21 Weeks + 7 Year Anniversary

Over 1/2 Way!
HOW FAR ALONG?: 21 Weeks Today, Eric's and my 7th wedding anniversary. 

MATERNITY CLOTHES: Almost exclusively, with the exception of yoga pants + Eric's t-shirts.

STRETCH MARKS?: Not yet, I don't think.  

SLEEP?: What is sleep? Coop has been sick, I got a little something, and I have to use the bathroom approximately 4,000,000 times a minute. 

BEST MOMENT THIS/LAST WEEK?: We visited the house and saw some more progress. Our frame review is next Tuesday, so we should get an approximate move-in date shortly after that - which is exciting. Also, today is 7 years with my handsome Foo.

My boys and our home! 
Coop by the Harpeth River, right in our backyard. 

7 years ago I did. Today I still do. Tomorrow and forever I always will.

Thank you for asking me to be your wife, Eric. It is truly the greatest gift... plus, we made an extremely cute (perfect) kid, and have another blessing to look forward to.

7 years babe, and I'm not itchy at all. I love you. Thank you for being even more than the man I always dreamed about. You're my lobster, my foo, my best friend in the world... and I love you.

WORST MOMENT?: Just back pain. Nothing "bad," really. Also, sickness... but what are ya gonna do? 

Eric and I had a fun anniversary day date planned on Saturday, but it was postponed since Mr. Coop was under the weather. No biggie. There's plenty of time, and I know we'll reschedule. 

MOVEMENT?: A little, but I wish I felt more. I just want to make sure this nugget is okay, happy and healthy in there. 

MISS ANYTHING?: Wine. Sushi. Walking up the stairs without being winded. Feeling cute. Using the restroom an appropriate amount of times during the day. Ya know. Normal stuff. 

FOOD CRAVINGS?: No cravings, per sé... I just know what I don't want when Eric lists things off. 

ANYTHING MAKING ME QUEASY / SICK?: It depends on the day / minute, really. Also spring mix salad. I can handle spinach and arugula - but not spring mix. Tastes like dirt. WTH? 

SHOWING YET?: All the showing. I'm huge.

Look! No hands! Cranberry + Diet 7Up mocktail, FTW!
GENDER?: Sweet baby girl, Lyla Jaks. 

SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: Back pain. I am definitely more emotional, too. Ryan and Kaeli brought us lunch yesterday and Ryan asked how my parents visit was... I began crying, naturally.

BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?: In but getting flat. 

WEDDING RINGS OFF or ON?: On for the moment.  

HAPPY or MOODY MOST OF THE TIME?: Mostly happy. Crazy emotional. 

LOOKING FORWARD TO...?: Seeing baby girl again - hoping she moves her big ol' head. Getting healthy (sick of being sick) and getting back to the YMCA (tomorrow, when Coop's in school). Frame review, and planning our move-in. Being in our home. Seeing family. Meeting baby girl, and introducing her to her big brother. 


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