That's a wrap! The Kambestad vaca has come and gone. After 15.5 days away, our vacation is (unfortunately) over and we're back in Nashville. Back to life...Back to reality. Which, btw, isn't bad. ;) It's just not...Maui, or California.
What a trip! Seriously. I've been all over the world and this was my favorite vacation, largely due to my 26 1/2 pound bundle of joy! And my...well I won't say what my husband weighs, but he's a slightly larger bundle of joy.
The trip began early...we're talking EARLY...on September 16th. Eric and I got up far too early so that we could partake in our travel tradition (champagne / mimosas pre-flight) and then woke Mr. Coop-A-Loop to get ready to leave. He was such a little trooper and actually seemed excited, like he knew we were about to leave for an amazing, tropical and family-filled vacation.
We underestimated just how much crap we had by so much that we had to buy a $4.00 smartcarte at the airport just to cross the street from where the shuttle drop-off was to the entrance into the airport. After that, it was a piece of cake. And so was the flight! Cooper did amazingly well. He sat on Daddy's lap to watch take-off and landing, and took a nice, long nap in my arms as well.
We landed in San Diego, and Gigi met us to help us (aka - steal Cooper) and get packed up! We unloaded at the hotel, and headed to the San Diego Zoo!
Cooper was kind of ambivalent with most of the zoo, but when he was the pandas, he went crazy! So we bought him a stuffed animal and named him Sam (as in Samurai). We relaxed, got dinner, Mom and I got our nails done, and went to sleep because we got up EARLY once again, but this time, headed for Maui!
Cooper had another incredible flight and once we landed in Maui, it was on. He was pumped.
Maui was heaven. We got probably the best suites on the entire property - the view was breathtaking and the size and layout could not have been better. The first couple of nights, Coop was up at 4:00 AM. Considering that's 9:00 AM in Nashville, that's pretty great. After that, he made it to like...5, maybe even 6...but I can't remember. It was such a blast that it didn't matter.
- We went and got lounge chairs bright and early at 6:00 AM so we always had the best seats.
- I worked out 5 of the 7 days.
- Eric golfed twice.
- We got spa treatments.
- Cooper LOVED the pool.
- He napped on the lounge chairs, and was such a joy!
- We had some seriously incredible meals.
- We played in the ocean.
- We played games.
- We had a lot of delish drinks.
- We were with people we love.
- And, as with all vacations, it ended far too quickly.
Now, let's look at some pictures.
Yuck. Hideous view... |
Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed at 4:00AM. The PJ's are spot on. |
Gah. I just love him. |
Gigi & Pop Pop with the Coop. |
Cutest. Ever. |
One of these is not like the other... |
Family photo! Hey, Coop! Over here... |
Too cute. Man, my family is awesome. |
Cheeseburger in Paradise in Lahaina. |
Shopping on Front Street. |
Gigi loves this boy. |
Dreaming away... |
Mai Tai @ Hula Grill! Cheers! |
Playing on the Pirate Ship! |
Pass the baby. |
Family. The most important thing. |
Date night! I sure love this man. |
Oh I love thee. |
Mama and her mini me. |
Pool time with Dedo. |
Last day in Maui. Gigi and Pop got us a cabana! |
Was unsure about the ocean, but went in like a brave lil thing. |
Bliss. |
Did we overpack? |
Aloha...We'll miss you, Maui. |