Well, so it begins...formula. First let me say, it's freakin' expensive ($9.70 a bottle, and a bottle lasts 1 day - thank goodness for coupons and sales). But secondly, and more importantly, it's helping Cooper...so Similac Alimentum...I toast you. I thank you. I love you. You have given me a (mostly) happy son, and he's amazing.
While it helped...it wasn't smooth sailing by any means...oh coffee...how I love thee.
Things I love...(Eric is missing from this...) |
So Mom and Dad were still in town, and things were getting slightly better with baby boy...but as we were told by the doc, it takes time. Some people say that we would notice a change in 24 hours. Well, it took a little longer for us, but we did notice a lil' change in him - and wow - his poop. Breast milk poop is odorless and not a big deal. Formula poop - wow. Just wow. It gets real, real fast. Haha. That's all I have to say. Again, sorry if that's TMI. I decided that I still wanted to pump though - who knows. At 6 or 9 months, his digestive system may be ready for my milk. For now, I have to pump and dump since milk only lasts 3 months if frozen, so I have been able to reintroduce and enjoy cheese, ice cream, milk, coffee (to the max!) and alcohol...Cheers! It's really exhausting and time consuming, so it may not last. Especially when he's doing so well on the formula. We'll see...
My wonderful cousin Meltem who works for Marriott was in town doing business with the Opryland Hotel, and we had a lovely visit with her. She, like most of my family, lives in Southern California, so it was a surprise to have her in Nashville. We had a blast just hanging out and chatting.
Meltem & Coop |
One weekend day, we attempted to take a family photo for our Christmas card... It was so cold, and baby boy was SO tired that it didn't go very well. Here's a shot for you to check out though:
Our family of 5... |
I am planning on doing something for my parents for Christmas, so I wanted to get a photo of them with Cooper, but let's just say...he wasn't having it. :)
Cooper is cold... |
I am hoping we can do a re-shoot coming up soon, haha. He's too darling. We can get a good shot for sure - it just may have to be indoors, out of the cold. That night, my folks offered to watch Cooper so that Eric and I could go on a date...So sweet, and of course we took them up on it. We went to Toyama and enjoyed some sushi, sake and a lil' cocktail as well. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves - had great conversation, amazing food...and I only texted my Mom 2 or 3 times to check in on baby. We even ran into a friend, Rich, who Eric knows through music...kind of inspired him to play / program again. :)
Date night...Love you husband! |
The following day, Dad and Eric played golf while Mom and I hung out with Cooper. We took him to a pumpkin patch and he pretty much slept through it...but I managed to snap this picture of our little monster. How stinkin' cute is this outfit?!?
Our lil' monster at his first punkin' patch. |
Mom and I have been reading books (Baby Wise and Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Baby) and we created a guideline for a schedule for lil' Cooper. I know it can't be followed to a "t" - but it was nice to have a plan and guideline...so I had some sort of a clue with how to manage our day.
Time was seriously flying by, and the day that my parents were due to fly home was quickly approaching. (AHHH, NO!) Cooper soaked in as much time as possible...man does he love them.
Look at the love in this picture. |
Proud Pop Pop. |
October 24th I got my hair done - crazy how much that helps make you feel more human, and then my parents, Eric, Cooper and I went to Bricktop's for my birthday dinner. (Mom and Dad were leaving on the 25th, so we celebrated early.) We had a great time, followed by generous gifts from my family (Eric was saving his for my real birthday), ice cream cake and a game of dominoes! Super fun. I got some clothes and boots from Nordy, jewelry, and a wine / bookshelf. And of course the glider, too. I'm so spoiled. Wow - My first birthday as a Mommy - safe to say Cooper is the best gift I've EVER gotten. :)
Me & the best thing that's ever happened to me... |
Our family...Eric likes to put Coop's pants on his head for some strange reason. |
Our fur-babes. So cute. |
I won dominoes by the way...Just saying. :) The next day Coop and I got to hang out with my folks for a while - but took them to the airport in the afternoon. Tear. Hurry back, y'all.
