Leap Year - 12 Weeks and 1 Day
We had our Nuchal Screening appointment this morning, and will find out the results in about 7-10 days - but so far, all looks well with Baby K!

Baby was asleep for most of the ultrasound, and the tech needed him/her to move ever-so-slightly for accurate measurements - and finally, after like an hour and 2 trips to the bathroom...Baby cooperated. It was so fun to get to see Baby twitch, and move his/her arms and legs.
After the ultrasound, we took the results to my doctor. I had to give more blood, which is never fun, and get weighed, which is (usually) never fun. Today, I am down 1 pound...which the doc says is fine...great! Still on track with my goal of only gaining 25-30 pounds. :) She reviewed my paperwork and the ultrasound, and said everything looks great. I do have a cyst again, which we'll watch - but nothing to be alarmed at for the moment. She did not seem worried. You can kind of already see the nose forming on Baby, and the measurements looked good - so just from that alone, it's about a 70% chance that Baby is okay. (Um, CELEBRATION IS IN ORDER!!!) I don't think I'd be as worried as I am if a few of my friends didn't have issues with their babies recently...but...so far, so good. We got to hear the heartbeat again - 162 bpm. It was much more clear this time around. I love this little peanut so much already.
We've had a WONDERFUL week and a half long visit with Eric's folks, Rick and Alberta. We've been to fabulous restaurants, watched some great movies, played Gin Rummy and Dominoes, and just enjoyed each other's company. I did get sick a few times and bailed out on the evening early - but luckily - everyone understood, and they got alone time with their son. :) I love having visitors - AND - we get to go to CA in...T minus...35 Days! :) Cannot wait!
Belly pic will be posted later this eve...but I wanted to get this post up! :)
HOW FAR ALONG?: 12 Weeks and 1 Day on Leap Year
TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?: 1 pound lost since last doctor visit, so I think I broke even. 0 pounds gained thus far.
MATERNITY CLOTHES: Still in my regular clothes, but definitely not wearing tight tops. Loving tunics.
STRETCH MARKS?: Not yet. Da da duunnnn.....
SLEEP?: I love sleep. Can't get enough.
BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: Seeing baby again, of course. But also, winning Gin Rummy!! Yeah, I might be *slightly* competitive. (Notice how I didn't mention Dominoes. I didn't win. Boo.)
MISS ANYTHING?: Wine. Beer. Not really much else. I imagine I'll miss hot dogs when baseball starts up again, but I am doing okay, otherwise.
MOVEMENT?: Well Baby moves a lot, but doc says I won't feel it for AT LEAST another month, probably more.
FOOD CRAVINGS?: Carbs. Hummus. WATER! And Arnold Palmers.
ANYTHING MAKING ME QUEASY / SICK?: Guac. I think that's it. ???
GENDER?: Don't know yet, and doc won't do another serious ultrasound until I am 18-20 weeks - so we will NOT know when we visit CA.
SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: Tired. Happy. Emotional. Tired. Sleepy. Exhausted. But a LITTLE more energized than usual.
BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?: In. With my ring, still!
LOOKING FORWARD TO...?: Getting the test results in 7-10 days. And going to CA - I want to leave Nashville for a little while. It'll give me a chance to miss it...maybe. ;)
That's all from here! How are YOU? :)

Baby was asleep for most of the ultrasound, and the tech needed him/her to move ever-so-slightly for accurate measurements - and finally, after like an hour and 2 trips to the bathroom...Baby cooperated. It was so fun to get to see Baby twitch, and move his/her arms and legs.
After the ultrasound, we took the results to my doctor. I had to give more blood, which is never fun, and get weighed, which is (usually) never fun. Today, I am down 1 pound...which the doc says is fine...great! Still on track with my goal of only gaining 25-30 pounds. :) She reviewed my paperwork and the ultrasound, and said everything looks great. I do have a cyst again, which we'll watch - but nothing to be alarmed at for the moment. She did not seem worried. You can kind of already see the nose forming on Baby, and the measurements looked good - so just from that alone, it's about a 70% chance that Baby is okay. (Um, CELEBRATION IS IN ORDER!!!) I don't think I'd be as worried as I am if a few of my friends didn't have issues with their babies recently...but...so far, so good. We got to hear the heartbeat again - 162 bpm. It was much more clear this time around. I love this little peanut so much already.
We've had a WONDERFUL week and a half long visit with Eric's folks, Rick and Alberta. We've been to fabulous restaurants, watched some great movies, played Gin Rummy and Dominoes, and just enjoyed each other's company. I did get sick a few times and bailed out on the evening early - but luckily - everyone understood, and they got alone time with their son. :) I love having visitors - AND - we get to go to CA in...T minus...35 Days! :) Cannot wait!
Belly pic will be posted later this eve...but I wanted to get this post up! :)
HOW FAR ALONG?: 12 Weeks and 1 Day on Leap Year
TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?: 1 pound lost since last doctor visit, so I think I broke even. 0 pounds gained thus far.
MATERNITY CLOTHES: Still in my regular clothes, but definitely not wearing tight tops. Loving tunics.
STRETCH MARKS?: Not yet. Da da duunnnn.....
SLEEP?: I love sleep. Can't get enough.
BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: Seeing baby again, of course. But also, winning Gin Rummy!! Yeah, I might be *slightly* competitive. (Notice how I didn't mention Dominoes. I didn't win. Boo.)
MISS ANYTHING?: Wine. Beer. Not really much else. I imagine I'll miss hot dogs when baseball starts up again, but I am doing okay, otherwise.
MOVEMENT?: Well Baby moves a lot, but doc says I won't feel it for AT LEAST another month, probably more.
FOOD CRAVINGS?: Carbs. Hummus. WATER! And Arnold Palmers.
ANYTHING MAKING ME QUEASY / SICK?: Guac. I think that's it. ???
GENDER?: Don't know yet, and doc won't do another serious ultrasound until I am 18-20 weeks - so we will NOT know when we visit CA.
SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: Tired. Happy. Emotional. Tired. Sleepy. Exhausted. But a LITTLE more energized than usual.
BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?: In. With my ring, still!
LOOKING FORWARD TO...?: Getting the test results in 7-10 days. And going to CA - I want to leave Nashville for a little while. It'll give me a chance to miss it...maybe. ;)
That's all from here! How are YOU? :)