Where We Are...Today...

Hi all...

First I want to say a HUGE thank you to the band that played with me at the Billy Block Show. They were amazing and came through in a big way! Without going into too many details because I just don't want to and am tired of unneccessary drama, not because I feel the need to protect anyone, especially people who I thought were friends who went out of their way to screw me...2 band mates decided not to show up to rehearsal after I scheduled it around their lives and were rude to me and to the rest of the band members - no other details needed. So instead of having a rehearsal, we spent time and more money looking for new players...and oh my gosh, I am so glad we did! They were AMAZING...so, if you're looking for professional, incredible musicians (and are willing to pay a little since this IS their job - it's only fair, ha!)...I recommend these players: Eric Kambestad (Drums), Zach White (Rhythm Guitar and BGV's), Luke Easterling (Bass), Jeff Coggins (Lead Guitar) and the amazing Lexi Moul (BGV's).

Secondly, Eric and I are doing AWESOME! Love being married, love spending time with our friends, we're keeping busy with Banjo, can't wait to visit friends and family in California, and are just enjoying life. Tennessee was getting the best of us the last few weeks, that is NO secret, but we've made some pretty big decisions and are now extremely content with our place in this little life, and where this life will lead us. :)

Eric is studying like crazy, and doing some pretty amazing things with the techy - computer stuff. Clearly he is the technologically minded one, I don't even know what to call it! ;) He's doing well in school, and preparing to take a JAVA test soon so he can become certified. He is due to graduate in a little less than I year, I think...so when that happens, we'll have a better idea of where we're going to end up. Pretty exciting. He's also playing drums a bunch, and has a show at the Family Wash comin' up on Thursday the 19th!

I am loving my job, and even though I am working hard, I know it will pay off. This company is going places, and I am so excited to be a part of it. Now if only I could get Eric's foot in the door... ;) We'll see. I'm also writing a pretty cool tune. Who knows if it's a hit, but it's just nice to be writing again.

I talked to my friend Chayna a few days ago which pretty much saved me. She lives in Burbank, and is pretty much awesome. (I can just see her shaking her head thinking, "Yes, I am awesome.") We miss her boyfriend Brett and her a lot...they were our couple friends in CA. Eric and Brett would play Madden, and Chayna and I would talk...then we'd all drink wine and have so much fun. It would be awesome to see them more... They're good people. She has been helping me and talking me through the rough patches Eric and I are going through living away from CA. She did the opposite of what we did - meaning, she moved from Iowa to California...but our experiences are still the same - new people, new environment, etc...so it's nice to have someone to talk to about all of this. She rocks. :) Heart you China. Ha!

On another note: My brother's pug Hapa had surgery removing 3 tumors off of her neck last week...please say a little prayer for her. Prayer absolutely helps. She's a great pup, and we want her healed so she can be the fun lil' snot she was before the surgery. THANKS!

Anyway, life is great. God is good. Friends are wonderful. Family is the best. The end. :)


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