4 Months
{This was supposed to be posted weeks ago, but it wouldn't let me include pictures...weird.}
Happy New Year, Everyone! Wow..2013. I think you're going to be awesome. :)
This past month has kinda' come and gone. I have no idea how it's already 2013. I decided that I don't have any resolutions, because "resolutions" have a negative connotation and are usually accompanied by failure. I won't fail. Here are my goals for...life in general, not just the new year:
1. Run in a 1/2 Marathon with Eric. We signed up y'all. The 2013 Nashville Country Music Half Marathon on April 27. It's happening. I might run most or walk most of it, but I am going to cross that finish line. Hopefully in under 3 hours. {My last 1/2 I finished at 2 hrs and 45 minutes - Eric did 2 hrs and 49 minutes.}
2. Make our home a beautiful, love-filled home - with as many visitors as we can handle. :) I almost, almost want to hire a professional organizer to do our Master Bed / Bath / Closet, Living Room and Kitchen...how much do they charge? No, seriously... We did hire a cleaning lady to come 2 x's a month. I just wasn't getting it all done - I seriously haven't even unpacked from the move all the way yet. Cooper is too demanding so he needs our attention {bummer, right? lol}, and Eric and I already have PLENTY to do otherwise. We still have a list of items to buy as time goes on to complete the house too. 2400 sq feet is a lot!
3. Take a family vacation. We're planning to head to Maui this August with Gigi and Pop, followed by a week in Cali to see family and friends. Can't wait to take Cooper; he'll LOVE it! Eric and I want to take 1 to 2 vacations a year. Eventually, when Coop grows up a little bit, I'd love to reconnect and just take a vaca with my {bigger} man. I sure love my husband.
4. Lose the last 7 baby pounds, and finally be happy with my body / self.
5. Get new pictures and give them to my agent. :)
6. Budget and save! We set a pretty big financial goal to meet by 2015...I hope we can do it!
I'm sure there are more, but those are the one's on the forefront of my mind.
So, let's talk about the real reason you come here...Cooper Nash and what we've been up to this past month. We had a lovely Christmas with Eric's folks {on 12/19} and we all were so spoiled. Cooper got Star Wars bedding for when he's older, a Death Star painting that has lights in it, an activity chair with wheels, tons of clothing, and Star Wars stuffed toys.
He doesn't know it yet, but he's a big Star Wars fan ... so is Eric. ;) Eric and I were also spoiled - and I think we did a good job with his folks too! Banjo and Lele even got some goodies. It was a lovely evening, ending with watching Christmas Vacation. His folks took Coop on Friday so that I could pack us - and then they left early on Saturday morning...but not before a family breakfast at Cracker Barrel {their fav}!
We were on our own for over 1 whole day. ;) Haha. We got all packed, ready for the trip. Think we packed enough?
Cooper's very first flight was a HUGE success. The passengers loved the goodie bags, but the earplugs weren't needed! We even got comments like, "You had the best baby on the plane." Aw. Way to go, little toot! {And thank you Children's Tylenol!} We landed in sunny Arizona on Christmas Eve. Had lunch with the parents, went home, realxed and hung with Ryan and Tina, got ready for church, church, dinner {where Cooper had a minor freak out so mama didn't get to eat - I stood in a corner, bouncing him}, followed by a quick tour of the neighborhood Christmas lights {a tradition}, home to put the lil' mister to bed, and watch Elf with the fam.
Christmas was a blast. We went in the spa, opened WAY too many and extremely thoughtful generous gifts {inside joke}, then had a DELISH breakfast. The day was relaxing, filled with a lot of family time...my favorite!
The following day, the Tweedt family came and we had yet another Christmas. It was a lot of fun, and a loooooooooooot of chaos. Kim and Savannah were smitten with Coop, and Savannah wanted to be with him the whole time. She did bath time every night...
...and helped put him to sleep all the time. It was...ridiculously...ridiculously cute. Owen liked him too, and Brian had fun. Ryan and Tina left the 27th - but we were so excited they finally got to meet Mr. Cooper and that they made the trip from Cali {same with the Tweedt's - I can't believe we got the WHOLE family together...it was AWESOME!}.
Eric got to golf twice {am I the best wife on the planet, or what?}, we had a Cooper Meet and Greet with my Mom's Country Club friends, I got a facial, we shopped, we went on Cooper's very first hike {which was WAY longer than Gigi originally thought AND there was a rattle snake on the trail!}, and so much more.
T'was a VERY fun trip. We love going to Arizona and can't wait for the day that we will relocate there.
On the 31st, after a terrible USC loss {FIRE LANE KIFFIN!}...
...and enjoying my Dad's famous chili, we headed to the airport. :(
Again, the goodie bags were a success. :) The flight attendant really made the flight fun, and even though Cooper needed to be held and bounced for a little bit, he still did REALLY well for being a little under 4 months old. It was pouring when we landed at 10:40 PM, and we managed to get the car, grab some {unhealthy, fast} food, and were home by 12:30 AM. Happy New Year! :) I have a feeling 2013 will be awesome.
