It's July??? What?
Well, I can't believe it's July. Where did Spring go? After the (most amazing) honeymoon... 

...we hung out with family for a few, and road tripped it home with the new addition.
She was surprisingly calm...literally slept in my lap for 95% of the trip.
We made it home, and relaxed, opened gifts (thousands it seemed), visited with friends, and enjoyed the next few weeks of being together, not employed. I was searching pretty tirelessly, and was beginning to get nervous, as my checks from Unemployment were running out. I was even thinking of being a waitress (YIKES!) again. Finally, I went to my 5th staffing agency, and they found a match! :) I am now the Executive Assistant to the CEO, COO and VP of a brand new company called School of the Legends. (For info on this company, view the's pretty rad!)
Eric turned 27 recently! :) We had a fun party at our place after a delicious dinner at PortaVia!

Also, he might be working at SOTL too sometime soon doing computer, graphic and web design, IT stuff. It'd be really fun to work with him! He's been building websites for our friends for experience, and is kicking major butt. He's so talented! He's still doing well in school and has been playing a lot of gigs lately. He plays with Zach Spencer (touring and local) and Ryan Rothe (mostly local, show in IL soon) currently, and I just booked a gig on The Billy Block Show here in Nashville - it will be broadcast live on the internet, TV and even a song on the radio. It's going to be a blast to play out again!
My brother and his friend came to Nashville and visited...
... and now Eric's folks (and my in-laws woo-hoo!) are here for 10 days. We heart visitors, even in our tiny little place! My niece/god daughter calls me weekly saying she wants to come visit Nashville, and she misses Banjo. It's pretty cute - so Savannah! COME SEE US!
An awesome friend of ours named Samantha - and Eric and I started our own media company, too! :) Check out our website for information!
I also became a Mary Kay sales rep - so if you want some quality skin care or really fun make-up, let me know!
I also occasionally work as a model/marketing representative/brand ambassador for a company in Nashville going to bars and events promoting certain kinds of liquor. It's been pretty fun, I've met some great girls, and the pay is fantastic!
Also, 3 years ago on June 30th, Eric and I met for the first time at band auditions. In honor of that day, Eric and I exchanged our own personal vows on the 30th this year. It was amazing. We've been married just over 100 days, and it's been heaven. Love that man.
So, as you can tell, I've been busy. Super busy. I'm exhausted, actually. But it's great exhaustion. How have y'all been???

...we hung out with family for a few, and road tripped it home with the new addition.
She was surprisingly calm...literally slept in my lap for 95% of the trip.
We made it home, and relaxed, opened gifts (thousands it seemed), visited with friends, and enjoyed the next few weeks of being together, not employed. I was searching pretty tirelessly, and was beginning to get nervous, as my checks from Unemployment were running out. I was even thinking of being a waitress (YIKES!) again. Finally, I went to my 5th staffing agency, and they found a match! :) I am now the Executive Assistant to the CEO, COO and VP of a brand new company called School of the Legends. (For info on this company, view the's pretty rad!)
Eric turned 27 recently! :) We had a fun party at our place after a delicious dinner at PortaVia!

Also, he might be working at SOTL too sometime soon doing computer, graphic and web design, IT stuff. It'd be really fun to work with him! He's been building websites for our friends for experience, and is kicking major butt. He's so talented! He's still doing well in school and has been playing a lot of gigs lately. He plays with Zach Spencer (touring and local) and Ryan Rothe (mostly local, show in IL soon) currently, and I just booked a gig on The Billy Block Show here in Nashville - it will be broadcast live on the internet, TV and even a song on the radio. It's going to be a blast to play out again!
My brother and his friend came to Nashville and visited...
An awesome friend of ours named Samantha - and Eric and I started our own media company, too! :) Check out our website for information!
I also became a Mary Kay sales rep - so if you want some quality skin care or really fun make-up, let me know!
I also occasionally work as a model/marketing representative/brand ambassador for a company in Nashville going to bars and events promoting certain kinds of liquor. It's been pretty fun, I've met some great girls, and the pay is fantastic!
Also, 3 years ago on June 30th, Eric and I met for the first time at band auditions. In honor of that day, Eric and I exchanged our own personal vows on the 30th this year. It was amazing. We've been married just over 100 days, and it's been heaven. Love that man.
So, as you can tell, I've been busy. Super busy. I'm exhausted, actually. But it's great exhaustion. How have y'all been???