18 Weeks - My Lil' Sweet Potato
No chalkboard photo this week, since we were in California - however, we did snap a couple of photos.

My handsome husband and me before our friends' wedding.
Our trip was lovely. Not totally relaxing, but we managed to have fun, see a lot of people, and we snuck in a little relaxation, too!
We're thinking this is Banjo and Ukulele's last trip with us. Flying with 2 pugs (on top of 2 carry on's, 2 suitcases, 1 golf bag, etc) is not super easy - even though they are adorable and are GREAT flyers...it is getting more and more difficult with so much luggage and my growing belly. But seriously. They don't make a sound on the planes. It's pretty awesome. They're such great doggies.

We made it through, and Eric's folks were at LAX to pick us up. We had so much fun in Paso Robles - Eric golfed twice, I shopped and got my nails done, we visited with his folks and a few friends, and of course went to Mr. & Mrs. Riley's gorgeous Pismo Beach wedding.

Eric and Noah practicing chipping in Eric's folks' front yard.

First Dance.

Lovely Lucinda and me.

Eric and Noah. Best buds.

The beautiful Bride and the Kambys.

The Guys with the Groom.
Then on Easter we drove to Orange County and had an awesome dual family BBQ at my sisters. That was a blast. Man I wish I had photos. I think my Sister and Mom took some - stay tuned. The week was filled with (more) golf, great food, fun family time, a relaxing, wonderful spa day (Eric, my Dad and my Mom got a Swedish Massage and I got a Mommy-To-Be Massage and a Facial), and so much more. Eric and I got to see our Grandma's (Jane and Eloise) and I spoke to my other Grandma (Jeanne) on the phone, too. I know I am forgetting a lot, but you get the gist. It was an excellent family and friend filled trip. We were in a car for a large portion of the trip - gotta love CA - and were always on the go, but I wouldn't have traded the vacation for another. Even though, Maui did sound pretty appealing when my family talked about their upcoming trip. ;)

Dominoes with Eric's family - Eric, Dad Rick, Grandma Jane, Mom Alberta, and Aunt Pat. Please excuse the iPhone quality picture.

My whole fam at The Yard House - followed by a show (maybe the worst ever, lol) with Foo, my Sis, Bro and Bro-In-Law at The Improv.

My folks at the HB pier. They're adorable.

Eric and me at the HB pier. Such a fun, gorgeous day.

My sweet parents surprised us with this cake...Yum.
I'll post the results of the Boy / Girl vote soon...our families voted before we took off. It's pretty much split right down the middle...pretty much.
HOW FAR ALONG?: 18.5 Weeks today. :)
TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?: Oh Lord - I don't know for sure because I am too afraid to step on a scale. I probably put on 10 pounds (maybe more) while visiting California, and only visited the gym 2-3 times. Oops. Hoping Baby starts craving salads and veggies! Lol.
MATERNITY CLOTHES: I can still wear a few pre-preggo shirts, but pants...wow. ;) Thanks to Alberta (Mom in Law) for the CUTE shirt, and to my Momma for the awesome shirts and maternity PJ's!!! :) And also to my sister for letting me "shop" in her closet - such a GREAT money saver, and you have CUTE stuff, sister! I'm just glad I managed to squeeze into a couple of things.
STRETCH MARKS?: Getting some on my backside...lovely. Not on the belly yet.
SLEEP?: It was difficult to go from our King bed to a Full size in Paso and a Queen in Orange County. Plus I wake up a lot. And I am having CRAZY dreams. So...yeah. Not sleeping great, but I rest a lot - so that's nice.
BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: Being with my sweet family - loving on my husband - and watching my belly grow. Also, watching 2 of my best buds get hitched after 7 years was pretty special. They've never looked happier and Eric and I are so sincerely happy for them. I mean, I can't pick just a few great moments this past week / week and a half. It was all the best part of the week. ;)
WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: Saying goodbye to my AWESOME family...It's tough living so far away. But, a job is a job - so we're in Nashville. I'm grateful for it. :)
MISS ANYTHING?: My family, lol. And wine. Going to a wedding (and the Yard House, and flying on a plane, especially when you're terrified of flying in general...) and not partaking in a beverage is tough - but I managed just fine. :)
MOVEMENT?: I have been feeling Baby move a lot here and there, but only my Mom has been lucky enough to feel it when she puts her hands on my tummy. Eric still hasn't felt Baby move - he/she stops just before Eric can feel. Soon enough, I suppose.
FOOD CRAVINGS?: In-N-Out. Del Taco. Quizno's. Cupcakes. All very healthy. Like I said, I hope Baby wants a carrot or 10 this week.
GENDER?: 25th - our families placed bets. Stay tuned for that post.
HAPPY or MOODY MOST OF THE TIME?: Happy happy happy!!! (Did have a minor meltdown or 2...what's with all these hormones? Lol...)
LOOKING FORWARD TO...?: The 25th, obviously. And I am pretty pumped to sleep in my own bed tonight. Also - our buddies Erin and Chad, and my parents visit in May, Ryan and Kaeli move here in May, Eric's folks visit in June, I go to AZ/CA in July for my shower...and...Baby makes his/her appearance in SEPTEMBER!
My handsome husband and me before our friends' wedding.
Our trip was lovely. Not totally relaxing, but we managed to have fun, see a lot of people, and we snuck in a little relaxation, too!
We're thinking this is Banjo and Ukulele's last trip with us. Flying with 2 pugs (on top of 2 carry on's, 2 suitcases, 1 golf bag, etc) is not super easy - even though they are adorable and are GREAT flyers...it is getting more and more difficult with so much luggage and my growing belly. But seriously. They don't make a sound on the planes. It's pretty awesome. They're such great doggies.
We made it through, and Eric's folks were at LAX to pick us up. We had so much fun in Paso Robles - Eric golfed twice, I shopped and got my nails done, we visited with his folks and a few friends, and of course went to Mr. & Mrs. Riley's gorgeous Pismo Beach wedding.
Eric and Noah practicing chipping in Eric's folks' front yard.
First Dance.
Lovely Lucinda and me.
Eric and Noah. Best buds.
The beautiful Bride and the Kambys.
The Guys with the Groom.
Then on Easter we drove to Orange County and had an awesome dual family BBQ at my sisters. That was a blast. Man I wish I had photos. I think my Sister and Mom took some - stay tuned. The week was filled with (more) golf, great food, fun family time, a relaxing, wonderful spa day (Eric, my Dad and my Mom got a Swedish Massage and I got a Mommy-To-Be Massage and a Facial), and so much more. Eric and I got to see our Grandma's (Jane and Eloise) and I spoke to my other Grandma (Jeanne) on the phone, too. I know I am forgetting a lot, but you get the gist. It was an excellent family and friend filled trip. We were in a car for a large portion of the trip - gotta love CA - and were always on the go, but I wouldn't have traded the vacation for another. Even though, Maui did sound pretty appealing when my family talked about their upcoming trip. ;)

