37 + Lettuce Again?
I feel like we've done lettuce before...??? Nevertheless... 37 Weeks! HOW FAR ALONG?: 37 Weeks. Full (early) term. And I learned that they don't want to let her go past 39 weeks since she's already so big. So... any day now. SLEEP?: This question just makes me sad, y'all. I'm not going to lie. Sleep is one thing that I need and I am just not getting. I cannot get comfortable. My sweet husband even bought me a new, fluffier body pillow and it's not helping. I'm hot, huge, achy, hurt, etc. Blah. It's okay. BEST MOMENT THIS/LAST WEEK?: We had a nice, mellow 4th of July with our best friends, Ryan and Kaeli (and Ryan's little brother). Kaeli brought sparklers and - a firework - that may or may not have shot sideways onto our neighbor's roof. Lol. We also had our friends JJ and Kristina over this past weekend. They're too sweet, and even though I wasn't feeling 100%, it was nice to have them here and provided m...