September 5th - Cooper's Birthday - Part 1 (Labor & Delivery)
September 4th, a Tuesday, was my husband's first day at his new job @ Raven Tools. We joked how it would be "hilarious" if he called out on his second day of work if I went into labor - not really expecting it to happen. (BTW - his bosses knew anything was possible, and were really flexible with him...they were great. Eric was told he could take a week off after I delivered...amazing at a brand new job.) Eric's folks arrived earlier that week so we were getting all prepped - and I was having bizarre pains on Monday and Tuesday, but nothing major.
Alberta, Eric's mom, and I went to get mani / pedi's Tuesday morning. I paid extra to have an extra long foot rub (that's supposedly a natural inducer) - and I got a guy - so he rubbed the crap out of my feet. It was freaking incredible, and sometimes mildly painful. I swear...that pedicure really got the ball rolling.
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I did a blue nail for baby boy. |
Later on Tuesday night, I started to time my contractions...but they were pretty mild. I was told contractions stop you in your tracks / take your breath away...mine. did. not. They were about 7 ish minutes apart. Eric and I took a long walk, and kept timing contractions (that were getting closer together), but I didn't want to be that girl that gets sent home from the hospital - so I didn't believe it was really early labor. We went to sleep after watching a movie, and I was uncomfortable. So uncomfortable that at 3:00 AM, I took a bath. It didn't help. So at about 4:30 AM, I told Eric we needed to time the contractions for reals. We broke out our iPhones and got serious. It was at that moment I thought it might actually be happening.
I was still nervous about getting to the hospital and being sent home, but the contractions were 3-7 minutes apart...consistently. Majority being 4-5 minutes. So at 5:30, Eric and I made the call to the hospital, and told the Doc we were coming in. We were taken up to the maternity / OB floor and I was checked out...turns out - I was in labor. They admitted me. Holy crap. We weren't going home just the 2 of us...what was 2, would be 3. How exciting! September 5th was going to be a day I would NEVER forget.
I got all hooked up, monitors on, IV in (ouch, btw) and ready to go. The contractions weren't killing me at that point, but my water hadn't broken yet. The doc came in a few hours later and decided to break my bag with a hook (since it was bulging). It didn't hurt, it was just shocking and felt weird. Doc noticed that there was meconium in my water, so Cooper had already taken a lil' poop...that meant that I didn't get to hold him right when he came out...the team would have to take him immediately, clean him up, and make sure that he didn't swallow / choke on the meconium. I was about 4cm dilated, and fully effaced. Anyway, as soon as she broke the bag, the contractions got closer together, and way more intense.
The anesthesiologist was in a c-section, so I couldn't get my epidural right got crazy. When she came in, she asked if I had taken a course and known the risks about epidurals...I said no. She could tell I was in pain, so she gave me a crash course while preparing the epidural. I was shaking...from all the pain and hormones, but also a little from fear. Well, no worries. First of all, my husband was amazing. He held my hands the whole time...he told me I was amazing...he supported me through it all. Secondly, getting the epidural was a piece of cake. I guess I had imagined it would be more tough than labor. Ha, what a laugh. The only tough part was staying still (through a contraction) while bent over as she inserted the epidural. I made it, and let me tell you...I love drugs. Lol. I was thinking, shoot man - the epidural is labor will be a piece of cake. Woops. Not so much. I'll get there in a second. ;)
My parents were en route from California, and luckily I had been updating them throughout the days before - and they had made it all the way to Memphis. We called them and told them I had been admitted, and they got on the road - Memphis is about 3 1/2 hours away, give or take. Eric was with me the whole time, and his parents came in the morning. My parents followed and arrived around noon-ish. It was amazing to have all of them there. I have to say...the entire process with my husband was everything I had hoped for, and more. He was my cheerleader, my love, my everything. He supported me, was amazed by me, and loved me every moment. He was perfect...I could not love him more.
