Aloha Maui, Hello San Diego.
We (& alllllllll of our luggage) drove back to my folks house, VERY late at night. (Psst, Mom...thank you for driving!)
The next morning, way too early (is this a theme?) we went to the
JOJ Memorial Golf Tournament (click link to learn more). Family and friends filled the course, and we had a blast...until hole 17, that is. Normally golf courses don't allow children on the course, but because we had about 30-40 people there, they let it slide. I was sitting in the cart with Coop by my side, and then I turned my head to the right and saw a golf ball headed straight towards, well, my head. I turned my head, and BAM! I was nailed less than a 1/2 inch from my temple. I cried, had someone grab Coop (who was balling), and friends made me stay on the ground. My face swelled up pretty good, I had to sign a report at the course, and was then taken to an Urgent Care. They wanted to do a CT Scan, but I didn't want to (shhh...I didn't have insurance yet). So, after an exam, the doctor told Eric, "Wake her up every 2 hours. Ask her questions, check her pupils, have her move her extremities. Otherwise, if you wake up in 8 hours after a nights could roll over and she could be dead." Nice. He said a bunch of other scary stuff, and that he recommended I get an xray on my jaw...but point is...I'm alive. Eric and I woke up every 90 minutes, and even though I was in pain, I was fine. Dude at the course was apparently nice. I have no idea. Anyway...that sucked. But the day with friends and family was let's focus on that. :)
The whole JOJ group. |
My darling boy... |
I ... could ... use a lesson ... or 6... Hundred. |

Coop and Dedo playin'...
 | much fun! |
Coop and I rode with Kimmers. Good partner! |
My group... Freakin' impressive. |
Dinner post-game and post-injury. |
Throughout the week, we had amazing family time. We saw Savannah and Owen play soccer, hung out with our siblings (Ryan, Tina, Kim, Brian, Erica and John Mark) and our awesome paretns, met JM and Erica's brand new baby boy (that's baby #4, y'all), visited Grandma Jane, and the best parts...we went to Disneyland (Coop's 1st trip!) and celebrated his first birthday a few days early with all of our incredible family and friends! We're truly blessed. Like, super blessed.
Tina and Ryan met Gigi, Pop, Eric, Coop and me at Disneyland and we started off with a bang! Cooper got his "1st Visit" pin, and then bam! Mickey and Minnie. We didn't know how he'd handle it...but he was an adorable, lil' smiley champ! He loved EVERY moment. One guy who was standing in line to meet the mice with his kids watched Cooper and said, "That makes your trip worth every penny." It did, indeed. The whole day was awesome, and we stayed SO late - Cooper was a trooper!
Can't you feel his excitement? |
Obligatory entrance shot. |
Well, hello Ms. Mouse...I got your nose! |
So stinkin' cute. |
It's MICKEY! Like, from the Clubhouse. |
"Hmm. I think I want your tie." - Cooper |
"So...yeah, I took it." - Cooper. |
Thanks for getting us in Tina and Ryan! |
Astro Blasters! |
Ooooooo! |
Mommy and Coop-A-Loop! |
Dedo's turn... |
Smiles with Yai, finally... |
Had no idea how scared I'd be. Ha. Tower of Terror. |
Bad idea for someone with a concussion to ride this coaster. |
Parents. With their kid. And beers. (CA Adventure) |
Engaged and darling. |
Pop, a sleepy Coop, and Gig'... |
His birthday was a Monster's Inc. theme..."Our Little Monster is Turning ONE! Love, The Kambestad Kreatures." We had Sully's Sandwiches, Mikey's Munchies, Roz's Hummus, Cooper's Cake, Monster Juice and Creature Chiller, as well as Boo's Booze. :) Probably more, too - but I forget. Enjoy (all) the photos. Cooper loved every moment of this day. Special thanks to Kimi and Bri for the photos, Gigi and Pop for their help, as well as to Yai and Teenz for the use of their pool house and home. (And to everyone, sincerely, thank you for coming and loving and spoiling our son!)
Dedo & his birthday boy! |
Am pulling down decorations? No, not me! |
Chayna and precious Veda, and Tina. |
Pin the eye on Mikey... |
My birthday monster! |
Cheering everyone on... |
Uncle Yai was...not the winner. |
Coop even got a try! So close! |
Pretty much everyone participated. :) |
But Savannah prevailed! |
A lil' pool time... |
Swimmin' with Sav. |
Coop's Cake! |
Mommm....just let me eat the cake! |
Surrounded by love... |
Yay! |
Lil' silly sting action... |
Chayna and Veda Belle. |
Yai and the Cooper. |
Surprisingly good with hats on this specific day... |
Cousins...and stuff... |
Rock star Sav. |
Family, Take 1. |
Family, Take 2. |
We headed home the next day, feeling 100% exhausted...but feeling like we packed in everything we could. And man...we had a blast!!!
Next up...Cooper's first birthday in the 'Ville, and his 13th month...visitors and news about jobs, life and such! :)