15 Weeks & Our 2nd Anniversary - March 20th, 2012

(posted on 3/20/12 - Eric's and my 2 year wedding anniversary!!!)

In honor of Eric's and my 2nd Wedding Anniversary...Here are 3 pictures from the best day of our lives - so far. ;)

I feel so completely blessed that God picked Eric for me. If you know our story, you know we didn't end up together randomly...it was clearly God's handy work - and I am eternally grateful for the man who is my Foo, my love, my best friend, my partner...and soon-to-be the best father to our child that I could EVER ask for. How lucky am I?

Now, onto the baby stuff. :)

HOW FAR ALONG?: 15 Weeks. 25 to go! Baby is the size of a navel orange, and I feel like the size of...I don't know, what's something clever and also something really huge?
TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?: I'm guessing 3 to 4+ pounds. Feels like a lot more! Mirrors are now my enemy. Those, and pre-preggo clothes. I've even had to move them to a different closet so I don't feel sad.
MATERNITY CLOTHES: Yep! This past weekend Eric and I went shopping, and I invested in a pair of fantastic Seven for All Mankind maternity jeans. Let's hope they fit my growing ass-ets in a few months!!! I also got a few other basics...man, maternity stuff is EXPENSIVE!
SLEEP?: Still waking up 3-5 times a night, which leaves me feeling totally awesome and completey rested during the day. Hang on, I can't find the sarcasm font I wanted to use there. ;)
BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: Eric and I had an entire date day on Saturday - which was St. Patricks Day. Last year we went to a fav restaurant of ours, Local Taco, and ordered green beer and had an awesome day. This year...a little different. He so kindly offered to come with me while I drove all over town looking for clothes that I would fit into ---> we went to lunch at the Whole Foods Grill (yes, they have a restaurant counter thing in Whole Foods, and the burger is ridiculous) ---> we went home, walked our pugs and relaxed ---> we ate dinner at a yummy Indian food place ---> went to see John Carter (Eric's pick). It was an awesome day, and I love that my husband, just by being around, makes my days amazing. He really is the best.
WORST MOMENT? Woke up achy, with a sore throat Friday-today. The hard part is, you can't take anything that you would normally take to help. I would have killed for Day/NyQuil. Mmmm...or a hot toddy. Today has been the worst I've felt in a while...but it's our anniversary...I had to suck it up and come to work, so that we can enjoy a nice date night out tonight!
MOVEMENT? Not yet.
MISS ANYTHING?: Wine. Beer (was especially hard on St. Patrick's Day). Champagne...tonight. He'll sip something, and I will sip sparkling apple cider out of our wedding toasting flutes. :)

FOOD CRAVINGS?: Still carbs...Been trying to work in as much protein and as many fruits and veggies as I can. I'm...doing....okay. Lol. And Cherry Coke Zero. And Kosher Dill Pickles. Yum.
ANYTHING MAKING ME QUEASY / SICK?: Shrimp. The smell of Chinese food. Guac.
SHOWING YET? It's beginning to look a bit more obvious that I haven't "let myself go" - and that I'm actually growing a person. Lol. The little bump is coming...
GENDER PREDICTION? It seems that ALL of my friends who are preggos are having BOYS...I still feel like BOY, too. Eric is still thinking GIRL. I can't wait to find out!!!
SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: Besides getting a little bug, I feel a lot better! I heart the 2nd Trimester waaaaaaaaaaay more than the 1st.
BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?: In. I really have to figure out what to do with my belly button ring. Anyone else deal with this? My sister used fishing line...but I can't decide if I am really that attached to it.
LOOKING FORWARD TO...?: See previous posts. Love that we get to celebrate our wedding day and our love...then go to the doc next week to check on peanut...then...obviously, I can't WAIT to get "home."


Melina said…
Kaitlyn, love your creativity with your weekly pictures :) Congratulations on your anniversary and your bundle of joy you are truly blessed! As far as the belly button ring just leave it alone. I wore mine the entire way through with my 1st (take it out before sonograms) & I had gained so much weigth from the pre-eclampsia. With my second it fell out some where near month 6. I haven't put one in yet and she is almost one. The hole is still open if I decide to. If you aren't that attached to it let nature take its course. Take it out when you feel you need to...before delivery.

Best of luck,
Jenny Whitaker said…
Happy Anniversary Eric & Kaitlyn. Enjoy this one in a very special way. (Next year, you'll need a babysitter! LOL).

I have been thinking about you and your pregnancy! I know there are lots of ladies who don't want any advice - if you don't just ignore the next paragraph - if you are interested - feel free to take it or not, my feelings are not attached to them!

I remember getting to this point in my pregnancy and learning a few things that looking back I feel are some of the best pieces of advice I received:

1. Go on a date night within the first 2 weeks of your little one's arrival. It will be good for you and him or her!
2. Don't OVER-read. Pick one or two books and stick with them (do your research, of course, and ask friends). You already are one step ahead of where I was and know many books are fear-driven - skip those! I suggest a "stages" book and (although I didn't know this until a few months ago) The Baby Whisperer book - it is so helpful and had I read it prior to baby I imagine I would have been a tad more prepared to proactively handle things. The Baby Whisperer book is best because you can take some things and leave others and adapt things to WHEN you want to use them. Plus she is right in the middle of the "parenting spectrum" for example (when baby is older like mine) she isn't a "let your baby cry himself to sleep" believer but she also isn't a "do what you have to do to make baby happy at all costs including your personal sanity". She is usually right in the middle and she has done wonders for me and my parenting!

3. If you plan to breastfeed - take a breast-feeding class BEFORE baby arrives. This is supposed to be a natural thing - and it is... BUT it doesn't "come naturally" to most - so many of my friends had such trouble with breastfeeding - they ended up taking a class or getting a lactation specialist only after they struggled with baby for a while - they all said that they wish they would have learned the things BEFORE their babies arrived.

That is all for now - had just been thinking of those things that I wanted to share with you because I was so grateful that others shared them with me. You are in my prayers!
JoyHeath said…
Just found your blog on pinterest and I love it! Just a great idea to keep track of your pregnancy!
Also March 20 was my 2 year anniversary also!
Happy anniversary Joy! And thanks Jenny and Melina - love getting good tips! XXOO

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