News from this Working Mama's Desk

I am finally able to share some news, instead of annoying people by posting something like, "I have some exciting news, but I'm not really ready to tell."  Sorry about all that, y'all.  I didn't mean to show you a cake, but not let you eat any of, read on and dig in.  
Let's get the rumors outta the way first...
No.  I am not pregnant. 
Haha!  Thank you to my wonderful friends on Facebook for starting this hilarious little rumor.  I've had emails and messages asking, "Can this be true?" or, "Is Cooper really getting a brother or sister?"  Nope.  The truth is, I am perfectly content with my one, beautiful, amazing little large man.  He deservedly gets all of our attention (the pugs get some love, too), and believe me, he wears us out plenty.  We aren't ready to add another one to the mix just yet...maybe someday though.    
No.  We aren't moving.  Yet. 
As much as I would love to move West...closer to family and our best's just not the time.  We just bought our lovely home in Nashville where we spent lots and lots of money decorating it and finishing the basement.  Additionally, Eric loves his job.  That is a rare, beautiful thing.  So kiddos, we are staying least for awhile.  And while we do have goals and plans for the future, there is no set date.

Let's eat cake / share the REAL news...
YES!  I have been offered and have accepted a new job! 
I'm slightly sad about leaving LBMC because the employees are such wonderful people and my bosses have been incredible and so understanding.  That said, I have been itching to make a move out of Administration for a while now.  I feel that I am too creative a person to spend my time as an Executive Assistant, no matter how awesome the company is.  Additionally, I feel that if there is a way to be able to spend more time with my son, I should take it.  Well, I am taking it, and taking it with a HUGE smile, and a grateful heart. 
An opportunity was presented to me by a friend of mine to work for his Digital Marketing department at a wonderful company in Nashville.  My title will be Social Media Marketing Manager / Consultant.  Marketing really excites me and I think I will do extremely well in this position. 

One of the most interesting / exciting parts of taking this job?  It's a work from home position!  So, while that means I am freelance (hello taxes and individual health insurance) - the pros -

...getting to spend more time with my son and hopefully keeping him healthy, getting into a field that actually excites me and has potential for growth, working with a wonderful company and man that I totally look up to and respect (and have fun with!), and having a liiiiiiiiiiiiittle extra time to devote to myself, fitness, blog, cooking, my husband, my family, friends and baby...

- totally outweigh the cons.  I do hope there is potential for this to turn into a full time job in the future - but for now, it's truly ideal.

So there.  No more secrets. 

For now.  ;) 


Anna said…
CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS!!!! You deserve all this and more!!! Wishing you all the luck in the world in your new position! Coop is a lucky man to have such a devoted mama like you!!
Thanks Anna! :) You're so sweet.

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