10 Months...Such an adorable big boy! |
Um. How in the world are we going to have a 1 year-old in less than 2 months? Really? When...how...did this happen? Okay, so can you tell that I am mildly freaking out that my infant is gone...and I totally have a KID!? {Sorry this post is a little tardy...life with an active baby and a full time-ish job keeps you VERY busy!}
My folks were here with us for the entire month, and now Eric's are here. I can't believe how lucky we are that we have such supportive and awesome parents. Cooper is one spoiled grandkid.
"My Grandma {Gigi} Rules." |
"My Grandpa {Pop} is #1!" |
Cooper and the Grandparents pre-golf. |
*Pictures of Nana and Papa coming next post!
We had a garage sale with our neighbor friends, Loren and Felicia, and their adorable 6 year-old Malachi Sadly, they had a garage sale because they are moving to California because Malachi is an awesome little actor (and athlete), and Felicia is an amazing artist and songwriter. We're going to miss them. (I wish I had a picture...)
Eric has been golfing a lot lately. I have mixed feelings about this, ha, but - he is doing really well, so I am proud of him! He even beat my Dad (
three times) for the first time!
1st Place |
2nd Place |
Eric had an awesome first Dad's Day. Cooper and I got him adult marshmallows from
Wondermade, and of course graham crackers with chocolate...a s'mores kit! He also got a "World's Best Dad" sticker, and Coop got a "World's Luckiest Son" sticker. They are just darling together.
Coop and Dada, Bath Time with Dada, and the marshmallows I got for Eric. |
My parents, Eric and I took Cooper to the YMCA pool and he...was unsure. He wouldn't go in, perse, but he did sit in the water with me for a while. He much preferred the snow cone that Pop shared with him, in the shade, next to the pool. Ha!
I hope he learns to love the water... |
We had a lovely 4th of July with my parents. Because Coop is still such a youngin', we didn't do fireworks this year - but we grilled out (despite the rain) and played games.
I did another diet, and lost 14 pounds. Hallelujah! The baby weight is gone. Now - toning. Planks, jogging, weights...you'll be my best friends for a while. Gotta get into those new bikinis when we go to Maui and Cali in...28 days!!! WOOOOO!!!
Eric and I bought an annual pass to the Nashville Zoo, finally. Coop loves to look at the animals, but he's also an avid people-watcher. We went the other day and had such a great time. A few friends and their son's from Gymboree joined Eric, Coop, Alberta, Rick and me. We can't wait to go back!
After (literally) hours of research and asking for advice on Facebook from friends, we finally bit the bullet and purchased a stroller for Cooper - mostly for our upcoming trip because our current stroller is the Chicco Cortina and it's not very..."travel friendly." That said, the one I ended up buying probably isn't either. I was debating between an umbrella type, or a jogging stroller. Umbrella for the convenience and ease of getting in and out of places. Jogging for practicality, we'll be walking / jogging a lot, and they look more comfortable for the kiddos to nap in. So...I decided on the
BOB Revolution SE. Thoughts??? Should I also consider investing in the
Uppababy G Luxe? Dear Lord, children are 'spensive. But worth it. ;)
Cooper's New Ride: BOB Revolution SE |
Milestones & Memories:
Cooper is a clapping fan! He loves us clapping for him, and he'll clap when he gets excited or hears us say, "yay!" Oh my word, it's to die for cute. He is still working on waving hi and bye-bye every time, but we're getting there. He'll do it when he feels like. Who knew I'd have an opinionated kid? Ha, he must take after me.
Cooper is a pro at crawling and thinks that he can fully run...oh boy! He can pull himself up quite easily - he's such a STRONG baby! I think he'll be walking by October...Goodbye life. Haha! I gotta keep up with my (not so) little one.
Cooper has REALLY been enjoying going to Gymboree. The only thing he doesn't like is the parachute!!! Man - when that thing comes out, he just wants to be held! I think that Gymboree was really good for him because ever since we took him out of day care, he lost that socialization with other kiddos!
Free Gym @ Gymboree! |
We can't forget the fur-babies. Lele had some bumps on her head that she kept scratching, which kept re-opening the wounds. She had to take antibiotics, get a shot, and...wear a cone. Such a trooper. Banjo has really been having a lot of fun with the Coop a Loop! It's fun to see them - especially when we blow bubbles at them. Cooper just giggles, and Banjo tries to eat them.
Finally, here is some Cooper cuteness to wrap up the post!!! :)
Mornings with my 2 C's... Cooper and Coffee. |
Cheese! |
Driving...Beep Mama, you're in my way! #infantroadrage |
Look at his eyes. |
Daddy's shoulders, Radnor Lake, Loveless. |
I love my family! We had an amazing visit! |
Twinsies. (Matching T-Shirts.) |
Our sweet family. |