It's Been A Year

It's been over a year since I last blogged, and it's not because nothing exciting or worthwhile has happened... I think it's because *so* much exciting has happened. I'll try and sum it up quickly.

The biggest news is that we decided to make the leap and move back to California. After flying back and forth and discussing all the pros and cons, Eric and I went for it. There are about a million reasons why we decided to move, but the main ones are family and acting. (Certainly not cost of living.) Eric got an amazing job and he's kicking ass, and I spent the first 5-6 months taking acting workshops and classes and spending time with Cooper, which was such a tremendous blessing. Coop had surgery (tonsillectomy, adenoid removal and tube removal) to help with his PFAPA, and hasn't had an episode since. Can you believe it? No more fevers every 4-6 weeks. What a relief! Our place got broken into about a month or so after moving in, and while whoever took some of our things, the thing that bothered us most is that we were in the townhouse, asleep when it happened. Since then, however, it's been okay. We love living in southern Orange County, and definitely take advantage of being closer to family. I recently got a job (as in last week) doing social media for a small digital marketing agency in Laguna Beach, and Cooper started at his new Preschool. Life is going by quickly... but we're sure enjoying every moment with each other.


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