Let's Do This...The Early Years.
I didn't know how far back I wanted to venture when I decided to write about my life. I still really have no idea what I am going to say, I just know that I feel inspired to share. I am writing this with the hopes that something I confess and have been through will touch someone out there. Not only will I be writing about me and my crazy / fun life, I will be sharing my experiences with certain insecurities. It's difficult to be a girl. I know this. You - whoever you are - know this. However, don't forget that it is also an amazing privilege. That is something that I often forget. It's a matter of attitude, and I for one am working on shifting mine to being more positive.
I feel like there should be a sign on these next few posts reading: SELF-ESTEEM - A WORK IN PROGRESS. :)

And I will try to remember this as I type...
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." - Eleanor Roosevelt
So here it goes...
Born in Houston, TX to Jeff & Gwynne.

I remember a lot of my childhood, and honestly - it was mostly great. I had a few speed bumps here and there, but who's road is perfectly paved? If it is perfect, how boring! How do you learn, and grow? Well for me, to sum it up, I had / have an extremely loving family. My Dad was incredible and worked very hard for us, and my mom was everyone's best friend - her children and all of our friends. My sister was my idol (I was often caught stealing...er...wearing her clothes), and my brother was a sports star and a genius. I was (and still am) truly blessed.

(Siblings circa 1988?)

(Siblings circa 1990)
My Dad's job moved us around quite a bit (a banker of all random things), so from the time I was born in Houston, TX to the time I graduated from High School in Huntington Beach, CA, I had lived in six, almost seven, houses. That's a lot of moves. The most difficult for me was in the middle of High School (which my sister had to do during her HS years as well) - but I'll get to that later. (PS - thanks a lot Mom and Dad...ha, jk.)

(Family circa 1999)
In my younger years I played soccer, practiced the piano, and randomly, the trumpet. I always had a serious love for dance, so I taught myself for a while before taking professional classes. I loved to sing and was definitely the girl who sang into her hairbrush, dreaming that it was a microphone. My passion for acting started waaay back in Elementary School where I was cast as the lead in "Bye Bye Birdie." Since then, I have studied it, majored in it and still love it as much as day one. Maybe more. I was a busy kiddo, and I am so thankful I got to do so much.

(Bye Bye Birdie)
I don't know why, but I think every girl goes through a phase of thinking she isn't good enough, pretty enough, skinny enough... Sadly, my phase has lasted since the day it began. Again, it's a work in progress.
Junior High was mostly an amazing time for me. I was the Co-Captain of the Pom (*Dance*) team, was voted "Most Friendly" in the yearbook, and had so many wonderful friends. My best friends were Britany and Stephanie, and to this day, I still love those girls. We had so much fun together. I think we all felt a lot of pressure as youngins to be pretty, and for me personally, it really affected me. There was one day in particular that got to me, and I still remember it...15 years later. I broke up with my boyfriend - let's call him Anthony - and he wasn't happy about it. I remember it was the day of the Science Fair and one of the girls projects was on her mothers liposuction. No, I am not kidding. Welcome to Scottsdale, aka- Snobs-dale, I suppose. My ex came up to me in the gym in front of all of our friends and said, "Hey, did you see that project on lipo?" I said that I had. He responded, "Have you ever considered it?" (*Cue Kaitlyn thinking she is fat.* I wasn't.) Now that I am older, I know he was just saying it to be hurtful because I had hurt him, and he was a young, immature boy - but it was a rough moment for me. Beyond little moments like that, my Junior High days were mostly great. I had fantastic friends, I was a dancer in and out of school, I began singing, my family was...awesome...it was all good.
I will just say this...If I have any advice for the little dudes out there, it's...be kind - and careful what you say, because girls are fragile. And trust me, we go through enough on our own.
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” – Plato
“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.” - Audrey Hepburn
I feel like there should be a sign on these next few posts reading: SELF-ESTEEM - A WORK IN PROGRESS. :)
And I will try to remember this as I type...
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." - Eleanor Roosevelt
So here it goes...
Born in Houston, TX to Jeff & Gwynne.
I remember a lot of my childhood, and honestly - it was mostly great. I had a few speed bumps here and there, but who's road is perfectly paved? If it is perfect, how boring! How do you learn, and grow? Well for me, to sum it up, I had / have an extremely loving family. My Dad was incredible and worked very hard for us, and my mom was everyone's best friend - her children and all of our friends. My sister was my idol (I was often caught stealing...er...wearing her clothes), and my brother was a sports star and a genius. I was (and still am) truly blessed.
(Siblings circa 1988?)
(Siblings circa 1990)
My Dad's job moved us around quite a bit (a banker of all random things), so from the time I was born in Houston, TX to the time I graduated from High School in Huntington Beach, CA, I had lived in six, almost seven, houses. That's a lot of moves. The most difficult for me was in the middle of High School (which my sister had to do during her HS years as well) - but I'll get to that later. (PS - thanks a lot Mom and Dad...ha, jk.)
(Family circa 1999)
In my younger years I played soccer, practiced the piano, and randomly, the trumpet. I always had a serious love for dance, so I taught myself for a while before taking professional classes. I loved to sing and was definitely the girl who sang into her hairbrush, dreaming that it was a microphone. My passion for acting started waaay back in Elementary School where I was cast as the lead in "Bye Bye Birdie." Since then, I have studied it, majored in it and still love it as much as day one. Maybe more. I was a busy kiddo, and I am so thankful I got to do so much.
(Bye Bye Birdie)
I don't know why, but I think every girl goes through a phase of thinking she isn't good enough, pretty enough, skinny enough... Sadly, my phase has lasted since the day it began. Again, it's a work in progress.
Junior High was mostly an amazing time for me. I was the Co-Captain of the Pom (*Dance*) team, was voted "Most Friendly" in the yearbook, and had so many wonderful friends. My best friends were Britany and Stephanie, and to this day, I still love those girls. We had so much fun together. I think we all felt a lot of pressure as youngins to be pretty, and for me personally, it really affected me. There was one day in particular that got to me, and I still remember it...15 years later. I broke up with my boyfriend - let's call him Anthony - and he wasn't happy about it. I remember it was the day of the Science Fair and one of the girls projects was on her mothers liposuction. No, I am not kidding. Welcome to Scottsdale, aka- Snobs-dale, I suppose. My ex came up to me in the gym in front of all of our friends and said, "Hey, did you see that project on lipo?" I said that I had. He responded, "Have you ever considered it?" (*Cue Kaitlyn thinking she is fat.* I wasn't.) Now that I am older, I know he was just saying it to be hurtful because I had hurt him, and he was a young, immature boy - but it was a rough moment for me. Beyond little moments like that, my Junior High days were mostly great. I had fantastic friends, I was a dancer in and out of school, I began singing, my family was...awesome...it was all good.
I will just say this...If I have any advice for the little dudes out there, it's...be kind - and careful what you say, because girls are fragile. And trust me, we go through enough on our own.
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” – Plato
“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.” - Audrey Hepburn