Dominoes with Eric's family - Eric, Dad Rick, Grandma Jane, Mom Alberta, and Aunt Pat. Please excuse the iPhone quality picture.
My whole fam at The Yard House - followed by a show (maybe the worst ever, lol) with Foo, my Sis, Bro and Bro-In-Law at The Improv.
My folks at the HB pier. They're adorable.
Eric and me at the HB pier. Such a fun, gorgeous day.
My sweet parents surprised us with this cake...Yum.
I'll post the results of the Boy / Girl vote soon...our families voted before we took off. It's pretty much split right down the middle...pretty much.
HOW FAR ALONG?: 18.5 Weeks today. :)
TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?: Oh Lord - I don't know for sure because I am too afraid to step on a scale. I probably put on 10 pounds (maybe more) while visiting California, and only visited the gym 2-3 times. Oops. Hoping Baby starts craving salads and veggies! Lol.
MATERNITY CLOTHES: I can still wear a few pre-preggo shirts, but pants...wow. ;) Thanks to Alberta (Mom in Law) for the CUTE shirt, and to my Momma for the awesome shirts and maternity PJ's!!! :) And also to my sister for letting me "shop" in her closet - such a GREAT money saver, and you have CUTE stuff, sister! I'm just glad I managed to squeeze into a couple of things.
STRETCH MARKS?: Getting some on my backside...lovely. Not on the belly yet.
SLEEP?: It was difficult to go from our King bed to a Full size in Paso and a Queen in Orange County. Plus I wake up a lot. And I am having CRAZY dreams. So...yeah. Not sleeping great, but I rest a lot - so that's nice.
BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: Being with my sweet family - loving on my husband - and watching my belly grow. Also, watching 2 of my best buds get hitched after 7 years was pretty special. They've never looked happier and Eric and I are so sincerely happy for them. I mean, I can't pick just a few great moments this past week / week and a half. It was all the best part of the week. ;)
WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: Saying goodbye to my AWESOME family...It's tough living so far away. But, a job is a job - so we're in Nashville. I'm grateful for it. :)
MISS ANYTHING?: My family, lol. And wine. Going to a wedding (and the Yard House, and flying on a plane, especially when you're terrified of flying in general...) and not partaking in a beverage is tough - but I managed just fine. :)
MOVEMENT?: I have been feeling Baby move a lot here and there, but only my Mom has been lucky enough to feel it when she puts her hands on my tummy. Eric still hasn't felt Baby move - he/she stops just before Eric can feel. Soon enough, I suppose.
FOOD CRAVINGS?: In-N-Out. Del Taco. Quizno's. Cupcakes. All very healthy. Like I said, I hope Baby wants a carrot or 10 this week.
GENDER?: 25th - our families placed bets. Stay tuned for that post.
HAPPY or MOODY MOST OF THE TIME?: Happy happy happy!!! (Did have a minor meltdown or 2...what's with all these hormones? Lol...)
LOOKING FORWARD TO...?: The 25th, obviously. And I am pretty pumped to sleep in my own bed tonight. Also - our buddies Erin and Chad, and my parents visit in May, Ryan and Kaeli move here in May, Eric's folks visit in June, I go to AZ/CA in July for my shower...and...Baby makes his/her appearance in SEPTEMBER!