Gotta love family. |
Since I had the epidural, I was able to rest and visit with the family. Eric and his folks left to go to the cafeteria to grab a quick lunch since I had only gone up to like 5 ish cm the last time I was checked...but I got checked again and was at 9 1/2 cm - oh. em. was almost time. I called Eric, and he came back up quickly. Around 2:30 PM the parents were asked to leave, and I began pushing with my 2 nurses (who were freaking awesome, btw). I rotated from pushing normally (legs up in stirrups and holding them, pushing) and then playing tug of war with a bath towel with a nurse...which helped a lot. They kept saying that I was doing great, and he was dropping "x" amount...yadah yadah, but I was in PAIN! It was like the epidural was wearing off, and wearing off quickly. I guess I needed to feel the contractions to push - but still. Pain.
I guess I should mention my loving family made a bet / over under on how many "f bombs" I would drop while in labor. The over under was 7. I am proud to say....UNDER! Way under. Instead of "F"...I begged. I said things like, "Honey, please help me," and, "Get him out, please," - etc. As I pushed, I made sure my eyes were closed because I was so overwhelmed, I didn't want to see anything. When I did open my eyes for a brief moment, I noticed 2 things: 1 - the room was FILLED with nurses / people there to help once baby arrived, and 2 - I saw one nurse say to the other nurse, "Oh my god, his head is huge." Lovely. I focused on the nurses and my sweet, sweet husbands encouraging words...but eventually I just hurt too much and I guess I stopped pushing so hard. When the doctor came in, that's when I (apparently) got motivated again...I pushed harder. I guess it just seemed closer since the doctor was called in.
After nearly 2 hours of pushing, Cooper's head was dropped and visible. They told me, "He has so much hair, you could braid it!" I responded with, "Pull him out by it!" HA! Oops. I begged the doctor to use the vacuum - which she couldn't because Cooper's head was too large. I followed that up with, "Cut me open...can I have a c-section...?!?!" I don't think they took me seriously. Then, doc said that she could pull out Cooper with forceps if I wanted...and I had no idea what they she showed me. Holy (excuse me) shit. THAT WAS THE BEST (scariest) MOTIVATOR. (I was going to post a picture of what they look like, but I couldn't. Too awful. Google it if you're inclined.) 2 rounds of pushing later (which included the nurses pushing on my stomach to get his huge shoulders out), Cooper arrived. My life and heart would never, ever be the same.
They took him immediately, cleaned him up and made sure he was okay...I instantly felt relief, and even though I did have an episiotomy, I didn't feel anything else the doc did to me. To me, it was over. I was a mom, and I was in this ridiculous euphoric state. I kept asking Eric, "How is he? What does he look like??" He told me he was beautiful - and HUGE! :) Understatement. My sweet and loving and freaking amazing husband teared up. We were parents. We were parents to a perfect, incredible baby boy. He arrived at 4:43 PM, was 9 pounds, and 21.5 inches...and pure perfection. While he had a traumatic delivery for a baby and his head was swollen (because it was so large) - he was the more handsome baby I had EVER seen. Love.
Right before the scale tipped to 9 (freakin) pounds. |
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Proud Daddy. |
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Can't get enough. Kisses. |
Our handsome man. |
About 20 minutes later...which felt like an eternity...I got to hold my son. MY SON!!! This was the picture Eric took of us the second after Cooper was handed to me. Can you tell how in love I am?
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True love. Pure bliss. Welcome to the world, Cooper. |
A HUGE thank you to Dr. Rupe of Women's Group of Franklin and to my amazing nurses at Williamson Medical Center for EVERYTHING. You really made the experience even more memorable than it could have been. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for taking care of me, my family and of course my baby boy!
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The amazing Dr. Rupe and Cooper! |
Part II coming soon...
You've truly been blessed!! I look forward to reading more! Take care of yourself and enjoy your time with Cooper!!!