Drama - No thanks.

Life is hard enough without dealing with drama, negativaty, ungratefulness, inflated ego's, and fake people. Am I right? Life is also too short...and personally, I'd rather spend my days filled with happiness, love and fun.

Let's just say that the last few weeks haven't been easy dealing with a certain person in the "music industry" (or so this person thinks) - and it has given Eric and I serious doubts about even wanting to be involved in the industry at all. Isn't that sad? That one person can be that awful? Especially when it's our passion...Ugh.

Then we realized...yes, this person SUCKS, is unorganized, ungrateful, takes control even when its not his/hers to take...etc (I could clearly go on...) HOWEVER - 1.) this will certainly not be the last time crappy things happen in this industry so let's learn from this and prepare, 2.) we're better people than this person, so let's move past it and try to be the bigger people, and 3.) it's a good thing that this person's true colors came out now...we have no room in our lives for fake, negative people. We're too happy otherwise. Life and love are too good to let it be ruined by another person / people.

However, it certainly has left a BAD taste in my mouth...I need a mint.


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