Happy Holidays - Our 2009 Christmas Letter
Hello Friends and Family,
Eric and I were planning on sending out Christmas cards, however we've had a lot going on lately - So we wanted to give y'all a little quickie update...and wish you a very happy holiday season before it passed us by!!!
FIRST things first, we've moved! Our new address is:
(Please message me if you would like this info!)
Our Wedding Website: http://www.mywedding.com/kaitlynanderic
Please view this for details on our wedding!
This past year in Nashville has been fantastic. Eric and I have had some very exciting things happen this year.
On March 9th, we got engaged! We've had a lot of fun celebrating with friends and family this year. It's been hard planning from Nashville, so we've been home a few times to plan and visit, which has been amazing! I've had my first bridal shower, which was AWESOME and filled with wonderful ladies, and Eric even had a "man shower!" We're spending the holidays here in Nashville and spending the New Year in NYC/PA, but will head to California in EARLY March so we can finish all the wedding plans, and get hitched! :) The date is March 20th at Rancho Las Lomas in Silverado, CA. We couldn't be more excited! Also exciting...The Honeymoon...CANCUN! Thanks to our loving parents - mine for the wedding of my dreams, his for the rehearsal and honeymoon. We love you.
Eric spent a lot of last Summer and Fall touring with a band! It was a good time, in which he learned a lot! He's doing so well out here for a "newbie"...auditions, and even played a bunch of sessions for local Nashville musicians! The most exciting recent news is he'll be playing drums on the CBS EARLY SHOW in New York on JANUARY 2nd! Be sure to tune in! In other news, he's in the process of obtaining his degree in Software Engineering. :) Yay!
I'm doing pretty well. Writing new material (yay, I'm excited to be ready to ALMOST share this with you all...almost!), while planning our wedding and looking for a job that I'll love! Cross your fingers...I would love to find an awesome job! :) I have an interview for a fun one next week! The new band (who I LOVE) and I had a fun gig in AZ, and we are excited to start performing in Tennessee! ;) If you feel particularly generous...support my friend Ryan...he's an amazing musician who needs help funding his solo EP. http://ryanlafferty.blogspot.com/
We've made some awesome friends - really! thanks y'all! - and are finally starting to feel like Nashville is our "home." Although, we do miss our friends and family very much! We are so excited to get our pug puppy "BANJO" after we're married...so excited in fact, that we wish we could already have her and take her on our drive to CA...fingers crossed... :) Pictures to come...
That's all from here! We hope that you all have a happy and healthy holiday, and that 2010 brings you much joy and success!
Love From Tennessee!
ps- my niece savannah (who is a rock star dancer and drummer) is now also my gorgeous god daughter...and my rad nephew owen is my brother ryan's god son! we're so blessed! our families are doing awesome, and we love them! xo

Eric and I were planning on sending out Christmas cards, however we've had a lot going on lately - So we wanted to give y'all a little quickie update...and wish you a very happy holiday season before it passed us by!!!
FIRST things first, we've moved! Our new address is:
(Please message me if you would like this info!)
Our Wedding Website: http://www.mywedding.com/kaitlynanderic
Please view this for details on our wedding!
This past year in Nashville has been fantastic. Eric and I have had some very exciting things happen this year.
On March 9th, we got engaged! We've had a lot of fun celebrating with friends and family this year. It's been hard planning from Nashville, so we've been home a few times to plan and visit, which has been amazing! I've had my first bridal shower, which was AWESOME and filled with wonderful ladies, and Eric even had a "man shower!" We're spending the holidays here in Nashville and spending the New Year in NYC/PA, but will head to California in EARLY March so we can finish all the wedding plans, and get hitched! :) The date is March 20th at Rancho Las Lomas in Silverado, CA. We couldn't be more excited! Also exciting...The Honeymoon...CANCUN! Thanks to our loving parents - mine for the wedding of my dreams, his for the rehearsal and honeymoon. We love you.
Eric spent a lot of last Summer and Fall touring with a band! It was a good time, in which he learned a lot! He's doing so well out here for a "newbie"...auditions, and even played a bunch of sessions for local Nashville musicians! The most exciting recent news is he'll be playing drums on the CBS EARLY SHOW in New York on JANUARY 2nd! Be sure to tune in! In other news, he's in the process of obtaining his degree in Software Engineering. :) Yay!
I'm doing pretty well. Writing new material (yay, I'm excited to be ready to ALMOST share this with you all...almost!), while planning our wedding and looking for a job that I'll love! Cross your fingers...I would love to find an awesome job! :) I have an interview for a fun one next week! The new band (who I LOVE) and I had a fun gig in AZ, and we are excited to start performing in Tennessee! ;) If you feel particularly generous...support my friend Ryan...he's an amazing musician who needs help funding his solo EP. http://ryanlafferty.blogspot.com/
We've made some awesome friends - really! thanks y'all! - and are finally starting to feel like Nashville is our "home." Although, we do miss our friends and family very much! We are so excited to get our pug puppy "BANJO" after we're married...so excited in fact, that we wish we could already have her and take her on our drive to CA...fingers crossed... :) Pictures to come...
That's all from here! We hope that you all have a happy and healthy holiday, and that 2010 brings you much joy and success!
Love From Tennessee!
ps- my niece savannah (who is a rock star dancer and drummer) is now also my gorgeous god daughter...and my rad nephew owen is my brother ryan's god son! we're so blessed! our families are doing awesome, and we love them! xo