DON'T LEAVE! Haha. |
I didn't have much of a break from the airport, because late that night, I went back and picked up my friend and old roomie from L.A. - NICHOLS! We had such a great time. The first night, we just chatted, but called it pretty soon after she arrived. Eric had to go to work the next day, and I was...extremely sleep deprived. :) Ahh, life with an infant. The next day...my 29th birthday...Nichols and I just hung out at home with Cooper allllll day. That night, Nichols, Eric, Ryan and his lovely wife Kaeli and I went to dinner at Las Palmas...Cooper did awesome...and I enjoyed time with my friends. Eric got me some amazing gifts too: the most amazing card of all time (which I cried reading), a necklace with a k C e on it (I cried when I opened it), the most beautiful floral arrangement I've ever received, and a massage. Nailed it. Ryan and Kaeli got me a gift card to Sweet Cece's, and Nichols gave me her wonderful visit, and help with baby boy.
How gorgeous are these? He got 29 flowers: Hydrangea, Orchids, Roses & Cala Lillies. He tried for Peonies, too - but they're not in season. |
My wonderful family necklace! He is a smartie and saw something similar on my Pinterest page. |
The next day Eric took Cooper so that I could show Nichols around...we drove thru Nashville, got coffee at Ugly Muggs, ate at my favorite, The Silly Goose, and finished it off with ice cream at Jeni's. Then we drove around more, and enjoyed a mojito at The Greenhouse. I soooo missed her and the chats we used to have. She an amazing, amazing woman. Sunday, Eric took Coop again, and Nichols, Kaeli and I went on another tour of the city (including this amazing park), enjoyed lunch at Local Taco, and went to the Opry area - had to do something touristy. The weather was amazing, and the trees were so lovely! I am so glad Nichols came - but she left that afternoon. Miss you girl!
Las Palmas. |
Cheers! Mojitos at The Greenhouse. |
How I love Fall in the 'Ville. |
Tourists...Lol... |
Since all of our guests have departed...we've had good days / nights, and baaaad days / nights with the little man...but we've done it together, just the three of us (
with "help" from the pugs)...which has been amazing. I recently weighed myself, then weighed myself holding Coop - turns out my 2 month old is - wait for it -
FOURTEEN POUNDS! What?!? Crazy. He is doing well on the formula...but he does not do as well with the powder (
we had some really bad moments, yikes). I had a gut feeling that the powder and the bottles we were using were giving him extra gas - so we changed bottles from Similac to Avent (he prefers Avent paci's too) and we're using ready to feed liquid - which is, of course, more expensive.
Anything for you, baby boy! Per the doc and the sweetheart nurse, he is also back on his Zantac. I really don't think it's reflux because he rarely spits up, and he can handle tummy time, (etc)...I sincerely, sincerely think it's just gas. Painful, awful gas...poor kiddo.
His sleep habits are getting better with every day - thank you to the 2 books I've been reading. When I put him down in the past, he would go to sleep, but then wake up crying shortly after so I would have to rock / bounce him, and gingerly put him down again...
and again. It progressively got worse, too. He was hardly napping, and night time was rough which isn't good for him, or anyone really. I know he's young, but I felt it would be okay to try a bit (
yes, a very small bit) of cry it out, even though I don't like calling it "cry it out" because it's not really CIO at all...it's a small variation of it, and it doesn't last very long at all. After 2 days of trying a version of it...he's almost 100% calm and can put himself to sleep and soothe himself if he has a random, little outburst. Every mom has to make her own choices for her own kids. I know he's young...but I felt in my heart that he could handle a little crying if his diaper was changed, he was fed and full, and all of that - and turns out...he can handle it, and he can handle it amazingly well. He's a rockstar, and his sleep habits are getting better every day.
Slowly, but surely. Please don't tell me I am a bad mom for letting him cry a little bit.
I am not. I am a great mom, I love the crap out of my son, I still hold him, rock / bounce him, sing lullabies to him, etc...and I am doing what I feel is best for him. People say that he is too young and his trust will be broken - but I am telling you, it isn't broken at all. He still adores his Dad and me, and knows we are there for him because we SOOO are, 100% of the time. We would do ANYTHING for him. I may seem slightly defensive (
or...really defensive), but I guess I am. I am heartbroken because a few people (
on Facebok, so who cares really...?) have been giving me a hard time for formula feeding instead of breast feeding (
even though I WANT to bfeed him, but my milk was hurting him even on my severely restricted diet), and for allowing Cooper to cry (
for literally a few minutes...not for hours - not even for 20 minutes!) - and I don't understand why. He is my child, no one else's... I don't get why people feel the need to pass judgement. Anyway, I am doing it all for him... Everything I do is for him and his well-being. He is a happy, extremely loved, brilliant, strong, amazing little boy. Okay...moving on...