Cooper started day care on the 2nd, and yes...I cried.
I cried about 5 times {2 of which were even before we got there} and called the day care to check on him twice. {I still call at least once a day...so?} Day care really scared me at first. They didn't seem to pay much attention to him. I caught him in a poopy diaper in the 2 times that I visited in 3 days and it gave him a bit of a rash, spit up dried to his face, and he wasn't eating or sleeping very much. They've since REALLY stepped it up, and I realllllly like Cooper's new "teacher," Miss Olivia. We'll see. I may look into other options...or something. Who knows. For now, it seems to be going better, and sincerely, I love Olivia. She knows what's up. :)
We had a great, fun weekend with the mister man...even took him out to go shopping!
He didn't nap well over the weekend for a few naps, so we started the nurturing Sleep Easy Solution CIO - tweaked to fit our lifestyle and preferences. He did very well with it and actually started soothing himself and putting himself to sleep when he got confused / mad...more to come. (Update 1/21/13: He's doing AWESOME. Not perfect yet, but totally awesome and making obvious progress.)
Cooper couldn't get his 4 month shots because he, sadly, has his very first cold and an active DOUBLE ear infection.
Hmm, coincidence that he had just started day care and had only been there for 3 days? I think not. It's cool, we knew it would happen - we just didn't know it would happen THAT quickly. I guess that's why he was sleeping horribly, and wasn't eating much {too painful}. Poor guy. Friday he gave us a scare with a 102.1* fever. We gave Tylenol and put a cool washcloth on his forehead and around his neck. The fever broke, but he was still tempramental and would not sleep {even worse than usual, can you believe it?}...so he got to sleep on my chest.
I knew that going to the doc for our 4 month check up was coming at the right time. He's on Amoxicillin 2 times a day and Tylenol every 4 hours. I hope he's getting better. I stayed home with him on Tuesday and Wednesday because I had a cold too. Tuesday was tough. Wednesday, we had a {sickie} blast. Aw Coop. You're the best.
He's being rechecked today to see if the Amox is doin' anything. I hear it's weak, so it may not cut it. His right ear was SO bad - left wasn't too bad. If he seems better, they can give him his shots. If not...we'll have to go back. At the 4 month appointment, Cooper was ALL smiles {which was ADORABLE} and here are his stats: 16lbs 7oz {about 76th % I think}, 26 1/4 inches long {85th %}, and a HUGE noggin @ 46 cm {off the chart}.
Last night...get this...Cooper slept from 8:00 PM to midnight, ate 3 oz, went right back down, slept from 12:20 AMish to 3:50 AM, ate 3 oz, went right back down, and WE HAD TO WAKE HIM UP at 6:00 AM - what??? That NEVER happens!!! I am so proud of my babes!!! I hope it wasn't a fluke and that we've somehow turned a corner. (Update 1/17/13: It was a fluke, unfortunately. Things are back to baaaad! - Update 1/21/13: For 2 nights, he's been doing awesome. Eating more rice cereal, etc. I am a happy mama.) Now, here we are...approaching another doc visit and WEEKEND {yay!} - and I am praying for some good news...otherwise we'll go to a stronger antibiotic. (Update: Got his shots bc his ears were clearing up! Update 1/21/13: He seems almost ALL better! Just in time for teething..hahaha!)
Other Misc News:
- Our basement still isn't finished. Jason, our awesome contractor, is waiting for the electrical inspection - we've passed everything else. After that, it shouldn't take too long. They painted and did crown molding on our main floor and upstairs...and I gotta tell you...night and day difference. It's gorgeous. (Update 1/17/13: inspections passed. drywall up. things are movin!)
- Banjo has more issues. That dog, I swear... She had a red eye, so I looked at it and it looked like a growth of some sort. I took her to the vet who did an ultra violet test to see if it was in her cornea {it wasn't, thank God}, gave her an antibiotic, and also talked me into buying some glocosimine for her {terrible, awful, ouchie} knees. She goes for a check up tomorrow. She also peed on our bed the other night, which makes Eric and me think she has another bladder infection...she just doesn't do that. Always somethin...huh? ;) At least Lele is doin' great. (Update: She has major crystals in her urine. Maybe stones. On antibiotics. May need xray / surgery. She has also been throwing up, what looks like, poop. Yes, you read that right. Gross.)
- We love our friends. When I feel like I am failing as a Mama, the constant love and overwhelming support is beyond helpful and appreciated. :) And a BIG thanks to Ryan and Kaeli for the awesome fish tacos and company. You guys have inspired me to want to cook more! Yum! I also want to apologize to our friends...we're not the same kind of "fun" as we used to be. Having a baby is the best thing in the world, and (not but) it is completely life changing. Don't believe anyone who says it isn't.
- My beautiful friend Chayna had her gorgeous baby girl, Veda Belle, this past week, over 3 weeks early! I am happy to report that both beauties are doing great!
- Here is my most recent FB post...and I mean it:
"yeah, i'm sick. sure, i'm tired. but absolutely, my life is incredible. i love my husband, i love my son, i love my family, i love my friends. thank you God."
'Tis all. More later!
