January 1st, 2012
(Writing this in real time, so follow the dates inside the blog.)
JANUARY 7TH, 2012:
January 1st was a very special night.
Eric and I got home from the airport (after a weird ride in a shady taxi), dropped off the girls and went to dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse. (It was basically the only thing open...Nashville is shut down on Sunday nights.) I was feeling tired, so we went home. We went upstairs and watched a movie in bed, but I wandered downstairs to get a glass of water, and to get Eric a beer. I figured I might as well take a pregnancy test since I wanted a beer too, but obviously wouldn't drink if it was positive. I was thinking..."I just feel tired and lil' under the weather - all my family had a cold while we visited - No way am I preggos. This is a waste of a test. Oh well." 3 minutes later...

Umm...WHAT? I ran upstairs, and told Eric to pause the movie. I couldn't keep it in. I said, "Umm, looks like you're going to be a Daddy!" He was clearly in shock, because all he could say was, "What? Really?" Then when I showed him the test, he stood up, smiled huge, and kissed me. Obviously I took a second test that night, just to be sure. We went to Barnes and Noble that night and looked at some books...then ordered about a million of them on Amazon. :)
I took a 3rd test the next day, because I thought I dreamed it.

Nope. Still preggos. About 3 1/2 weeks according to the calculators online - which is EXTREMELY new pregnancy for those who don't know.
I am about 4 1/2 weeks now, and feel fine - just extremely tired. No other symptoms yet, which is normal. It's too early. I was still feeling like, no way can I be pregnant - so I went to the Urgent Care, and they tested me. Yup. Still with child.
Anyway - We aren't telling many people yet because it's so early, and so many things could still go wrong - but we are praying that all is well. We did however tell our parents, and siblings. We sent these to our parents, and had them open them on iChat and Face Time.

Get it? Cinnamon Bun candles = Bun in the Oven?!?! :)
Their reactions were priceless - I wish they could have been recorded. Gigi (my mom) was surprised and so happy, and Pop Pop (my dad) claimed he already knew...which is weird because...I sure didn't. Nana (Eric's mom) didn't get it at first...she saw the card addressed to Nana and Papa and thought it was from Banjo and Ukulele. ;) But when she "got it," she was SO surprised and happy! Papa (Eric's dad) was happy too! :) It was a great night!
Anyway, Baby Kambestad is about the size of a poppy seed, and growing to about the size of an apple seed this and next week. We have our first Midwife appointment on the 11th, which is this coming Wednesday, and are praying for some great news. I am writing down all the questions I have, and can't wait to learn more about our little poppy seed.
And if you're a betting type, Eric is willing to bet anyone that our little nugget is a girl. I'm not so sure, but Eric is "100%." Any takers? I don't care if it's a boy or a girl...I just want a healthy one. Say a prayer for us!
Mama KK
JANUARY 18, 2012
So it's official. We told people today!!! I feel safe (well, safer) becauuuussseee....we went to the OBGYN (who I am in love with so far!) and saw Baby K's heartbeart!!! I am 6 weeks, 1 day preggos - so still very early - but I just had to let the cat out of the bag! I figure that I want people's support whether things continue to go well, or if something happens...so either way, it's all good.
We met with a midwife last week, and while I loved the person, I wasn't super comfortable with the practice. Today, we met with Dr. Redden at Franklin Women's Center / Williamson Medical Center, and she is AWESOME. :) I am going back February 16 and will get to HEAR the heartbeat! My Mom might even fly in, which is amazing. So exciting. Seems more "real" now.
Baby's first picture:

