13 Weeks - End of 1st Trimester
Chalkboard Belly Pic will come later - probably tonight.
HOW FAR ALONG?: I am 13 Weeks along...after this week, I can kiss the first trimester GOODBYE!!!
TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?: Let's not go there today. And besides, I'm not sure.
MATERNITY CLOTHES: Wore my first maternity top on Monday. I just like that they're a little looser in the tummy. Someone at work actually said, "Oh, looks like you have a little something in there now." I didn't know whether to hug her, or hit her right in the face...Lol. ;)
STRETCH MARKS?: Not yet. Dear Lord, please help me here. Thanks!
SLEEP?: Tossing and turning a lot recently - haven't gotten a solid nights sleep in a few days. New occurrence. Not stoked about it.
BEST MOMENT LAST WEEK?: Seeing our friends Jon and Marion, and celebrating her birthday. I only wish we hadn't gone to a place that has like...100 beers on tap. Also - got a phone call...the nuchal test came back NORMAL!!! WOO!
MISS ANYTHING?: Same as previous weeks. Wine, mostly. I also miss a morning cup of coffee. I know I can technically have a cup, but I prefer to save my caffeine intake for an iced tea or soda in the afternoon to help with the migraines. And sushi. Ohh, sushi.
FOOD CRAVINGS?: Stinkin' carbs. About 4 days a week I start my day with a bagel. My belly, bum and thighs don't appreciate this. I'm thinking I need to reintroduce myself to the gym so I can justify the carb intake. ;) At least I've started taking my girls (pugs) on walks every night. ;)
ANYTHING MAKING ME QUEASY / SICK?: Guac. Shrimp. Chinese Food. Yuck.
SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: The migraines have really been kicked up a notch. Not a fan of this at all. Thankfully the nausea is pretty much gone, unless I forget to eat. And yep, still as tired as ever. Growing a person is hard work people!
BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?: In. And getting larger by the day. I think I could fit a quarter in there. Ew.
LOOKING FORWARD TO...?: Our next baby appointment on March 28th, followed a week later by our trip to California. 29 days until vacation, and 190 until we get to meet our little peanut.
Also, for fun - I'm creating a little collage of things that helped me get through each trimester. Here are my 1st Trimester Must Haves! (I didn't put like bagels / etc...because that's a personal thing...helped with my morning sickness - but it may not be your thing... ;) )
1. A good pregnancy book – My husband got me Belly Laughs because it seemed like a lot of books out there were more “scary” than fun & exciting. This book was hilarious & educational. I learned a lot, while laughing…& then realized, oh crap, this is going to happen to me. I got about a million other books, but this was the best read in my opinion.
2. Whole Fruit Bars – Want something sweet without the calories? Between 70-80 calories, my favs are strawberry & black cherry!
3. The Bella Band – As your little belly grows in the 1st Trimester (& probably into the 2nd), you’ll want some help fitting into your jeans before you invest in a good pair of maternity jeans. This is ideal.
4. Peppermint Tea – Helps with digestion. ☺
5. & 6. Go hand in hand…Colace & a Prenatal Vitamin (with DHA) – Just trust me.
7. & 8. Martinelli’s Sparkling Apple Cider & San Pellegrino – Drink these out of a wine glass to feel fancy, or to “fit in” when your buddies are toasting wine / beer.
In other news...Our dear friend Lisa, who I'm sure you've read about, had her gender reveal party a few weeks ago and celebrated the surprising news that they were having another BOY!!! Much to her surprise, she recently learned at a new ultrasound, IT'S A GIRL!!! I am thrilled for Lisa and her family!
I am also happy to say that our awesome friends are coming to visit us...some in March (Ryan and Kaeli from WV), some in May (Chad and Erin, our awesome friends who got married in Baton Rouge - cutie newlyweds!)...and our families will more than likely be back this summer too. I am hoping that with all of these awesome things to look forward to, Baby will be here before we know it!
Eric has also been keeping busy lately. He recently, I guess, joined a band with some work friends. I will not post the name of the band in an effort not to offend anyone. I like the band, I don't like the name. :) He also purchased a new set of irons, Ping i20's, and has signed up for a series of tournaments in Nashville. That's right babe...get it all out now. Lol. He also signed up for Men's Spring Softball with some of our buddies from our old co-ed team. As if all that wasn't enough, he also signed up for the Nashville 1/2 Marathon - March 25th. I was going to join him, but now I'm all pregnant. On top of alllllllllll of that...he still works from home on a few side projects, beyond his 8-5 job. So, he's a busy guy. Still - he makes time for me, the pugs, and our baby. Sometimes he'll rub my belly, kiss it, and say, "Good morning baby" or sweet little things like that. Melts my heart. :) I love how excited he is.
On a personal note, if you would be so kind, please keep my family in your prayers for a while. My Grandmother is having cyber knife treatments beginning today - and it will be tiring for her. Also, my Uncle Jim is beginning radiation therapy tomorrow. I pray for steady hands, and success. I pray that God will be watching over them as they battle to get healthy.