We also began using our video baby monitor the other night instead of keeping him by my side 100% of the time. He naps by my side during the day, but we decided to move him upstairs to our dark bedroom when his night sleeping begins - between 9:00 and 9:30 PM. I, of course, had the monitor in my hands the whole time. I kept the picture on the whole time even though it drains the battery quickly, and turned the volume up all the way, pressing it to my ear every few minutes making sure I could hear him breathe. Ha. Eric just laughed at me. Coop did great, and I think it's actually more relaxing for him to start the night in a peaceful, darker area - rather than downstairs with us in the living room.
Spyin on Coop. :) |
Here are some shots of baby boy and us...Hope you enjoy. Cooper goes in for his 2 month check up and shots on Thursday...stay tuned. I hear it's worse for the mamas than the babies...wish me luck. I'm already freaking out for him.
Chillin' in the tub. |
The cuteness is out of control. |
Lady killer. |
Sophie the Giraffe is his buddy. |
Quite possibly my fav...looks like an angel. |
Eric loves it when he stretches like this. |
Well hello Mister Smiley. |
Cooper's first Halloween as a duckie. Look at that lil' tail feather. |
I'm smiling at you... |
Daddy and his babies. |
What's up ladies? |
Yes, I know, I'm darling. |
Even though we suck - FIGHT ON TROJANS! |
That's my name, don't wear it out! |
The many faces of Cooper... |
Ridiculous. |
My boys...So lucky in love. |
So now...here we are. Cooper is 2 months old, and November has began, as has daylight savings, and I've started a gratitude list for the month - which I will post later...aaaaand I am going back to work next Monday. (Boo.) Gigi gets here TONIGHT, and Pop pop shortly after - he's driving...and...
that's the news I've been dying to share...We bought our first home...in Nashville. Eric and I have been going back and forth...
and back and forth some more...on where to move: Into a new place here, back to California, or to Arizona. We were 100% convinced that we were going to Arizona, but then Eric got this job, this
great job that he loves. Good jobs are hard to come by these days, so we made the tough decision to stay here, at least for a little while. We noticed that there was a townhouse for sale in the neighborhood where we're currently renting, and it had an unfinished basement too! For fun, we went to look at it - and loved it. It's "like new" since the previous owners only used it once a month to visit their grandkids. We love the place we are renting -
the location, the people, the feel, etc. - but we needed a little extra space so this seemed perfect! We got an amazing deal, we're going to finish the basement, and we start to move...really soon! During the past few weeks, we've met with contractors and have been furniture shopping...keeping plenty busy!!! I am so excited and feel so grown up. A kid
and a house...I guess
I am grown up! More on that and photos coming soon.
Finally, I am happy to report that even though airfares are outrageous, we found a good deal on Southwest to fly home to Arizona for the holidays. Eric and I made a deal that if we continue to live here, we will make more of an effort to make it back West more often. I want Cooper to know his family...plus, I miss home - I want to go, too. Anyway, My Mom and Dad will be in Nashville through December 5th (
his 3 month birthday), and Rick and Alberta will take over from the 5th to the 22nd (
ish). That means Cooper won't have to go to daycare until January 2nd, almost 4 months old. I am happy about that. Anyway, we fly out on Christmas Eve morning and I am over the moon excited to introduce Cooper to his Aunt and Uncle and Cousins on my side of the family... I wish we could make it to California but we just don't have the time or days off to do it all this year - we are staying until the 31st, New Years Eve. Our dear friends Ryan and Kaeli offered to watch the pugs (
we can't fly with them and an infant, sad), and we'll take Coop on his first flight at 3.5 months. Wish us luck! :) CA friends and family...we'll make an effort to see y'all in August when we fly to California before we head to Maui...okay? Stay tuned for info...but there's still plenty of time for that. LOVE Y'ALL!!!
Love, The Kambestad's |
Happy moving! How exciting :)))
And yes, you should look into donating your milk!
Talk to you soon friend!