Baby has a good heartbeat right now, and is about 2.4mm in size (teeny tiny). I have nausea (not too bad yet), and I am extremely tired. Other than that - not too much to report yet! I have already gained a pound...and need to get over that...fast. Doc says I am supposed to gain 25-30 pounds. If I am at 25, I get "a gold star." Lol...I really want a gold star. :) We bought a chalkboard so I am going to post belly pictures with some fun information on it...so stay tuned and check back often!!!
That's all for now...I need to go to sleep! GOOOOOD NIGHT!!!
JANUARY 7TH, 2012:
January 1st was a very special night.
Eric and I got home from the airport (after a weird ride in a shady taxi), dropped off the girls and went to dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse. (It was basically the only thing open...Nashville is shut down on Sunday nights.) I was feeling tired, so we went home. We went upstairs and watched a movie in bed, but I wandered downstairs to get a glass of water, and to get Eric a beer. I figured I might as well take a pregnancy test since I wanted a beer too, but obviously wouldn't drink if it was positive. I was thinking..."I just feel tired and lil' under the weather - all my family had a cold while we visited - No way am I preggos. This is a waste of a test. Oh well." 3 minutes later...
Umm...WHAT? I ran upstairs, and told Eric to pause the movie. I couldn't keep it in. I said, "Umm, looks like you're going to be a Daddy!" He was clearly in shock, because all he could say was, "What? Really?" Then when I showed him the test, he stood up, smiled huge, and kissed me. Obviously I took a second test that night, just to be sure. We went to Barnes and Noble that night and looked at some books...then ordered about a million of them on Amazon. :)
I took a 3rd test the next day, because I thought I dreamed it.
Nope. Still preggos. About 3 1/2 weeks according to the calculators online - which is EXTREMELY new pregnancy for those who don't know.
I am about 4 1/2 weeks now, and feel fine - just extremely tired. No other symptoms yet, which is normal. It's too early. I was still feeling like, no way can I be pregnant - so I went to the Urgent Care, and they tested me. Yup. Still with child.
Anyway - We aren't telling many people yet because it's so early, and so many things could still go wrong - but we are praying that all is well. We did however tell our parents, and siblings. We sent these to our parents, and had them open them on iChat and Face Time.
Get it? Cinnamon Bun candles = Bun in the Oven?!?! :)
Their reactions were priceless - I wish they could have been recorded. Gigi (my mom) was surprised and so happy, and Pop Pop (my dad) claimed he already knew...which is weird because...I sure didn't. Nana (Eric's mom) didn't get it at first...she saw the card addressed to Nana and Papa and thought it was from Banjo and Ukulele. ;) But when she "got it," she was SO surprised and happy! Papa (Eric's dad) was happy too! :) It was a great night!
Anyway, Baby Kambestad is about the size of a poppy seed, and growing to about the size of an apple seed this and next week. We have our first Midwife appointment on the 11th, which is this coming Wednesday, and are praying for some great news. I am writing down all the questions I have, and can't wait to learn more about our little poppy seed.
And if you're a betting type, Eric is willing to bet anyone that our little nugget is a girl. I'm not so sure, but Eric is "100%." Any takers? I don't care if it's a boy or a girl...I just want a healthy one. Say a prayer for us!
Mama KK
JANUARY 18, 2012
So it's official. We told people today!!! I feel safe (well, safer) becauuuussseee....we went to the OBGYN (who I am in love with so far!) and saw Baby K's heartbeart!!! I am 6 weeks, 1 day preggos - so still very early - but I just had to let the cat out of the bag! I figure that I want people's support whether things continue to go well, or if something happens...so either way, it's all good.
We met with a midwife last week, and while I loved the person, I wasn't super comfortable with the practice. Today, we met with Dr. Redden at Franklin Women's Center / Williamson Medical Center, and she is AWESOME. :) I am going back February 16 and will get to HEAR the heartbeat! My Mom might even fly in, which is amazing. So exciting. Seems more "real" now.
Baby's first picture:

Baby has a good heartbeat right now, and is about 2.4mm in size (teeny tiny). I have nausea (not too bad yet), and I am extremely tired. Other than that - not too much to report yet! I have already gained a pound...and need to get over that...fast. Doc says I am supposed to gain 25-30 pounds. If I am at 25, I get "a gold star." Lol...I really want a gold star. :) We bought a chalkboard so I am going to post belly pictures with some fun information on it...so stay tuned and check back often!!!
That's all for now...I need to go to sleep! GOOOOOD NIGHT!!!