Gigi's Visit Recap & 11 Weeks Picture
What a week-weekend I had! I felt like I had a TON of energy, and was so excited for my Mom's visit!
It all started on Wednesday when I picked her up. She looked fantastic and was so excited to be in Nashville. We drove to Eric's and my home, and relaxed / played with the pugs for a little while, and waited for Eric to get home from work. When he got home, we drove to "East Nasty" or East Nashville to go to our favorite place: The Silly Goose. Mom was in heaven.
Thursday Eric and I had to go into work. Mom got up with us, had coffee, relaxed with the pugs, walked them, read and relaxed all afternoon. Then at 3:00 PM we picked her up and headed to the Doctor appointment. Eric was feeling a little nervous for this appointment (which was darling). So, doc came in, met Mom, and informed us what we'd be doing that day. She also told me my blood work came back great, and that I am A -. Apparently if Eric has a positive blood type, then I have to go on something called Rogam (sp?) to protect myself and the baby. Anyway, so Eric had to give blood. Brave guy - he hates needles. :) Then we did the sonogram...Baby K moved around SO much! It was incredible. By far one of the coolest moments in my life. I posted the video in my previous post, so be sure to check it out. Baby is about the length of 3 fingers, and LOOKS good so far. Then we listened for the heartbeat on the little doppler system. It was VERY quiet, but we did hear Baby's heartbeat - 170bpm. I loved this visit. And Mom loved the doc. All went amazingly well. As if this day wasn't perfect enough, we then headed to The Bluebird Cafe and saw 4 great artists / songwriters with a friend from work, KJ. Tony Arata (writes for Garth Brooks, Trisha Yearwood, etc) even talked to me and asked me to bring him a CD. Nice man, extremely genuine and talented. Great, great day.
Friday Eric and I went to work again. Mom took the girls for a walk and relaxed in the morning, but then came and got me at work. I guess I should have mentioned the night before we found a worm coming out of Lele's bottom. I FREAKED OUT! Mom sanitized their bed, and we took a flashlight to the beds, and the couch. All was fine, but I still felt...gross. Anyway, she picked me up and we took the girls to the vet for a check up. They did an exam and apparently they didn't find anything - so all is well. They still gave us some medication for the girls just in case.

Then we dropped them off at the groomers and met Eric for lunch at The Local Taco. Yum yum. Fun lunch. Then I gave Mom directions to some shopping and went back to work...We came home at 5:30 ish, and relaxed for a bit. Then had dinner at CPK, and I about passed out I was so out of it and tired. Mom and Eric told me multiple times that we could go home, but I didn't want to spoil the fun. We went back to The Bluebird to see Tony (again) and 3 other AMAZING Legends in the songwriting world. One was even inducted to the Songwriters Hall of Fame! It was a GREAT show. I did give Tony a CD, but I made sure to note that it was OLD and my style had changed. He seemed happy either way, and was such a gracious man. By the time we got home, it was midnight. This baby mama was TIRED!
Saturday was fantastic. We woke up, got ready and enjoyed breakfast at home. Then Mom and I went out shopping for baby and maternity things! We started at Pickles and Ice Cream, a maternity store in Franklin. We had some luck there, and moved on to Bed Bath a Beyond. That place is ridiculous. Then we met up with Eric at...The Silly Goose again. Mom can't get enough of that place. (There was a wait so we enjoyed coffee and treats at Ugly Muggs first...yum.) Then Eric went and bought himself new Ping irons (after MUCH thought and trying out I THINK 7-8 different clubs). He's excited. Mom and I went to The Green Hills Mall, and shopped more. The Mimi Maternity store was a swing and a miss for us. I was getting worn out, and felt hot. I just wanted to leave. We went to BCBG next, and I found the cutest spring dress for Brett and Chayna's wedding in April with a matching belt that can go with SO much. Then we went and got our nails done, and met Eric at the movies. We saw This Means War and...ummm...while it wasn't deep and meaningful, it was cute. Enjoyable. Then we went home and relaxed. Watched TV, shopped online, talked. It was lovely.
