Praying for Jaxton
For those of you who read my blog who don't know me...Hi and thanks. Now, I need a favor. (That was quick, wasn't it?) My incredible friend Lisa and her husband Josh just welcomed their second son Jaxton into the world on February 23rd. Jaxton is a very special baby boy with Trisomy 18, Holoprosencephaly, Omphalocele, Single Umbilical Artery / SUA, and VSD. He has a lot to overcome, but I am so happy to say that baby Jaxton is almost 7 days old. He's beautiful.

So the favor I ask of you is - please pray for this family, and for this amazing little boy. God has shown us that miracles do happen, and the Husmann family absolutely has a miracle in this baby boy. PRAY FOR JAXTON and THE HUSMANN'S.
If you're interested in reading Lisa's blog (which is amazing), click here.

So the favor I ask of you is - please pray for this family, and for this amazing little boy. God has shown us that miracles do happen, and the Husmann family absolutely has a miracle in this baby boy. PRAY FOR JAXTON and THE HUSMANN'S.
If you're interested in reading Lisa's blog (which is amazing), click here.