Count Blessings On A Tough Day

Life can be down right hard sometimes. 
Today is a toughie for me. 

-  Life with a kid:  I just want to give Cooper the world. 
Cooper started day care yesterday and there is a HUGE list of things I need to discuss with his "teacher" and the director.  I nearly pulled  him out yesterday and quit my job.  You would think they'd go the extra mile on Day 1 to help ease a mama's mind...I was shocked.  I decided that I will give this facility 1 full week to get their shit together {yes Mom, I said shit} and make a decision from there.  The problem is, the 4 places I would like to get Cooper in have "extensive" waiting lists, all with wait list fees of $100-$250 that are non-refundable.  I wish I could be a SAHM sometimes. 
He is doing a little better, health wise, but still gassy {my lil' toot} and isn't a stellar napper / sleeper.  We're working on it, and he's amazing.  
{Am going to post the 3-4 Month update after he gets his 4 Month shots on 1/7/13.}  

- Life with endless expenses:  Even though Eric and I are making plenty of money, I swear it just vanishes.  Lol.  JK, we currently have a lot to pay for with the new house, hospital bills, baby Coop, Banjo's mysterious illnesses, {Christmas}, and more.  It is what it is.  As my Dad says, "You can't take it with you..." 

- Life with a new home:  Our heat didn't work when we bought our new place.  The repair people said that if we replaced the dampers it would work properly.  We paid them $800 to fix them - and guess what?  Our hallway is nice and toasty at 74*, but the bedrooms and the rest of the house are freakin' freezing.  That's a problem for me...mostly because it's a problem for my son.  A - I don't want him getting sick and B - he hates, HATES being cold.  Poor lil' toot.

- Life with a new home:  Our contractor is an awesome guy - but it's been quite a while and the basement still isn't done.  Beyond that, the paint and crown molding on the main floor and upstairs was supposed to be completed when we were away for Christmas.  They did 1-coat of paint so far.  That means all of our shit {yes Mom, I said it again} is congregated in the middle of the room.  It's a mess, and the Living Room is basically unuseable.  Eric thinks it'll be March before we get our house "back." 

I bet I could do a lot of "Life with a new home"'s...haha. 

- Life without family:  I miss my family.  Living in Tennessee is hard.  Scratch that, living 2500 miles away is the hard part. 

- Life with a top secret:  Something that I can't post right now in case a certain someone reads this.  But I will.  When the time is right.

All that said, when life gets hard, it's important to remember BLESSINGS, of which I have plenty. 

- A beautiful baby boy who has stolen my heart.  I am so grateful for him, and love the strong, indescribable bond we have.  He's my world. So is...
- The best husband, best friend, Foo, lobster, partner in crime in the entire world who makes life so fun.
- The most supportive, incredible family who blesses us so much. {Also excited that everyone is coming to visit - SOON!}
- A new home that we get to make our own.
- Wonderful friends, who I will try so hard to see more with a baby changes things, people.  Ha!
- A car.
- A job.
- A vacation in August {hopefully}.
- ...And a good glass of wine with my husband after I put Cooper to bed tonight.  Sometimes, it's the little things. 

Life is hard, but it's also wonderful.  So even though today I am feeling a little down, I am trying to focus my energy on my incredible blessings.  {And the fact that I get to see my not-so-Mini Cooper in 30 minutes!} 

Cheers y'all.  Make it a great night.  And count your blessings.  Blog them.  Write them down.  Whatever.  It can really help shift your mood.  I'm already feeling better...


chayna rae said…
Sorry you had a rough day lady :( People always say it gets better, and it usually does. Keep your head up! If you want to talk about it, please call me! I don't want to take away from your mommy-son time and am not sure when to call!
Also, I'm good at keeping secrets, so if you need to get that off your chest, I'm your girl!
And you'd better be going on vaca in August so we can meet up! You, Eric & Cooper can stay here while you're in LA, we have plenty of room!
stephanie said…
My advice to you: Find a great cocktail, eat a cupcake on the weekend, sneak away for a pedicure, keep singing, watch mindless TV, keep a journal. Doing more for YOU will help tremendously. xoxo

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