Sunday, aka the sad day because Mom was leaving even though I tried convincing her to move in, was SO weird!!! We woke up, and it was SNOWING! So beautiful! We relaxed and they enjoyed coffee while I sipped juice and made plans for the day. We had Brunch, or as Mom called it, Blunch or Leakfast, at The Pfunky Griddle in Berry Hill which was AWESOME. Then Mom and I went to Babies R Us. I am not going to lie. I was completely overwhelmed. It's hard to look at things for Baby when you don't know A) the gender or B) what the hell you're doing!!! So we went to TJ Maxx Homegoods, had a nice chat, and went home. We relaxed with Eric and the dogs, went for a walk, and talked until we had to head to the airport. I may or may not have cried after I dropped her off. :(

It was an AMAZING weekend full of fun, laughs, talks, and...more. I love my mom!!! She made a guest appearance in my 11 Week's coming atcha' a little early this week, but I had to include her in it! (10 Weeks and 5 Days.)

How far along? 11 Weeks (tomorrow)
Total weight gain: I will not be brave enough to share this info publicly as time progresses...but for now, I've only put on a pound. Doc says I can even lose a little, but so far, so good.
Maternity clothes? Well, we shopped, but I still fit into my that's what I am goin' with.
Stretch marks? Not yet. I foresee them coming very soon. Yuck.
Sleep?: Tired all the time still, so no real problem GETTING to sleep, but I wake up A LOT. That's no fun.
Best moment this week: Seeing Baby dance in my belly, and sharing it with my Mom (who was SO happy to be there) and Eric (who couldn't believe it either!). It was a moment I won't forget any time soon.
Miss Anything?: I miss vino, of course, and unpasteurized cheese.
Movement?: Apparently baby is moving a lot, but is still too small to feel anything yet. :)
Food cravings?: Carbs, carbs, and more carbs. How great for my waistline.
Anything making you queasy or sick?: Guacamole, some meats, and...a few other things that I forget...I'm pregnant. I'm allowed. ;)
Gender?: Don't know yet. All I want to know is if baby is healthy - we're doing the nuchal screening on the 29th. I'll be a wreck until we get those results.
Labor Signs?: Nope.
Symptoms / Moods?: Sleepy, cry at almost anything (emotional - but not mean), and more sleepy. Luckily the nausea has passed (thank you dear baby Jesus...) and the tummy pains are decreasing by the day!
Belly Button in or out?: In. So is my belly ring. I should probably do something about that.
Wedding rings on or off?: On.
Happy or Moody most of the time?: Mostly - especially this past week - VERY HAPPY!
Looking forward to...: In the immediate future, Eric's folks' visit & the doc appt on the 29th. In the more distant future, finding out the sex, going home to see our friends and family and sharing the gender, and of course, meeting this little dancer / drummer.
It all started on Wednesday when I picked her up. She looked fantastic and was so excited to be in Nashville. We drove to Eric's and my home, and relaxed / played with the pugs for a little while, and waited for Eric to get home from work. When he got home, we drove to "East Nasty" or East Nashville to go to our favorite place: The Silly Goose. Mom was in heaven.
Thursday Eric and I had to go into work. Mom got up with us, had coffee, relaxed with the pugs, walked them, read and relaxed all afternoon. Then at 3:00 PM we picked her up and headed to the Doctor appointment. Eric was feeling a little nervous for this appointment (which was darling). So, doc came in, met Mom, and informed us what we'd be doing that day. She also told me my blood work came back great, and that I am A -. Apparently if Eric has a positive blood type, then I have to go on something called Rogam (sp?) to protect myself and the baby. Anyway, so Eric had to give blood. Brave guy - he hates needles. :) Then we did the sonogram...Baby K moved around SO much! It was incredible. By far one of the coolest moments in my life. I posted the video in my previous post, so be sure to check it out. Baby is about the length of 3 fingers, and LOOKS good so far. Then we listened for the heartbeat on the little doppler system. It was VERY quiet, but we did hear Baby's heartbeat - 170bpm. I loved this visit. And Mom loved the doc. All went amazingly well. As if this day wasn't perfect enough, we then headed to The Bluebird Cafe and saw 4 great artists / songwriters with a friend from work, KJ. Tony Arata (writes for Garth Brooks, Trisha Yearwood, etc) even talked to me and asked me to bring him a CD. Nice man, extremely genuine and talented. Great, great day.
Friday Eric and I went to work again. Mom took the girls for a walk and relaxed in the morning, but then came and got me at work. I guess I should have mentioned the night before we found a worm coming out of Lele's bottom. I FREAKED OUT! Mom sanitized their bed, and we took a flashlight to the beds, and the couch. All was fine, but I still felt...gross. Anyway, she picked me up and we took the girls to the vet for a check up. They did an exam and apparently they didn't find anything - so all is well. They still gave us some medication for the girls just in case.
