35 Weeks + Pineapple
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I missed 34... because, well, we were busy moving. Here's to week 35! |
HOW FAR ALONG?: 34 and then 35+ Weeks. Baby girl... hang in there a bit longer. (She seems anxious to join the party.)
SLEEP?: What is that, even? Ugh.
BEST MOMENT THIS/LAST WEEK?: Well friends, I am extremely pleased and relieved to inform y'all that we moved in to our new home. Family was here (Gigi, Pop, Nana, Papa, Kim + her kiddos). We had an amazing celebration (with a 90% put together home which frankly, is a miracle) with friends and family. I mean... I could go on and on. It's been exhausting, but so so wonderful.
Other Highlights:
- Father's Day with my wonderful Dad and of course, Eric... the best Dadoo ever.
- Our amazing realtor and friend, Kyle, surprised me with a relaxing manicure to help me de-stress when we got the news the closing was postponed.
- Zoo fun and such with my family.
Father's Day love - Rock on, 2017! |
All packed up, and ready to go! |
Homeowners, and ready for baby girl! |
Baby Sprinkle for Lyla, and Happy Housewarming to us! |
The spread. Thanks to Nashville Sweets for the Cake Pops + Cookies! |
Kimi, Alberta, Gigi and Kaeli. Love every woman in this picture. |
Resting for 2 minutes before the guests arrive. |
Tiffany, Pop with Summer and John, enjoying the backyard. |
Family love. (CODE BLUE! haha - inside joke!) |
Lady love. |
Well... one of us is skinny and not swollen. ;) Love you to the moon, Kaeli. |
About to enjoy an epic sunset. |
Puggies enjoying their new space. |
Family fun at the Nashville Zoo. |
Petting a sleepy kangaroo. |
Family lunch before the Tweedt's took off to head home for California. |
WORST MOMENT?: We didn't get to close on Friday, the 16th... instead it was the 19th due to an error by the lender (don't get me started, y'all)... so it took a bit of work to get re-organized. Also, moving in general stinks, but -- we got there -- with incredible help and love and support and everything from family. Seriously, if I had more money, I would buy everyone massages and something else creative to show our appreciation.
Also, I've been having contractions... not just braxton hicks. Not consistent enough to worry about, but they do hurt. My chiropractor and the nurse I called to check in with said I need to take it easier, drink water, and lay on my left side. Lyla seems excited to get here, and I seemed to have overdone it a bit. But when it's safe for her to join us, I am in favor.
Also, I've been having contractions... not just braxton hicks. Not consistent enough to worry about, but they do hurt. My chiropractor and the nurse I called to check in with said I need to take it easier, drink water, and lay on my left side. Lyla seems excited to get here, and I seemed to have overdone it a bit. But when it's safe for her to join us, I am in favor.
Oh and today, I got my first.. "You havin' twins?" comment. Made me laugh *and* cry a little.
MOVEMENT?: She moves plenty, and pushes outwards frequently. Ouch!
MISS ANYTHING?: Mostly, yes - even more than wine and sushi - I miss sleep.
FOOD CRAVINGS?: Sweets. Dang it!
ANYTHING MAKING ME QUEASY / SICK?: Again, sometimes things just sound bad. No way of telling what or when.
SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: Contractions, exhaustion, swelling, emotional, happy, overwhelmed... so so ready.
LABOR SIGNS?: Yes. I am having contractions... real ones.... and they get worse at night.
I saw Dr. Montville last week with Mom, and she said baby is head down and getting ready. Next appointment, I will get an ultrasound to check fluid levels and baby's measurements - which should indicate how early, if early, she will make her appearance. She'll also check my (tmi?) cervix and see if I am dilating at all. So, we'll see how soon little lady will join us very soon. Plus - yay - I get to see her again.
BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?: Super flat. Stretching. Kinda' sore.
WEDDING RINGS OFF or ON?: Still on, but I may remove them. They're getting to the point of painful when I remove them.
LOOKING FORWARD TO...?: Same as last week, and the week before!
- 4th of July with friends
- Continuing unpacking and getting organized - my to do list grows, even though I continually cross things off
- Arrival of baby Lyla (and the parents, again)
- Life as a family of 4
- and so much more!