractor. And the migraines. Other than that, I am great. Just get full WAY too easily, which makes me uncomfortable. But I am happy happy happy.
BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?: In. Yes, so is my belly button ring, which you can now see through my shirts. I'm sure I look lovely.
HAPPY or MOODY MOST OF THE TIME?: Happy, but I have to share 2 funny meltdowns... Lol. BIG one's.
The first one was because I was getting ready for my friends wedding, and it was the first time I've felt pretty in MONTHS! But...I had a headache, so I asked Eric to stop to get me a soda at a drive through on the way to the ceremony. It was too full, because when I held it, it squeezed out on my new dress... I flipped my lid. Lol. Eric knew that I just needed to vent and let it out, which he let me do undisturbed, but he was smiling the whole time. (Also...when we went to the wedding I squeezed a lime, purposefully away from me, but somehow it managed to get on my dress...dying the green fabric yellow. Lovely. I didn't freak out at this point. Nothing I could do but laugh.)
The second incident was in Orange County - my mom and I made a bet and I swore I was the winner - so I freaked out and started b*tching her out...for no apparent reason. My Dad, Eric and my Mom couldn't help but laugh because I was being so irrational and emotional - but I was LIVID MAD. Turns out. We were BOTH right.
Sigh. Other than that though...I've been great. ;)
LOOKING FORWARD TO...?: NEXT WEEK!!! It's all I can think about. Oh, and finishing The Hunger Games trilogy. I'm hooked. I know it's not like...advanced reading, but they sure reel you in! :)