Then we dropped them off at the groomers and met Eric for lunch at The Local Taco. Yum yum. Fun lunch. Then I gave Mom directions to some shopping and went back to work...We came home at 5:30 ish, and relaxed for a bit. Then had dinner at CPK, and I about passed out I was so out of it and tired. Mom and Eric told me multiple times that we could go home, but I didn't want to spoil the fun. We went back to The Bluebird to see Tony (again) and 3 other AMAZING Legends in the songwriting world. One was even inducted to the Songwriters Hall of Fame! It was a GREAT show. I did give Tony a CD, but I made sure to note that it was OLD and my style had changed. He seemed happy either way, and was such a gracious man. By the time we got home, it was midnight. This baby mama was TIRED!
Saturday was fantastic. We woke up, got ready and enjoyed breakfast at home. Then Mom and I went out shopping for baby and maternity things! We started at Pickles and Ice Cream, a maternity store in Franklin. We had some luck there, and moved on to Bed Bath a Beyond. That place is ridiculous. Then we met up with Eric at...The Silly Goose again. Mom can't get enough of that place. (There was a wait so we enjoyed coffee and treats at Ugly Muggs first...yum.) Then Eric went and bought himself new Ping irons (after MUCH thought and trying out I THINK 7-8 different clubs). He's excited. Mom and I went to The Green Hills Mall, and shopped more. The Mimi Maternity store was a swing and a miss for us. I was getting worn out, and felt hot. I just wanted to leave. We went to BCBG next, and I found the cutest spring dress for Brett and Chayna's wedding in April with a matching belt that can go with SO much. Then we went and got our nails done, and met Eric at the movies. We saw This Means War and...ummm...while it wasn't deep and meaningful, it was cute. Enjoyable. Then we went home and relaxed. Watched TV, shopped online, talked. It was lovely.
Sunday, aka the sad day because Mom was leaving even though I tried convincing her to move in, was SO weird!!! We woke up, and it was SNOWING! So beautiful! We relaxed and they enjoyed coffee while I sipped juice and made plans for the day. We had Brunch, or as Mom called it, Blunch or Leakfast, at The Pfunky Griddle in Berry Hill which was AWESOME. Then Mom and I went to Babies R Us. I am not going to lie. I was completely overwhelmed. It's hard to look at things for Baby when you don't know A) the gender or B) what the hell you're doing!!! So we went to TJ Maxx Homegoods, had a nice chat, and went home. We relaxed with Eric and the dogs, went for a walk, and talked until we had to head to the airport. I may or may not have cried after I dropped her off. :(
It was an AMAZING weekend full of fun, laughs, talks, and...more. I love my mom!!! She made a guest appearance in my 11 Week's coming atcha' a little early this week, but I had to include her in it! (10 Weeks and 5 Days.)
How far along? 11 Weeks (tomorrow)
Total weight gain: I will not be brave enough to share this info publicly as time progresses...but for now, I've only put on a pound. Doc says I can even lose a little, but so far, so good.
Maternity clothes? Well, we shopped, but I still fit into my that's what I am goin' with.
Stretch marks? Not yet. I foresee them coming very soon. Yuck.
Sleep?: Tired all the time still, so no real problem GETTING to sleep, but I wake up A LOT. That's no fun.
Best moment this week: Seeing Baby dance in my belly, and sharing it with my Mom (who was SO happy to be there) and Eric (who couldn't believe it either!). It was a moment I won't forget any time soon.
Miss Anything?: I miss vino, of course, and unpasteurized cheese.
Movement?: Apparently baby is moving a lot, but is still too small to feel anything yet. :)
Food cravings?: Carbs, carbs, and more carbs. How great for my waistline.
Anything making you queasy or sick?: Guacamole, some meats, and...a few other things that I forget...I'm pregnant. I'm allowed. ;)
Gender?: Don't know yet. All I want to know is if baby is healthy - we're doing the nuchal screening on the 29th. I'll be a wreck until we get those results.
Labor Signs?: Nope.
Symptoms / Moods?: Sleepy, cry at almost anything (emotional - but not mean), and more sleepy. Luckily the nausea has passed (thank you dear baby Jesus...) and the tummy pains are decreasing by the day!
Belly Button in or out?: In. So is my belly ring. I should probably do something about that.
Wedding rings on or off?: On.
Happy or Moody most of the time?: Mostly - especially this past week - VERY HAPPY!
Looking forward to...: In the immediate future, Eric's folks' visit & the doc appt on the 29th. In the more distant future, finding out the sex, going home to see our friends and family and sharing the gender, and of course, meeting this little dancer / drummer.