Have a blessed week! See ya in THE SECOND TRIMESTER!!! WOOP!
HOW FAR ALONG?: I am 13 Weeks along...after this week, I can kiss the first trimester GOODBYE!!!
TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?: Let's not go there today. And besides, I'm not sure.
MATERNITY CLOTHES: Wore my first maternity top on Monday. I just like that they're a little looser in the tummy. Someone at work actually said, "Oh, looks like you have a little something in there now." I didn't know whether to hug her, or hit her right in the face...Lol. ;)
STRETCH MARKS?: Not yet. Dear Lord, please help me here. Thanks!
SLEEP?: Tossing and turning a lot recently - haven't gotten a solid nights sleep in a few days. New occurrence. Not stoked about it.
BEST MOMENT LAST WEEK?: Seeing our friends Jon and Marion, and celebrating her birthday. I only wish we hadn't gone to a place that has like...100 beers on tap. Also - got a phone call...the nuchal test came back NORMAL!!! WOO!
MISS ANYTHING?: Same as previous weeks. Wine, mostly. I also miss a morning cup of coffee. I know I can technically have a cup, but I prefer to save my caffeine intake for an iced tea or soda in the afternoon to help with the migraines. And sushi. Ohh, sushi.
FOOD CRAVINGS?: Stinkin' carbs. About 4 days a week I start my day with a bagel. My belly, bum and thighs don't appreciate this. I'm thinking I need to reintroduce myself to the gym so I can justify the carb intake. ;) At least I've started taking my girls (pugs) on walks every night. ;)
ANYTHING MAKING ME QUEASY / SICK?: Guac. Shrimp. Chinese Food. Yuck.
SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: The migraines have really been kicked up a notch. Not a fan of this at all. Thankfully the nausea is pretty much gone, unless I forget to eat. And yep, still as tired as ever. Growing a person is hard work people!
BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?: In. And getting larger by the day. I think I could fit a quarter in there. Ew.
LOOKING FORWARD TO...?: Our next baby appointment on March 28th, followed a week later by our trip to California. 29 days until vacation, and 190 until we get to meet our little peanut.
Also, for fun - I'm creating a little collage of things that helped me get through each trimester. Here are my 1st Trimester Must Haves! (I didn't put like bagels / etc...because that's a personal thing...helped with my morning sickness - but it may not be your thing... ;) )
1. A good pregnancy book – My husband got me Belly Laughs because it seemed like a lot of books out there were more “scary” than fun & exciting. This book was hilarious & educational. I learned a lot, while laughing…& then realized, oh crap, this is going to happen to me. I got about a million other books, but this was the best read in my opinion.
2. Whole Fruit Bars – Want something sweet without the calories? Between 70-80 calories, my favs are strawberry & black cherry!
3. The Bella Band – As your little belly grows in the 1st Trimester (& probably into the 2nd), you’ll want some help fitting into your jeans before you invest in a good pair of maternity jeans. This is ideal.
4. Peppermint Tea – Helps with digestion. ☺
5. & 6. Go hand in hand…Colace & a Prenatal Vitamin (with DHA) – Just trust me.
7. & 8. Martinelli’s Sparkling Apple Cider & San Pellegrino – Drink these out of a wine glass to feel fancy, or to “fit in” when your buddies are toasting wine / beer.
In other news...Our dear friend Lisa, who I'm sure you've read about, had her gender reveal party a few weeks ago and celebrated the surprising news that they were having another BOY!!! Much to her surprise, she recently learned at a new ultrasound, IT'S A GIRL!!! I am thrilled for Lisa and her family!
I am also happy to say that our awesome friends are coming to visit us...some in March (Ryan and Kaeli from WV), some in May (Chad and Erin, our awesome friends who got married in Baton Rouge - cutie newlyweds!)...and our families will more than likely be back this summer too. I am hoping that with all of these awesome things to look forward to, Baby will be here before we know it!
Eric has also been keeping busy lately. He recently, I guess, joined a band with some work friends. I will not post the name of the band in an effort not to offend anyone. I like the band, I don't like the name. :) He also purchased a new set of irons, Ping i20's, and has signed up for a series of tournaments in Nashville. That's right babe...get it all out now. Lol. He also signed up for Men's Spring Softball with some of our buddies from our old co-ed team. As if all that wasn't enough, he also signed up for the Nashville 1/2 Marathon - March 25th. I was going to join him, but now I'm all pregnant. On top of alllllllllll of that...he still works from home on a few side projects, beyond his 8-5 job. So, he's a busy guy. Still - he makes time for me, the pugs, and our baby. Sometimes he'll rub my belly, kiss it, and say, "Good morning baby" or sweet little things like that. Melts my heart. :) I love how excited he is.
On a personal note, if you would be so kind, please keep my family in your prayers for a while. My Grandmother is having cyber knife treatments beginning today - and it will be tiring for her. Also, my Uncle Jim is beginning radiation therapy tomorrow. I pray for steady hands, and success. I pray that God will be watching over them as they battle to get healthy.
Have a blessed week! See ya in THE SECOND TRIMESTER!!! WOOP!