11 Months

Happy 11 Month Birthday, Sweet Boy! 
This can't be.  It just can't.  I have an 11 month old.  An 11 month old who can pull himself up (and does on EVERYTHING he can), who thinks he can sprint but can't even walk yet (danger, danger!), who loves to chat, and who...loves his Daddy and me.  This past month has been his best yet, and one of my favorites.  His personality is hilarious, entertaining, and sweet...and he's just...smart, strong, amazing...and...ALMOST ONE!

My apologies that my post isn't following the same format as usual.  It's been the craziest time of my life these past few weeks.  Not having full time help with Cooper, and having a full-time, work-from-home job is insane.  I don't sleep much, and live on coffee, prayers, and a whole lot of love.  That, and I remind myself daily that we're almost on vacation.
Work...Coffee...Baby...Rinse, Repeat.
We had so much fun with Eric's folks - went to the zoo, cooked at home a lot, played games, saw some of their family friends, and more.  Cooper loves his Nana and Papa - especially playing with Nana and all of his toys, and watching the birds and airplanes with Papa on our deck.
Papa, Coop, and Nana.

Milestones & Memories:

  • Pulling up on everything
  • Climbing up stairs
  • Loves stroller rides in his new BOB stroller
  • Fantastic eater
  • Loves Gymboree now - including the parachute
  • Loves bubbles
  • Loves to read books
  • Still an avid people watcher
  • Loves Disney Jr - Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, and such
  • Got his first set of golf clubs, made by Snoopy
  • Having fun playing with the puggies, especially Banjo - Lele just wants to cuddle an adult
  • Went to Doc because he's been jamming his thumbs pretty aggressively into his ears...ears and tubes look great - but he's getting his top 4 teeth
  • Sleeping 10+ hours a night - thank ya dear sweet baby Jesus
Here's some Cooper cuteness to wrap up my quickie post...before I head back to work until likely...1 or 2 AM.  I'll try to post again before we leave for vacation, but in the mean time...Enjoy! 

Mooooom! I don't have enough toysssss!



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