5 Months
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5 Months - 18lbs, 4oz. Our sweet Valentine. |
How did this happen? I feel like I JUST wrote the 4 month blog. How is my precious angel baby already 5 months old? My word. People warned me that time would fly when you have kiddos...and I never understood until now. I am trying to soak it all in...
I am still trying to figure out how I want to format all my posts. As of now, it's kind of a jumbled mess with a plethora of ridiculously cute photos - which is appropriate because that kind of sums up our lives right now: A jumbled mess with lots of cute to go around and get us through the tough times. For now, I'll just break it down by category and throw in a million pictures.
FYI: I am working on a NEW blog. This one will be added to that one, and this will no longer be the domain. It has a theme, categories, and will be much more organized. Get excited y'all. I am. And thanks a million to my talented husband for building the site for me. Lucky lady, right here.
I guess the best word to describe this past month is: SICK! :( Oh man...it's been one heck of a tough month - not just for us parents, but for our little toot as well. I feel so awful for him. At least as adults we can blow our noses, take meds, and understand why it's happening...this poor kid has had to deal with me giving him Little Noses Saline Nasal Mist, and he.."loves" it. He is struggling to breathe, which means sleep has been non-existent. I mean, it's all bad. I took off 2 days and kept him with me so we could both get better. Later, Eric took off two days and I took Coop to day care so he could rest. Then, Coop and I still weren't getting better, so it was time for doctor visits. Cooper went last Friday and I feared the worst. He was tugging on his ears, not eating well, not sleeping and couldn't breathe. She said the his ears and lungs looked / sounded great - and that he had a cold. She also said that it could change over night so if it got worse to bring him back. Noted. That night, it got worse. Much worse. Fever, threw up twice, tears, no sleep. Eric even went to Walgreen's at 11:30 PM to get Baby Vick's. He slept on my chest that whole night because I couldn't bear to have him away from me when he was struggling so much. The next day I just loved on him and we made it through - we didn't have to go back to the doctor. For him anyway. Though it was a tough weekend, I feel like he is slowly but surely getting better...but with him being in day care, you never know when sickness will strike again! On Monday, I went to an Urgent Care. I was struggling. I've had cold-like symptoms mixed with a few flu symptoms for over a month now. The doctor confirmed that I have multiple infections and a cold. I'm on medication now, thank goodness. About time I got myself checked out...but it's true. Mama's always put others first. I didn't care about me - I just wanted my boys healthy. I took Tuesday off of work, dropped Coop at day care for a few hours while I slept and did laundry, then got him and played all afternoon. While he's still congested, he's such a happy boy...when he doesn't have to eat or sleep. A few weeks ago, he was wating 6-7 oz a feeding, which is normal. Now, he's back to 4 if we're lucky. Scary. We're working on it. Sleeping was going well - up twice a night, and down pretty easily for a few days in a row. Then, it took a turn for the worse. Last night, for example, he was up 6+ times. I let him CIO twice, but fed twice, and calmed a few times - giving paci, making sure he could breathe, and rubbing his {hard} belly. I really hope this kid can get some relief. Yes, it's super hard for Eric and me...but I can't imagine what little dude is going through. :( Pray for him.
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Cuddles with Dada. |
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The morning after the really rough, sickie night. Poor lil' man. |
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Fever? No problem. Mama's got this. |
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Mommy's Meds. Please work. |
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Man, I love baby snuggles. |
I went back to the gym and my first work out back was...tough. I ran 1.2 miles and about died, did a few ab circuits, and some lunges. Oh man, I struggled. Probably not a good thing since I signed up for the 1/2 marathon that's in April. Oh well, ya gotta start somewhere, I suppose. I put on a few pounds {not too many, I still fit in all my clothes, lol} since because I've been so sick and have been eating whatever has been available. I am more motivated than ever to get back in shape and get ready for this crazy 1/2 marathon.
House Stuff:
The basement still isn't done. Our contractor is awesome and is doing extra things for us here and there, but we really just want it done. We park our cars outside because our garage is filled to the brim with the basement funiture and boxes - and it's cold! We're hoping that we'll pass final inspections this week and can move everything in. It was supposed to be finished and ready for the Super Bowl, but not.so.much. Eric did move a few things down there though, and it really does look awesome and gives us so much extra space! Can't wait. Speaking of Super Bowl, we had a lot of lovely friends over. Lots of food, lots of fun...and even though Cooper was not 100% himself, he was still a charmer at the party. I spent most of the evening taking care of him, which is my all time favorite thing to do, but Eric helped a bunch as well. He's a great Daddy.
