Apologies - Let's Catch Up, Shall We?
Baaad blogger...(she says shaking a finger at herself.)
Life has been...busy. I'll recap quickly, because honestly, that's all I got in me...and then I'll move on to the present.
Cooper had a fun official 1st birthday in Nashville. We had dinner at Toyama with our friends Ryan and Kaeli. He had a cupcake and wore a hat. Good times had by all.
My parents visited for a while. We had a ball (zoo, music, shows, shopping, golf, relaxing, etc). They're such rock stars, and love the crap out of our kid.
Eric's parents followed. Ditto to everything I said about my parents.
Halloween was a blast. Cooper was Mickey Mouse, and man...he's...too cute for his own stinking good. We went to Ghouls at Grassmere (the zoo) on the 27th to trick or treat...and then it rained on Halloween. Coop handed out candy with Dedo the following day.
Eric and I work too much. (Nothing new there.) That said...He's going to stop accepting side projects, and I will be on a "regular" schedule soon, so hopefully we can be laptop free(ish) at night soon. Once Coop goes to bed, it would be nice to have a conversation, and you know...spend time together. I like him, so yeah...could be nice. ;) Okay, for reals. I can't wait.
I started my new job on Monday. Well, not new. It's the job I've been doing for like 6 months, but now I'm an official employee in the office, not a contractor from home.
Coop started daycare at The Goddard School (yay!) as well. It's been a rough transition for him (AND ME!!!) so far...but I know it'll get easier. I already feel like he's learning so much. He's amazing.
Cooper and I signed with a Nashville talent agency. Hope to have more to report there soon.
We shall see... I was an extra in a commercial and have an audition on Friday so far. Gotta keep this motivation up!!!
Last but not least...I had a birthday. 30. (Shit.) Eric was amazing and planned the most special day (thank you to his parents for watching Coops): Birthday confetti pancakes for breakfast, followed by a facial, then by a Starbucks latte, then by champagne, then a pedicure (with him!), followed by drinks at my fav local bar, then got ready for dinner and played with our kiddo, then...as we walked to his car to go to dinner...A SURPRISE PARTY with over 15 of my friends. (I've never had a surprise party.) (I cried.) It was amazing. Dinner with all, followed by drinks at my fav local bar and then more here (where I met a bunch of actors from the show Nashville). Good times. Good times, indeed.
So yeah. That's life in a nutshell.
I'm tired...are you?