Ramblings by Me. *(And I posted NEW photos 2/15/09)*
It's been a few, so I suppose it's time for a new blog!
My parents came to visit Eric and me last week. When we picked them up from the airport, it was SO cute how giddy and happy they were to be in Nashville. I loved it. We had some really good meals (Pancake Pantry, J. Alexanders, McCabe Pub, San Antonio Taco Co., Eric cooked, and so much more!), played games like Scene It and Scrabble, explored Nashville and shopped (THANK YOU M&P), moved in the rest of my furniture from a moving pod IN THE SNOW, saw Slumdog Millionaire, went to GiGi's cupcakes, and went to the Bluebird Cafe again to see more wonderful talent; Dave Berg, Deanna Bryant, Marla Cannon-Goodman and Walt Aldridge.
It was a TRULY fantastic week, and it went by WAY too quickly - I miss my parents already...they're the most wonderful, supportive, encouraging parents in the world. I am VERY excited to visit California in May to see them, other family and friends!!!
Speaking of, Eric and I are thinking of coming mid-May...so for my Cali friends, let me know if you'll be in town, and if so - when we can get together! We're going to spend a day or two up in Paso Robles, then drive back to LA to see friends, and finally go to Orange County for some family time-especially since it's my brother, Erica and Eric's birthday month. It'll be a blast!
In other news, Eric has really been doing well at his auditions. He's gone in confident and gotten some GREAT news. He also got a gig with a country guy, who may bring him on a rodeo tour. How cool! I am seriously impressed with his drive and passion. So proud.
I have a meeting next Tuesday with a guy who is going to help me make a demo to showcase my voice, so he can show people how I sing. If they like, I'll get to demo songs, and maybe even gain a little recognition. Cross your fingers! If nothing else, I'll get to sing and that's exciting!!! Also, Eric got me some books so I can get back into Piano...he's so supportive...Gotta love him. I am really happy that people are so encouraging with my musical aspirations. However, I am looking for a job too. While I have money to get by, I hate just "getting by." I like having extra to save, spend on silly things, and I also need to start paying my parents back for EVERYTHING they've done for me!!! It's killing me! So I am meeting with a recruiter soon to see if I can get a job in the music industry...I want to keep music in my life! :)
Random thought: I love the Facebook right now. I decided to take an hour this past weekend and email all my friends who mean/t a lot to me and it is just so nice to reconnect with people you miss and care about. Another random thought: Is MySpace not as popular anymore? I don't go on there very often...Strange. I used to be addicted! Haha.
All right, I am nannying my last week, and she's due to wake up from her nap soon...so I'll write more later...and post pics from the past few weeks!
My parents came to visit Eric and me last week. When we picked them up from the airport, it was SO cute how giddy and happy they were to be in Nashville. I loved it. We had some really good meals (Pancake Pantry, J. Alexanders, McCabe Pub, San Antonio Taco Co., Eric cooked, and so much more!), played games like Scene It and Scrabble, explored Nashville and shopped (THANK YOU M&P), moved in the rest of my furniture from a moving pod IN THE SNOW, saw Slumdog Millionaire, went to GiGi's cupcakes, and went to the Bluebird Cafe again to see more wonderful talent; Dave Berg, Deanna Bryant, Marla Cannon-Goodman and Walt Aldridge.

It was a TRULY fantastic week, and it went by WAY too quickly - I miss my parents already...they're the most wonderful, supportive, encouraging parents in the world. I am VERY excited to visit California in May to see them, other family and friends!!!
Speaking of, Eric and I are thinking of coming mid-May...so for my Cali friends, let me know if you'll be in town, and if so - when we can get together! We're going to spend a day or two up in Paso Robles, then drive back to LA to see friends, and finally go to Orange County for some family time-especially since it's my brother, Erica and Eric's birthday month. It'll be a blast!
In other news, Eric has really been doing well at his auditions. He's gone in confident and gotten some GREAT news. He also got a gig with a country guy, who may bring him on a rodeo tour. How cool! I am seriously impressed with his drive and passion. So proud.
I have a meeting next Tuesday with a guy who is going to help me make a demo to showcase my voice, so he can show people how I sing. If they like, I'll get to demo songs, and maybe even gain a little recognition. Cross your fingers! If nothing else, I'll get to sing and that's exciting!!! Also, Eric got me some books so I can get back into Piano...he's so supportive...Gotta love him. I am really happy that people are so encouraging with my musical aspirations. However, I am looking for a job too. While I have money to get by, I hate just "getting by." I like having extra to save, spend on silly things, and I also need to start paying my parents back for EVERYTHING they've done for me!!! It's killing me! So I am meeting with a recruiter soon to see if I can get a job in the music industry...I want to keep music in my life! :)
Random thought: I love the Facebook right now. I decided to take an hour this past weekend and email all my friends who mean/t a lot to me and it is just so nice to reconnect with people you miss and care about. Another random thought: Is MySpace not as popular anymore? I don't go on there very often...Strange. I used to be addicted! Haha.
All right, I am nannying my last week, and she's due to wake up from her nap soon...so I'll write more later...and post pics from the past few weeks!