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Dad of the Year. |
On another note...our home inspector was AWFUL. Do not use Win Home Inspection if you're in the Nashville area. He missed SO much and it's costing us money. Lots of money. Thanks a lot, Mike. That's all we need right now, on top of all of our other bills. :)
She is still having issues. We've taken her into the vet a few times for her bladder infection - gotten tests done, got on different antibiotics, special food / diet, etc. She's peed on Cooper's floor twice and on our comfortor twice...just those two places...so she is obviously trying to tell us something. Maybe she has an infection still, but also - I really think she is jealous that she isn't the center of our world anymore. We've been giving her as much attention as we can, and even though it's certainly not as much as before, she seems to be better. We're hopeful that the infection will go away and the crystals and PH level will be lower so we won't need surgery.
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Cooper with the pugs... Banjo is on the bottom, Lele top. |
Date Night:
Eric and I went on our first REAL date night with a babysitter last Wednesday. Our awesome friend Lauren babysat little munchkin. He's usually so good about when we hand him over to people, and he knows her already, but I recently read that around this age, kids get separation anxiety...and boy, did he. :( He apparently cried for the first hour and a half {Sorry Lauren} and barely ate for her. Separation anxiety and probably a little sickness, too. She put him down EARLY and he only ate 2 oz. of formula before bed. Thanks Lauren for being a rock star. I only texted her like 3 times to check-in, too! Lol...she was great, and I was never worried about Cooper. :)
We went to Bombasha Brazillian Steakhouse with some friends {which was average and over priced in my opinion}, followed by LOUIS C.K. at TPAC. He did not disappoint, as usual. Not gonna lie though, I did shut my eyes a couple of times. I thought, "Man, this show is going *SO* late - what is it, like midnight?" It was barely 10:00 PM. I am officially an old lady. We made it home by 10:45 PM, and Lauren filled us in on little toot. When we found out about his feeding {or lack thereof} and that he went down early, we were *SO* nervous that it would be a rough night ahead. Get this...his best night yet. Only up at 1:30 for a feeding, and slept the.rest.of.the.night. What? Don't get too excited folks, it only happened the once. We are trying to lure Lauren to be his full time nanny! I told her we couldn't pay a huge salary, but we'd supplement it with cupcakes and complimetns. Lol. Seriously though...what did she do?? What am I NOT doing???
All that said, I had a lovely night with my husband. I can't wait for our next date night - Valentine's Day. XOXO Foo, you still give me butterflies. I love you so much.
Day Care:
Welp. We're sad. Miss Olivia, the reason why we loved Holly Tree SO much, has left for a better paying job. We are so happy for her and are praying for her and her sweet daughter, but we'll miss her so much. We're absolutely going to keep in touch, too! Miss Emily is taking care of Cooper now. I will just be sure to be very specific with his care needs and give it a shot. If it doesn't work out...Eric and I will figure something out. Not gonna lie, I love being home with him...man I wish it would work out...but, for now, it doesn't.
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Miss Olivia is such a blessing. We'll miss you! |
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Arts and Crafts. |
Read this. WHAT NOT TO SAY TO A WORKING MOM. You're welcome.
Cooper smiles ALL THE TIME now. The things that make him smile the most are when you call him "Goo," when you say "Mama," and his most favorite word, "Dada." Cooper has been rolling over for a while now, but it's not consistent. He is SO close. He is holding his head up so well, which must be hard for the little guy - his head is {literall} off the charts huge. He giggles when we kiss / tickle his neck, and occasionally when I give him raspberries on his belly. Man, his laugh is the best thing I've EVER heard. He loves chatting with us...it's precious. You can tell he's REALLY thinking. What a smartie pants. He is holding onto things really well, and has even thrown, yes thrown, his paci. Strong little bugger. :) He is eating his rice cereal like a champ now; leaning in for bites. This pic is when he wasn't so sure...but he's since gotten a lot better! So proud. He's just all kinds of wonderful, and I can't believe he's mine. I am so lucky.
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"I Pinch" bib courtesy of Uncle Yai. |
There are hard days, I mean REALLY hard days when you're a parent. For us, we've been sick, dealing with shady business people, have had EXPENSIVE, surprising expenses pop up, Cooper hasn't been sleeping or feeling well...but life is a gift. I've been thinking this a lot lately: Every day may not be "good" - but there IS something good in EVERY day. That's the truth. I am so blessed. It's important that I see, awknowledge and understand that. My life, hectic and crazy as it may be at times, is filled with all kinds of awesome. I'm lucky. Tired, but freaking lucky.
Love y'all.
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With the Pugs & Dada. |
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Hello Ladies. |
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My Prince Charming. |
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My boys. So in love. This picture is...my world. |
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Man, I love this photo...I can't believe this boy is mine. |