First Trimester Woes
Tomorrow I will be in my 8th week. That's all. 8 stinkin' weeks. Okay, I know I should be more grateful and positive for all the miracles that are happening, but oh. my. word!!! Who knew this was going to be SO hard??? I read all the books, talked to friends, call my mom and sister...and still. I was (and still am) blindsighted by how difficult this pregnancy is thus far.
Luckily (I guess???) I AM able to keep food down. That is about the only positive I got for you today. I feel awful 24/7. I can't puke, which sounds like it'd be a good thing, but trust me, it isn't. I feel it coming up, then it goes back down, then it comes back up, and sits. All. Day. My stomach is constantly upset. I couldn't be more tired. Seriously. This is how Jenny McCarthy nailed it in her book, "Belly Laughs"... "Imagine staying up all night, then running a marathon, then doing three hundred loads of laundry and raking leaves off of a football field all in one day. How tired would you be? That's how tired I felt EVERY DAY in my first trimester." Yup. Pretty much sums it up. I mean seriously...when can a mama get some relief?
Some people have said relief can come as early as 13 weeks - when the 2nd Trimester begins. (This is my hope! That means 4-5 more weeks of misery!) Others have said it'll be about 16 weeks. (Oh Lord, if this is the case, please help me make it through.) The really unlucky ones had MS all throughout their pregnancy. (Seriously?? Oh no. I didn't even know that was a possibility.)
I feel really badly for Eric. Super fun wife has kinda' turned into super lame and whiny wife. Let me say so far, he's been an absolute rockstar. He cooks for me, gives me back and foot rubs, and for the most part doesn't make me feel badly when I am lame and don't want to move off of the bed / couch. Rockstar. I want to be fun again...but I just don't have the energy. Babe, if you're reading this...I love you, and I swear fun wife will be with you momentarily. 5 weeks...or so.
A great friend of mine (who is an awesome blogger, btw), sent me the sweetest private message on Facebook the other day. She saw all the posts I've been making about how I - well, can't function - and wanted to reach out. She had a rough pregnancy as well (from the sounds of things, worse than mine), and she didn't try to give me tips, or to go to the gym, or to eat right...she told me what she went through and that I am not alone. She said I am doing a great job, and to remember that it is so worth it. This is one of my favorite, funny things she said - "Everyone told me you forget the pain. For that reason, I wrote a journal. I didn't want to ever forget how miserable it was. Ha. Looking back though, I'd do it all again." Oh and also, "Zofran. It's the new yoga." Lol. (Zofran is a medicine that helps ease morning sickness.) She has the most gorgeous family, and her baby girl is a doll. I seriously needed to read her sweet message and will continue to read it when I feel like crying, or hiding in bed all day.
Speaking of bed....ERIC BOUGHT US A NEW MATTRESS!!! (Seriously, rockstar.) It's kinda our gift to each other for Valentine's Day and our Anniversary. It seriously rocks, and it's being delivered tonight. If you thought I couldn't get outta' bed before...just wait! Oh my goodness I am so excited. :)
Not so pleasant little sidenote, that is meant to be funny, not mean: Please stop telling me to do yoga. Or to work out. Or to take long walks. I am listening to my body, and right now, I am fighting to stay healthy, awake and alive. So please. I know that exercise is good for me. You're talking to a girl who just lost 30 freaking pounds. I worked out 3-4 times a week and loved every moment of it! If I could muster the strength to go be active, I would. When my strength returns, I will go to the gym. Promise. Now please. Shhh. Please and thank you. :)
Luckily (I guess???) I AM able to keep food down. That is about the only positive I got for you today. I feel awful 24/7. I can't puke, which sounds like it'd be a good thing, but trust me, it isn't. I feel it coming up, then it goes back down, then it comes back up, and sits. All. Day. My stomach is constantly upset. I couldn't be more tired. Seriously. This is how Jenny McCarthy nailed it in her book, "Belly Laughs"... "Imagine staying up all night, then running a marathon, then doing three hundred loads of laundry and raking leaves off of a football field all in one day. How tired would you be? That's how tired I felt EVERY DAY in my first trimester." Yup. Pretty much sums it up. I mean seriously...when can a mama get some relief?
Some people have said relief can come as early as 13 weeks - when the 2nd Trimester begins. (This is my hope! That means 4-5 more weeks of misery!) Others have said it'll be about 16 weeks. (Oh Lord, if this is the case, please help me make it through.) The really unlucky ones had MS all throughout their pregnancy. (Seriously?? Oh no. I didn't even know that was a possibility.)
I feel really badly for Eric. Super fun wife has kinda' turned into super lame and whiny wife. Let me say so far, he's been an absolute rockstar. He cooks for me, gives me back and foot rubs, and for the most part doesn't make me feel badly when I am lame and don't want to move off of the bed / couch. Rockstar. I want to be fun again...but I just don't have the energy. Babe, if you're reading this...I love you, and I swear fun wife will be with you momentarily. 5 weeks...or so.
A great friend of mine (who is an awesome blogger, btw), sent me the sweetest private message on Facebook the other day. She saw all the posts I've been making about how I - well, can't function - and wanted to reach out. She had a rough pregnancy as well (from the sounds of things, worse than mine), and she didn't try to give me tips, or to go to the gym, or to eat right...she told me what she went through and that I am not alone. She said I am doing a great job, and to remember that it is so worth it. This is one of my favorite, funny things she said - "Everyone told me you forget the pain. For that reason, I wrote a journal. I didn't want to ever forget how miserable it was. Ha. Looking back though, I'd do it all again." Oh and also, "Zofran. It's the new yoga." Lol. (Zofran is a medicine that helps ease morning sickness.) She has the most gorgeous family, and her baby girl is a doll. I seriously needed to read her sweet message and will continue to read it when I feel like crying, or hiding in bed all day.
Speaking of bed....ERIC BOUGHT US A NEW MATTRESS!!! (Seriously, rockstar.) It's kinda our gift to each other for Valentine's Day and our Anniversary. It seriously rocks, and it's being delivered tonight. If you thought I couldn't get outta' bed before...just wait! Oh my goodness I am so excited. :)
Not so pleasant little sidenote, that is meant to be funny, not mean: Please stop telling me to do yoga. Or to work out. Or to take long walks. I am listening to my body, and right now, I am fighting to stay healthy, awake and alive. So please. I know that exercise is good for me. You're talking to a girl who just lost 30 freaking pounds. I worked out 3-4 times a week and loved every moment of it! If I could muster the strength to go be active, I would. When my strength returns, I will go to the gym. Promise. Now please. Shhh. Please and thank you. :)